Looking for a working 1080p Demo program
Posts: 176
Im looking for a working 1980x1080 HDMI demo program
The text output demos chip included in his pnut package do not work for me, so
I need to figure out what’s wrong in my setup. I managed to do 640x350 and
640x480 via HDMI and they work Good with my monitor
Now I like to get 1080p up and running, but all demos I tried
Did not work
Thanks in advanced
Ps I use the p2 HDMI output Adapter and a p2 eval board rev B. HDMI Board is on Basepin 32
Im looking for a working 1980x1080 HDMI demo program
The text output demos chip included in his pnut package do not work for me, so
I need to figure out what’s wrong in my setup. I managed to do 640x350 and
640x480 via HDMI and they work Good with my monitor
Now I like to get 1080p up and running, but all demos I tried
Did not work
Thanks in advanced
Ps I use the p2 HDMI output Adapter and a p2 eval board rev B. HDMI Board is on Basepin 32
You can go from VGA to HDMI with an adapter.
You are aware that at 1980 x 1080 resolution you would need 2 MByte RAM even for an 8bit bitmap.
A 640 x 400 pixel resolution, can show 106 x 40 characters with a 6x8 font, is that not enough?
I was under the impression I had seen samples on the forum
But they are HDTV not HDMI.
I was to stupid to read
Too much in a hurry to read, lol
You won't get 1080p or 1080i at 50 or 60Hz directly over DVI with the P2, because the P2 would need to run over ~740MHz for that.
You may get some lower refresh HDTV resolutions and rates working over DVI if your display supports low refresh. I think 720p24 might have already been attained by Chip.
Conversely, it should be possible to achieve higher resolutions without exceeding the maximum clock frequency of the P2.
Perhaps this would still be reasonable useful for slideshow use etc. Dynamic text or graphics updates could look a bit laggy/smeared, any mouse would be pretty bad I expect.
I will be on zoom next week doing a presentation on TAQOZ but later on I will demonstrate VGA text and graphics (as well as video and sound etc).
I for sure will not do 1920x1028 at 120 MHz. The idea is: If 640 pixel wide lines runs with 126 MHz, then maybe 1024 pixel work with 200 MHz or higher. 1024x576 with 250 MHz will still give an update rate of 26 Hz.
I'll have to try my Samsung plasma. I know it's fully buffered. Maybe it will do similar things.
The ACER monitor / TV I've been using wants it all pretty close, though some of the non-standard higher res, lower refresh tricks worked.
I bought it mainly because of the many input standards. (anything the P2 can produce and also SCART and USB).
Having it all in one is nice.
The code is a first draft, and works with PropTool and flexGui (fastspin). Would be interesting to know, if it also works with other TVs and Monitors. Don't forget to adjust the HDMI basepin at begin of the code.
All other frequencies were a no go with the display indicating no input.
Im always impressed what P2 and it's community is able to do
@Peter Jakacki: is there anything TAQOZ can't do?
@rogloh: Nice! i used Hyperram myself in a complete different context and followed you thread
@SaucySoliton: Thank you so much for the code sample
I just got my p2 accessorie boards and wanted to test what’s possible.
I just misread HDTV for HDMI. My bad
For fun try some of the other video modes
1080p --- for mono HD
8 BPP 144p --- for some big characters in low res
Type WORDS to see many more modes or just play BREAKOUT.
now i can't stop smiling
hank you for testing, so the 250 MHz default setting was just right.
Thank's for the link.
I had to modify Chips code a bit to make it work with my board. Works now well with my TV.
Here is the modified code: Andy
I'll be able to give this a go over the weekend.
Doesn't work at all with my Insignia 32" Fire TV.
Didn't work at first with my DLP projector. But, when I jumpered 5V to the 5V pin there, it worked! I think it's because I have an HDMI switch there... Looks like the switch doesn't work unless it sees 5V.
Is this what it is supposed to look like?
I think I remember someone showing this working many months ago... Think I totally forgot about it...
This ORGH coding style needs to be depreciated.
If anyone extends this example code, they're going to have a lot of head-scratching to figure out that the hardcoded bitmap address is overwriting their code.