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Problem with Smart-Pin Mode %10010 — Parallax Forums

Problem with Smart-Pin Mode %10010

Either the Smart-Pin mode %10010 misbehaves, or I don't understand how it works, when I set for event type Y = %00 (A-input high). Modes %10 and %11 work properly. I have included my code that transmits the Z-register count via 32-bit SPI so I can capture and view it with a logic analyzer. The three LA traces in each figure below represent (top to bottom) SPI clock, SPI data, and A-input state. All versions should detect 7 events.

Image 1. Proper transmission of count data for mode %01. You can see the SPI transmission at 3.1 sec. and another transmission at about 4.3 seconds

Image 2. Mode %00 operation. Two logic-1 pulses and multiple SPI transmissions during each logic-1 level. Six transmissions in the left group and seven in the right group. The third image shows expanded LA view of one SPI transmission after another.
' Mode 10010
' Synchronous serial transmission (SPI) of system-clock periods, Rev. 4, 06-20-2020 at 1100H MDT
' Positive trigger on the SPI clockpositive edge-trigger (Jon Titus)

        clkout   = 40	  ' Pin P40       'Transmitter's clock out, to P31
	txout    = 41     ' Pin P41       'Transmitter data out, to P30
        A_in     = 53     ' Pin P53
	org 0      
	dirl    #txout				'Transmitter setup
        wrpin	sync_tx_mode,     #txout        'Set sync tx mode for pin 41
	wxpin	#%1_11111,        #txout	'Set up stop/start mode, X[5] = 1, 32 bits (31 + 1)
	dirh	#txout			        'Enable transmitter output
	dirl    #clkout				'Clock output setup
        wrpin	clock_mode,       #clkout       'Set pin as transition-output mode
	wxpin	##$1000,          #clkout       'Set base period for transition output
	dirh	#clkout                         'Enable clock-output

        dirl   #A_in	                        'Use A_in, pin 53
	wrpin  A_in_mode,       #A_in           'Set up mode for pin P53     
        wxpin  #$07,		#A_in		'Wait for $7 events
        wypin  #%11,            #A_in           'Count A-input high states
        dirh   #A_in                            'Enable Smart Pin
.test_loop	nop
		testp #A_in  wc
   if_nc        jmp #.test_loop               'If C=0 wait for logic-1
                rdpin pin_data, #A_in          'C = 1, so save count
                wypin pin_data, #txout         'send count out via SPI
	        wypin #64,  #clkout           'Start clock, transmit data
                jmp #.test_loop                                


A_in_mode       long  %0000_0000_000_0001000000000_00_10010_0

pin_data	long	0       

sync_tx_mode    long  %0000_1111_000_0000000000000_01_11100_0	'Positive-edge clock mode

clock_mode	long  %0000_0000_000_000000_0_000000_01_00101_0	'Clock-mode
802 x 272 - 29K
783 x 197 - 34K
710 x 221 - 36K


  • I think I see the problem. In this mode, (Y[1:0] %00), the Smart-Pin counts system-clock periods until that count equals the value set in the X register, say, $50_0000. When values equal each other the Smart Pin raises the IN flag. The software can then retrieve the Z-register value. So basically it is a timer that sets the IN flag every $50_0000 clock periods as long as the A input remains at a logic-1. And the Z register shows $50_0000.

    In my software (25 MHz system clock), the value $50_0000 raises the IN flag every 0.208 msec. (The software transmits the 32-bit Z value via SPI.)

    BUT: Although the first period, from the rising edge of the A-in to the SPI's first clock, also measures 0.208 msec on my logic analyzer, the Z register produces: $0927_720F rather than 0050_0000.
    Try again: first period, Z = 08F9_DC5E
    Once more: first period Z = 0877_94EC

    For each test I recompile and run the code. Start the logic analyzer.
    LA waits for a logic-1 edge on the A-input.
    Press debounced switch to produce signal edge and continuous logic-1 input.
    Stop LA after several seconds.

    Conclusion: Something odd happens to the first Y-register value, even though the P2 has a fresh start. Why does this happen? How can I clear the Z register so the first Y-register value is the same as the others? --Jon

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,269
    edited 2020-06-21 00:37
    The detail you've missed is that Z gives you the measurement of the whole interval from completion of prior measurement to end of $50_0000 accumulation. So the amount of time from starting the program to pressing the button is also part of the measurement.

    PS: If you keep the button pressed it'll give you a clean $50_0000.

    EDIT: Clarified a little more. Certainly needs it. :)
  • Thanks, EvanH. Good info about the first value. I've attached a drawing that shows timing relationships I measured this morning. After the first value (???), every 0.2 sec I get an SPI output of $0050_0000. That's good. I thought when the A-IN signal drops to logic-0, the count would end and the pin would report the last count. But counting seems to continue. Shortly after A-IN goes back to logic-1, the Smart Pin reports the elapsed time from the last report at 0.8 sec to the point at which it reports $0144_7071. Then the outputs continue at 0.2 sec intervals. Is this the way the pin should operate? Why is this mode useful and what might someone use it for? I can't see that it provides useful information. Again, thanks for your continuing help. Maybe Chip knows. Cheers. --Jon
    1210 x 869 - 106K
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,269
    Very good find, that detail hadn't quite sunk in for me either. Yep, you've highlighted how it works nicely.

    Can't say I know a use for it. It's just one sub-mode of three in a pretty simple counter overall, Chip would've included it for completeness.

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