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Propeller Tool for Windows Alpha Release Supports P2 — Parallax Forums

Propeller Tool for Windows Alpha Release Supports P2

Not sure if the P2 forum users also read the announcements up top. This was posted

Please submit issues here

Thank you, Ken Gracey


  • Thanks Parallax!
  • The only working P2 I have is the original evaluation board. The notice says the new tool supports rev B and C. Can it be used with the first prototype chips?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    kbash wrote: »
    The only working P2 I have is the original evaluation board. The notice says the new tool supports rev B and C. Can it be used with the first prototype chips?

    No, some instruction encodings changed after Rev A.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,270
    edited 2020-06-09 05:33
    RevA prop2 chips? It should but with caveats. The predefined constants for hardware config will often be plain wrong, you'll have to rely on making your own constants.

    If the streamer is used at all as part of Spin2 interpreter then it'll be dead in the water because the mode bits were shuffled. I doubt this will be the case though. One known case is Chip's EEPROM boot loader uses the streamer so count that option out. Again, you can make your own of course.

    There's quite a lot of changes for the coder. Many example programs that use the pins will have compatibility issues. Any use of multi-pin ops (eg: DIRH x+y<<6 or DIRH x|y<<6) will need alternatives written. I'm not sure if spin2 will embed such things or not, probably just a case of changing the sources you are building.

    EDIT: Ha, Chip beat me with a somewhat shorter more negative answer.

  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,235
    edited 2020-06-09 09:46
    There was a thread about requested PropTool enhancements a while back:
  • cgracey wrote: »
    kbash wrote: »
    The only working P2 I have is the original evaluation board. The notice says the new tool supports rev B and C. Can it be used with the first prototype chips?

    No, some instruction encodings changed after Rev A.

    I believe the only instruction encodings that changed are the PTRA/PTRB encodings and the addition of the use of the pointers with RDLUT/WRLUT. A RevB assembler can be used for RevA with some restrictions.

    The immediate source for the RDLUT/WRLUT instructions must be less than $100. Immediate values of $100 and above are now used for the pointers. The RevA PTRA/PTRB encodings are a subset of the RevB encodings, so this will work as long as the offsets are within the range of -16 to +15.
  • Is there any P2 demo code to load with the Prop Tool?

    I've used some of the other tools and found not all the sample code worked with all the tools available. Is there some sample code to play with which will be sure to work with the new Propeller Tool?
  • Any of the P2 demo code that was part of the PNut distribution should work. So far, the code that I compiled with PNut is not having any troubles in the new Propeller Tool -- but it's all very simple stuff.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    New Prop tool looks exactly like the old Prop Tool. Not sure if that's good or bad yet... Looking forward to trying it out though.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    edited 2020-06-09 16:05
    Oh, it doesn't have P2 syntax highlighting yet...

    Wonder if it has debugging... Doesn't say anything about that... Thought that was coming...
  • It's got a few rough edges but Jeff will get that worked out. For example, if you use "New (From Template)" for a P1 file, the compiler defaults to P2 syntax unless you save the file first (not required before). It's likely that device directives will be added so that the compiler which will help identify an unsaved file.

    A toolbar is supposed to be added, so that will give it a slightly different look. I still cannot understand why the toolbar is not there now -- but that's the case.

    It's going to be interesting to see what happens vis-a-vis debugging.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    I just tried my FSRW test#2 file that works under PNUT. It seems to load and then reboot for some reason... Also, I can't load a binary file, says wrong type...
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    Think we figured out there is an issue with the file command. I imagine that will be straightforward to fix...
  • IN CASE YOU MISSED IT. Wondering about the new P2 commands and key words? From Prop Tool, Alpha version, click on Help - and then select: "Propeller 2 SPIN language" Lots of good stuff there! Have fun!!!
  • I've gotten used to several propeller IDE tools which handle full paths within OBJ declarations in my spin sources. What incantation do I need to use to get that effect in Propeller Tool, now?
      ser : "SmartSerial"         <== only seems to work if SmartSerial.spin (or .spin2) is in the same directory as my top .spin2 source
    Welcome to the "Stone Age" of software development :-)
    967 x 914 - 132K
    964 x 916 - 116K
  • pilot0315pilot0315 Posts: 915
    edited 2020-06-10 23:16
    I am getting these errors.
    Tested the board with Pnut and no problem. No settings found.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    That looks to be expected behavior for now
  • @dgately

    Maybe it's because of using Unix slash path separators instead of the backslashes for Windows?
  • dgatelydgately Posts: 1,633
    edited 2020-06-11 01:20
    rogloh wrote: »
    Maybe it's because of using Unix slash path separators instead of the backslashes for Windows?
    Yes, exactly why I asked... I tried using a full WIN-style path and got the same results! So, what does work?

