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Prop-2 %01111 "Count A-input highs." How does it work? — Parallax Forums

Prop-2 %01111 "Count A-input highs." How does it work?

I have a short program (below) that runs and displays the eight LSBs of the RQPIN data on LEDs. Does this mode count the system-clock periods that A is high? Or does it count the number of times the A input went to a logic-1 state. The values I get seem random. The %01110 mode that counts signal edges worked fine and incremented and decremented the count as expected. Switches are debounced and show clean signals on a scope.
'Count A-input highs

        A_in = 53 'Pin P53
       'B input at pin P54  (not used here)
dat	org
	mov dira, ##$FF			'Set P7..P0 as outputs for LEDs

        dirl   #A_in	
	wrpin  A_in_mode,     #A_in     'Set up mode for pin P53
	wxpin  ##$773_5940,   #A_in     'Set for continuous count 5-sec, 25 MHz clock
	wypin  #0,            #A_in     'Count only A-input high states.     
        dirh   #A_in                    'Enable Smart Pin
.loop	rqpin   my_data,      #A_in     'Get count
	mov 	outa, my_data           'send to LEDs
	jmp	#.loop                  'Loop to get new count

A_in_mode    long  %0000_0001_000_0000000000000_00_01111_0

my_data      long  0


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Chip's terminology is not the same as other suppliers, so that can make smart pins harder to follow.

    The pin cell is Counter+Capture with user choices on
    Clock (.clk), Capture (.cap), Capture and clear (.capc) Clock Enable for a gated counter (.ce)

    My reading of this mode is :
    .clk = SysCLK
    .ce = A_in ie increments when A_in is high
    .capc = SysCLK/X, - every 5 seconds, total is captured, and counter 'clears'.

    Testing this with a button will be tricky, because the phase of that 5s window varies and a button press that crosses a 5s boundary will accumulate in two reading windows.
    If you want a button for simplicity, maybe a LED could show the 5s so the user can self-sync.

    Holding a button down for ~20 seconds, should read 4 $773_5940 results and the first and last readings will be less & depend on the phase of the capture with the button.

    Displaying this on LEDs will not be easy, 0x07735940 = 0b 0111 0111 0011 0101 1001 0100 0000
    Maybe you could shift to get upper 3 bits, and covert to a bar-graph ?
    A bit less than 5 seconds could make this more responsive ? 1~2 seconds maybe ?
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    edited 2020-06-16 23:11
    Here's a renaming I did a while back, mainly to identify which of the three groups (Count, Accumulate, Interval) that each counter mode fell into -

    So, yes, it accumulates sysclocks while A input is high. There is four such counter modes:
    	SPM_ACC_UP	= %01111_0		' accumulate: (Y=%0) A up
    	SPM_ACC_UP_DN	= %01111_0		' accumulate: (Y=%1) A up, B down
    	SPM_ACC_PULS	= %10100_0		' accumulate: pulses/steps, of X number of A-B pulses/steps
    	SPM_ACC_OVER	= %10110_0		' accumulate: A-B pulses/steps, for at least X duration
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    PS: Capturing/filtering of Pulse Density Modulation from sigma-delta ADCs is done with this mechanism. SPM_ACC_UP mode is the same as a first-order SINC filter.

  • JonTitusJonTitus Posts: 193
    edited 2020-06-17 17:34
    Thanks, guys. I appreciate your help. Here's the code I used. In a test I held the A input at logic-1 and at every 1-sec period I can see the output on a logic analyzer. I transmit the 32-bit count value via a synchronous-serial output and pick it up with a small logic analyzer so I can see all 32 bits. The logic analyzer decodes the bits into hex, so I can see results that confirm proper operation. I will use this example in the Propeller-2 SMART PIN documentation section.--Jon

    ' Mode 011111
    ' Synchronous serial transmission (SPI) of system-clock periods, Rev. 4, 06-16-2020 at 1747H MDT
    ' Positive trigger on the SPI clockpositive edge-trigger (Jon Titus)
            clkout   = 40	  ' Pin P40       'Transmitter's clock out, to P31
    	txout    = 41     ' Pin P41       'Transmitter data out, to P30
            A_in     = 53     ' Pin P53
    	org 0      
    	dirl    #txout				'Transmitter setup
            wrpin	sync_tx_mode,     #txout        'Set sync tx mode for pin 41
    	wxpin	#%1_11111,        #txout	'Set up stop/start mode, X[5] = 1, 32 bits (31 + 1)
    	dirh	#txout			        'Enable transmitter output
    	dirl    #clkout				'Clock output setup
            wrpin	clock_mode,       #clkout       'Set pin as transition-output mode
    	wxpin	##$1000,          #clkout       'Set base period for transition output
    	dirh	#clkout                         'Enable clock-output
            dirl   #A_in	                        'Count A-input highs
    	wrpin  A_in_mode,         #A_in         'Set up mode for pin P53
    	wxpin  ##$17D_7840,       #A_in         'Set for continuous count 1-sec, 25 MHz clock
    	wypin  #0,                #A_in         'Count only A-input high states.     
            dirh   #A_in                            'Enable Smart Pin
    .test_loop	nop
    		testp #A_in  wc                 ' use waitx ##100_000 for testing
       if_nc	jmp #.test_loop			'If no C flag, repeat testing
    		rdpin   rcvd_data, #A_in        'Found carry bit set, get data				
    		wypin	rcvd_data, #txout       'rcvd_data to send out SPI
    	        wypin	#64,  #clkout           'Start clock, transmit data
    		jmp #.test_loop
    A_in_mode       long  %0000_0001_000_0000000000000_00_01111_0
    rcvd_data	long	0       
    sync_tx_mode    long  %0000_1111_000_0000000000000_01_11100_0	'Positive-edge clock mode
    clock_mode	long  %0000_0000_000_000000_0_000000_01_00101_0	'Clock-mode
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    Please move the SPI clock pin init ahead of the SPI data pin init.

  • Changed as you recommended. No change in the results, though. --Jon
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    edited 2020-06-22 04:14
    Thanks. Although it has no effect on the example program, it very much can have an effect within a larger program.

    The reason is the tx smartpin is sensitive to any transitions on the clock pin. If the clock smartpin is setup after the tx smartpin, then some conditions can trigger a tx bit-shift upon clock init. This throws the word ordering off by one bit, which can be very confusing for the unsuspecting developer.

  • Understood. Thanks for explaining the reason, which makes good sense. --Jon
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