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ASM-only code files — Parallax Forums

ASM-only code files

I like writing purely assembly language programs for the Propeller. The problem is that the "standard" file format is really for Spin, and that has necessarily impacted design decisions about the file format and features. I am not asking to change spin files. Instead, I want to define a file format that is meant to only be assembly language. And while I think it would be good to use the same general syntax as in spin files, I think there are a few things I would do differently:
  • #define-like ability to define constants (instead of a CON block)
  • import/include other files (make things more modular)
  • macro-like ability to define compile-time snippets (this is a stretch goal)

So, given the myriad of programming language activities going on, does this already exist?


  • I think fastspin has a C-like preprocessor for spin files. If you're programming assembler, the compiler difference doesn't matter, anyways.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-06-07 01:37
    I use m4 as a preprocessor and then pass the processed file to p2asm which also produces a proper real listing. If p2asm doesn't do what you want, you can request features I guess or give it a go yourself. I cringe if I have to use PNut for some reason though. I also use loadp2 but lately I have been using ozpropdev's python loader instead.

    EDIT: I just grabbed m4 at the time while I was adapting TAQOZ for ROM use and I really had to break up my main file into sections that could be built in different ways. But thinking about it now, it probably isn't too hard to write some Python code to preprocess files and then combine that with oz's loader code too.
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,542
    I'd echo Peter's recommendation for p2asm. Catalina has a stand-alone C-style preprocessor (spinpp) that can add all the desired capabilities (#include, #define, #if etc).

    There are batch files in the Catalina bin directory (p2_asm.bat on Windows, and just p2_asm on Linux) that wrap the two together.
  • I was looking more for a file standard than a particular toolchain. As it turns out, I'm finally putting aside some time to start working on a dedicated (no Spin) assembler (more on that another time). I thought it would be a good idea to reuse an existing file format that the community had coalesced around, if there was one. But, if not, I'll likely start from a subset of the Spin version and gradually add the features I'd like to see. I'm not keen on creating a one-off file format, but I find the current Spin format somewhat restrictive. I feel like it should be possible for the assembly code to stand on its own and be full featured in its own right. Ideally, we would all use the same format, including Spin (i.e. whether embedded in a DAT block, or imported through some other means).

    (incidentally, I left one item out of the list above because I was concerned it would be controversial. I would make all of the directives (ORG, ORGH, etc.) use a different syntax instead of making them look like instructions. That would admittedly be a bigger departure than just adding some new features. On the other hand, I think it would make it more obvious what is a compile-time feature and what isn't.)
  • @cgracey I just read your recent comment on the "Thoughts on memory" thread. One thing I would ask of your toolchain work is to make P2ASM its own entity. With Propeller 1, it was natural to have it tied together with Spin. But with the P2, that necessity isn't there any more. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have ASM inside your spin file. I think that's perfectly reasonable when you are writing spin code. But I'd like to be able have assembly code stand by itself. And I'd much rather have you define the standard for that. (I also think this would allow people working on ASM support in other languages to have a more common format to use, improving the overall development tool ecosystem.)
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    Seairth wrote: »
    • #define-like ability to define constants (instead of a CON block)
    • import/include other files (make things more modular)
    • macro-like ability to define compile-time snippets (this is a stretch goal)
    Fastspin has #include for simply inlining the subordinate text sources. Easy to use. There is a #define but it does not supplant CON sections. It is only for conditional assembling. What I have found is CON sections can be numerous and there is no ordering, they are all global.

    Not sure about behaviour when compiling though. Spin/C/Basic objects may have different rules.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,542
    Seairth wrote: »
    I was looking more for a file standard than a particular toolchain.

    I think you may need to explain exactly what you mean by "file standard". p2asm just takes a plain text file of pure P2 assembly language, which seems to be what you want - apart from the #define capabilities, which are typically added separately by a pre-processor of your choice.

    The directives - DAT, CON, ORG, ORGH, ORGF, FIT etc - are all standard and would have to be supported by any assembler.

    I'm not sure what there is more than that to "standardize", but I may be missing your intent here.

  • RossH wrote: »
    Seairth wrote: »
    I was looking more for a file standard than a particular toolchain.

