I use a cinch cable from the AV accessory board (socket B ) to the monitor to transmit a composite video signal.
The Mandelbrot set is calculated once and placed in a local buffer. It is relatively slow.
Then it can quickly switch between 2 pictures.
a periodic structure is created, loaded into the video buffer and displayed for approx. 10 seconds.
Then in a loop the video buffer aes128 encrypted , waited for 1 sec and decrypted again.
When I first did a Mandelbrot in Forth this time last year it took quite a few seconds to do a full 640x480 screen, especially with far more zoom. Then when I wrote the inline assembler I was able to code a few routines and that made it a lot faster.
After I took these screen shots I decided to write a screenshot routine that would save it as a bmp on the card.
in the demo from @ersmith are working up to 6 cogs for render the mandelbrot set.
This is very fast.
You find it in the newest FLEXGUI - zipfile.
Sorry, but this joke must have been. :-)
Do we speak about the demo flexgui/samples/Multi-Language/mandelbrot.c ?
Do you have all 6 cogs running?
This can be set at runtime via the terminal connection.
The demo default is only one cog.
Probably Forth is faster, but I have no comparison and skills in order to it.
Best Regards, Reinhard
I suspect you could get fairly similar numbers with FORTH or any language really, if you use assembly language for the inner loop. The time is heavily dominated by the multiplication. Reducing the accuracy (using only 16 bit multiplies instead of 32 bit multiplies) would give about a 3x speedup as well.