Nothing happens at all
in BASIC Stamp
I don't have anything plugged in other than the BASIC stamp, a battery, and the USB cable. Both the Board and my laptop (a mac) are turned on, but nothing happens. I don't even get an error message, or the option to choose what to send it to. When I try to go into download from the menu, it says that it can't locate anything. I've tried everything I can, doing things in a different order, different USB ports, refreshing, but nothing.
For the Stamp Editor to find a Stamp, you have to have a functioning serial connection between the PC and the Stamp. The Stamp has to have power available because a built-in program in the Stamp has to respond to information requests coming from the Stamp Editor on the PC.
Welcome to the forum!
You say you are using a MAC. You need to download some software:
A picture of your setup would help.
I'm using a 9-volt, PBASIC 24 pin, and a USB homework board. The software is Parallax IDE which is also my stamp editor, and my OS is mojave.
Unfortunately, I use Catalina, so I can't try the same setup that you're using (Mac OS Mojave). I'll see if I can find my Homework Board tomorrow and see if I can get the IDE to work. It's worked fine before.
Hi @JosiahG28
Just to pick up on Publison's suggestion, you may need the latest FTDI USB drivers.
You can download them from here:
These are the steps to follow- even if you have the drivers installed it might help to work over these steps in case an issue comes up that you can solve:
1. Run the installer and note what messages it gives you.
2. It may install without error/warning, or it might report that the driver was blocked due to system policy (or something like that).
3. If it was blocked, you can approve it by going to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General tab and down in the "Allow apps downloaded from:" section you may find a "... was blocked ..." message. Click the Open Anyway button.
4. You probably need to reboot before the FTDI driver will start working.
5. After reboot, check again the System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General tab for a message about the FTDI driver being blocked from loading. After you click Open Anyway, it should continue to work properly from then on.