    I think you may need to explain exactly what you mean by "file standard". p2asm just takes a plain text file of pure P2 assembly language, which seems to be what you want - apart from the #define capabilities, which are typically added separately by a pre-processor of your choice.

    The directives - DAT, CON, ORG, ORGH, ORGF, FIT etc - are all standard and would have to be supported by any assembler.

    I'm not sure what there is more than that to "standardize", but I may be missing your intent here.


    I get that I could likely have what I want by using a preprocessor. But even then, is there a standard set of preprocessor directives, macros, etc, that everyone is using?

    In truth, I don't want to use a preprocessor. I'm not dealing with a language like C where preprocessors are expected. As I stated above, I am starting a new assembler project and a preprocessor does fit with what I have planned. For instance, at the very least, I want an intrinsic syntax for importing other assembly code. And I don't want to have CON and DAT blocks, which I view as Spin concepts, not PASM concepts.

    What I'm hearing is that there isn't anything like that.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Seairth wrote: »
    For instance, at the very least, I want an intrinsic syntax for importing other assembly code. And I don't want to have CON and DAT blocks, which I view as Spin concepts, not PASM concepts.

    What I'm hearing is that there isn't anything like that.

    Did you look at ersmith's work ?
    IIRC that was doing include file support ?

    eg this was talking about the most 'asm like' comments & supporting ; as a comment in ASM.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I cannot understand what you’re saying.
    CON is tor constant equates.
    #define is for setting compiler directives
    #ifdef is for conditional compilation using the options defined with the #define directive
    #include is used to insert more statements from an external file
    file inserts a binary into the source.
    ORG sets/resets the origin

    These are fairly standard across many compilers dating back to pre 80’s. We had similar but differently named facilities (extremely powerful macros) instead. They were more powerful than anything I’ve ever seen since.

    Eric’s fastspin does all the above, pnut only does file, and I’m unsure about p2asm. On P1 Roy’s OpenSpin, homespun and bst all implemented them too. Ross will need to comment wrt Catalina.

    Of course we have ORGH because of hub.

    I have been compiling pure pasm files for P2 for years -yes it’s been that long. While Chip compiled the P2 ROM with pnut, Peter and I used p2asm as it produced a very nice listing. Fastspin also produces a very nice listing. I’m compiling my Z80 emulator using fastspin and now have it in a number of separate files.

    To me, I don’t care if the compilation (or to be pedantic, assemble) is done by a single program, or a pre-processor followed by a compiler, as long as the results are the same.

    These days I use VS Code to edit my code. It works great, highlights code words in various colours, shows indentation, and above all is free, open source (but maintained by ms) and cross platform (Windows, Unix, mac). BTW I use vsc every day for my python day job.

    I much prefer to use a standard editor such as VSC rather than use a less powerful IDE.

    So, what am I missing?
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    He's wanting to be able to define constants anywhere in the source. Get rid of the CON section entirely.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-06-07 12:29
    evanh wrote: »
    He's wanting to be able to define constants anywhere in the source. Get rid of the CON section entirely.
    I certainly didn’t get that.
    But hey you can do this now. You just have to insert a CON, then the equates, and then back with a DAT followed by an ORG or ORGH. I do it now with #include files and fastspin, but it doesn’t have to be in an include file. Probably pnut would handle it too.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,268
    edited 2020-06-07 12:31
    ORG can't be used that easily since ORG implies ORG 0.

    And ORGH has a trickiness to it as well with hubexec requiring a minimum start of $400.

  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    These are fairly standard across many compilers dating back to pre 80’s. We had similar but differently named facilities (extremely powerful macros) instead. They were more powerful than anything I’ve ever seen since.

    Eric’s fastspin does all the above, pnut only does file, and I’m unsure about p2asm. On P1 Roy’s OpenSpin, homespun and bst all implemented them too. Ross will need to comment wrt Catalina.

    Of course we have ORGH because of hub.

    I will certainly need to look at how fastspin handles multiple ASM files. But here's the thing. I am not looking to make an assembler based on pre-80's concepts. For instance every modern programming language (including Spin) has first-class import concepts instead of C-like includes. This is not to disparage preprocessor techniques, but it is not what I want in a "modern" language.
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    These days I use VS Code to edit my code. It works great, highlights code words in various colours, shows indentation, and above all is free, open source (but maintained by ms) and cross platform (Windows, Unix, mac). BTW I use vsc every day for my python day job.