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    I don’t think pnut Or prop tool1 allows paths In object names...
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2020-06-11 14:02
    Propeller Tool expects object files to be located in the project folder, or the Library folder associated with the installation, hence doesn't allow path information in the object name. In a list of feature requests I sent to Parallax was the addition of a user-specified library path.

    For Windows users, the Library folder can be a problem with the standard installation because of the way Windows deals with the Program Files (x86) parent folder. For this reason, I use a custom installation path (the PT installer allows this) so that I have easier access to the Library folder.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    Rayman wrote: »
    Think we figured out there is an issue with the file command. I imagine that will be straightforward to fix...

    The new version posted here fixes the "file" issue:
  • Great to see some progress on this. I am really looking forward to when the documentation is ready for the masses. What really sets Parallax apart IMO is the phenomenal documentation that is typically offered. I don't mind printing them out, but if Parallax wanted to sell me a spiral bound copy of "Propeller 2 Educational Labs" or "Propeller 2 manual" for 20 clams or so, I would bite. It is bit too early for this amateur to jump into the pool, but I am sure that given some time there will be official resources to help me understand what this nifty little P2 Eval board can do. Godspeed Ken, Chip and company.
  • Would you buy it at 60 clams so Parallax could break even?
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    I've heard Amazon has a printing service for things like manuals that Parallax could use...
  • @ rogersyd

    Any printing place such as a Staples can print them and do the Spiral Bound cover for a reasonable price. Just email them the PDF.
  • Ahle2Ahle2 Posts: 1,179
    edited 2020-07-02 11:31

    The Propeller Tool already works quite well for P2 development; Thanks Chip and Jeff for making this happen!! :)

    But I am really annoyed to have to remove the SD card every time I need to program my P2 Eval using the Propeller Tool. Eric Smith has this working in FastSpin with the help of some trickery.
    Is there a change to make a fix for this?

  • IncVoidIncVoid Posts: 40
    edited 2020-07-11 18:50
    Well, I haven't been keeping up with the prop2 at all, but I got a RevB eval board, the 64000-ES in the shop and accessories.

    I had to repair V1.3.2 tool to get the p2 to be seen by the version. That's fine.

    I downloaded test_LEDMATRIX.spin2 and Pins.spin2 from github, doesn't seem to work or even toggle pin 56 for me much at all. I had to mess with the syntax a lil

    the TAQOZ splash page got me up and running quick. doing "> " and hitting escape to get into TAQOZ.
      Cold start
      Parallax P2  .:.:--TAQOZ--:.:.  V1.1--v33h         190219-1900
    TAQOZ# 56 HIGH ---  ok
    TAQOZ# 56 LOG ??? 56 LOW ---  ok
    TAQOZ# .S ---
     DATA STACK (1)
    1   $0000_0038   56 ok
    TAQOZ# HIGH ---  ok

    the LED toggles for me, so I know the board works.

    I had to add parenthesis to the PUB MAIN
    and rename MAINCNT to MAINCT
    and MAINCNT to getct()
    just to get the IDE to finally compile the top and "load ram"

    I'll have to look at the spin2 language sheet again, but this is reminding me of adafruit circuit python examples that are always outdated, the languages are constantly evolving, I understand that, but the examples/demo's aren't.

    Great job so far though! I'm enjoying the early adopter meetings and thanks for uploading them to youtube.
    I know it might be alot of hand holding, but I'd love to see the accessories showed off in a video someday.

    Staples printing the pdf might be a good option, how close is spin2 to being final? or is it ALPHA just like the propeller tool supporting p2?

    Thanks Again.

    The MinimalSpin2Program() from the spin2 doc DOES work. it just didnt paste with the proper REPEAT indentation.
    but the pasm right below it does work.

    Is the propTool just for pasm as of now?
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,982
    edited 2020-07-11 18:42
    @IncVoid I see what your problem is...

    Looks like the PropTool is rigged to default to P1 syntax unless you save or open as P2 file with .spin2 file extension...

    I've attached that minimal code. If you open it, it will know it is for P2 from the .spin2 extension and run right...
  • IncVoidIncVoid Posts: 40
    edited 2020-07-11 19:13
    the minimalist does work, I just didnt check the indentation, just blindly pasted and hit F10
    I'll go back and check to see what the test LEDMATRIX is doing that is hiccuping the demo. thanks for the reply, I'll just pour much needed time in it.

    I see it now, in the spin2 doc. OUTx and DIRx seem to be useful only in pasm now. that explains why Pins.spin2 wasnt doing anything, no errors.
    I tried replacing the PINWRITE with appropriate DIRB and OUTB to manually toggle the pins, but no go. so I'll assume those dont work from spin2 anymore, Im sure itll throw an error in later version of PropTool.

    Thanks again Rayman
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