    I much prefer to use a standard editor such as VSC rather than use a less powerful IDE.

    Actually, that is directly related to my plans. I too solely use VSC these days, and am working on a new extension for it. But, my intent for that extension is to be ASM-only. But more to the point of this conversation, the logical model of the source files significantly impacts the design of that code. For instance, were I to use "#include" and treat it like preprocessors do, then it means that every time I parse a file containing that directive, I need to inject the contents as if it were inline and coders can't use "#include print.p2asm" (for instance) in multiple source files. On the other hand, if there is an "import"-like behavior, then the referenced code file is not injected. Just its symbols are, and the rest becomes linkable (so to speak). There are obviously trade-offs to each approach, but what I want is the latter approach.
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    So, what am I missing?

    Maybe nothing at all. I clearly view the place of ASM code in the P2 software ecosystem differently than many of you here. My original question was simply whether such an alternative existed. I don't want to impose changes on anyone else, and I don't expect to be in agreement with everyone on this topic. Certainly, if a more universal standard were to be defined, I'd prefer Chip to be the one to do it (or, in lieu of that, the community). And if there's no desire for this from anyone else but me, then that's fine too.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    I cannot understand what you’re saying.
    CON is tor constant equates.
    #define is for setting compiler directives
    #ifdef is for conditional compilation using the options defined with the #define directive
    #include is used to insert more statements from an external file
    file inserts a binary into the source.
    ORG sets/resets the origin

    Addressing this separately, CON is section of Spin code. Along with VAR, OBJ, PUB, PRI, and DAT. These are all legacies of the P1, where the only way to run assembly code is to bootstrap it with Spin code. And modularization is spin-centric. Heck, assembly code sits inside a data block. And that's fine for P1. But P2 is something different. Assembly code can stand on its own. No host language required. I am looking for a format that is not just "Spin without VAR, OBJ, PUB, or PRI". In other words, a format unburdened by another language it no longer depends on.

    I admit I was careless when I used "#define" above, as it inadvertently invokes other concepts (like the use of preprocessors) that get in the way of my intended question. I am looking for a format that uses "modern" programming concepts and is not just spin-but-not-spin. If it doesn't exist, then that's a perfectly acceptable answer to my original question.

    (note: I have also come to realize during this conversation that, for others to use this new format in existing toolchains, it would potentially require abandoning their own idiomatic concepts (e.g. #include). And so maybe what I am asking for is really just too domain-specific to be shared across toolchains. And have therefore essentially answered my own question. :lol: )
  • Seairth wrote: »
    [...]Certainly, if a more universal standard were to be defined, I'd prefer Chip to be the one to do it (or, in lieu of that, the community). And if there's no desire for this from anyone else but me, then that's fine too.
    Seairth wrote: »
    [...]I am looking for a format that is not just "Spin without VAR, OBJ, PUB, or PRI". In other words, a format unburdened by another language it no longer depends on.

    That said, I do see an opportunity here. I believe it's possible that the ASM code could stand on its own, be fully-featured, and still work hand-in-hand with Spin2. Admittedly, it might meant that Spin2 would have to change slightly, and it seems now would be the time to do it. For instance, imagine changing the Spin2 format as follows (and note that I am spitballing here):

    Defined a new ASM section that is named similar to PUB/PRI.
    Change OBJ to something more generic like REF or IMP(ort), and change the format so that it can reference another file and a symbol (or symbols) within it.
    Formally define .spin files to contain all sections and .p2asm to have only CON, REF, ASM, and DAT blocks (inclusion of the other sections would be an error).

    I don't know what the right approach is, admittedly. And Spin is Chip's language, not mine. So maybe he has no desire to do anything like this. And that's fine too.
  • There is a standard file format for assembly on P2, that's accepted by three different tool chains (PNut, p2asm, and fastspin). Yes, it may seem inelegant that it contains CON and DAT (which are leftovers from Spin) but honestly I don't think there's any point in trying to change it at this late stage.

    What I'd suggest you do instead is to add a "preprocessor" to convert your vision of p2asm to the standard format. This would not necessarily be a traditional C preprocessor, but rather something like ratfor that translated a cleaned up version of Fortran to "standard" Fortran. That way you could convert code written in the assembly format you like into something that the other tools can accept.
  • ersmith wrote: »
    There is a standard file format for assembly on P2, that's accepted by three different tool chains (PNut, p2asm, and fastspin). Yes, it may seem inelegant that it contains CON and DAT (which are leftovers from Spin) but honestly I don't think there's any point in trying to change it at this late stage.

    When you say "standard file format", are you also talking about usage of things like #include? Or are you just referring to the Spin/Spin2 format as the standard format?

    Regardless, I think I've come to the realization that the thing I want doesn't exist.
    ersmith wrote: »
    What I'd suggest you do instead is to add a "preprocessor" to convert your vision of p2asm to the standard format. This would not necessarily be a traditional C preprocessor, but rather something like ratfor that translated a cleaned up version of Fortran to "standard" Fortran. That way you could convert code written in the assembly format you like into something that the other tools can accept.

    If I'm following you correctly, I like that approach. For my own assembler, I treat the files as-is (e.g. have import semantics instead of include preprocessor directives). To use the code with other toolchains, I'd write a converter that others could use to create a valid .spin file (or whatever format you are stating above to be standard).
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,979
    Personally, I find the DAT and CON headers very useful for dividing PASM2 code into sections.
    Assembly code can get pretty big now and I need some way to jump between sections.
    SpinEdit (and hopefully the Prop Tool) shows a list of sections that you can jump to by clicking on.
    1337 x 1327 - 174K
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,979
    Decided to test the latest fastspin (4.2.0) out on my old raycasting code:

    It gave an error on this section of the USB keyboard/mouse driver, that I fixed with the ORG/END:
    PRI mywrpin_(mode, pin)
            wrpin   mode,pin
    #ifdef __SPIN2CPP__
      {++ pinwr(pin, mode); }
      wrpin_(mode, pin)

    It seems that __SPIN2CPP__ is not defined (should it be?) and wrpin_ appears to not be implemented...
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Seairth wrote: »
    Actually, that is directly related to my plans. I too solely use VSC these days, and am working on a new extension for it. But, my intent for that extension is to be ASM-only. But more to the point of this conversation, the logical model of the source files significantly impacts the design of that code. For instance, were I to use "#include" and treat it like preprocessors do, then it means that every time I parse a file containing that directive, I need to inject the contents as if it were inline and coders can't use "#include print.p2asm" (for instance) in multiple source files. On the other hand, if there is an "import"-like behavior, then the referenced code file is not injected. Just its symbols are, and the rest becomes linkable (so to speak). There are obviously trade-offs to each approach, but what I want is the latter approach.
    So this relates more to link-handling, and the ability to remove dead code & overlay local variables ?
    That would certainly be useful, and I've seen assemblers with library supporting OBJ files that the linker can remove unused, often on a multi-pass basis.
    Some linkers also can try to overlay local vars, on a who-calls-who basis.
    I'm not sure where the current P2 Assemblers fit on linking - they may expect to 'see' all source code.

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,542
    I agree with @ersmith - there is a standard for P2 assembly, and I believe p2asm also complies. It just that the use of the CON and DAT keywords makes it "look" a bit like Spin. But of course, these constructs are equally as applicable to PASM as they are to SPIN, and the other SPIN-only keywords (VAR etc) are not used in PASM-only files.

    As for "include" capability, I don't see what is wrong with using a C-style pre-processor to achieve that. This also makes it a "standard" - and one that nearly everyone would be familiar with.

    As for "import" style behaviour, this is not typical assembler functionality, but linker functionality - as @jmg points out.

    Spin's confusion of assembly, compilation and linking may have seemed like a good idea by Parallax to help newbies, because it reduced the number of tools they had to use - but until it was teased apart by others, it is what made supporting languages other than Spin on the P1 such a dog's breakfast.

    Let's not fall back into this trap on the P2. We have a de-facto standard for PASM files - let's accept it and move on.

  • RossH wrote: »
    Let's not fall back into this trap on the P2. We have a de-facto standard for PASM files - let's accept it and move on.

    I have my answer, and will indeed move on.
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