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P2 Cog Startup Routine v0.11 for PASM programs — Parallax Forums

P2 Cog Startup Routine v0.11 for PASM programs

Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
edited 2020-06-05 08:06 in Propeller 2
P2 Cog Startup Routine v0.11 for PASM programs
* Added option to suppress the "Auto Detect" message display
* Added option to load code into LUT
* Added option to execute user HUBEXEC code before returning to the users COG program

P2 Cog Startup Routine v0.10 for PASM programs
Here is a simple little utility routine that you can call from your user pasm program to setup to use the P2 ROM Serial/Monitor...
Only takes 1 long at the start of your program to call the routine that resides in hub using hubexec, and you can still use it for your own variable too.
'' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' | Cluso's P2 COG startup routine with ROM Serial/Monitor             v0.11  |
'' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' |  Authors:       (c)2019-2020 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                      |
'' |  Modifications:                                                           |
'' |  License:       MIT License                                               |
'' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' + This routine resides in HUB and is called immediately you run your        +
'' + first COG.                                                                +
'' + Since it resides in HUB it only takes 1 long in your COG space.           +
'' + This routine will...                                                      +
'' + * Calculate your clock constants in a CON section                         +
'' + * Define the ROM Serial/Monitor entry points in a CON section             +
'' + * Determine if a P2EVAL or P2D2 (requires pulldown on "pincfg" = 25)      +
'' + * From your "begin   call  ##\_hubStartup" as the first COG instruction...+
'' + * Sets the P2 clock frequency                                             +
'' + * Initialises the ROM Serial/Monitor for use in your program              +
'' + * Delays config time to allow you to start a Terminal prog on your PC     +
'' + * Determines if you're running on a P2EVAL or P2D2 and displays a string  +
'' + * If _DISPLAY_AUTO_STR <> 0 then an "Auto Detected..." will be displayed  + 
'' + * Displays your "str_progid" string ($0 will prevent the display)         +
'' + * If _LOAD_LUT_CODE <> 0 then LUT will be loaded from...                  +
'' + *     _USER_LUT_BEGIN to _USER_LUT_END                                    +
'' + * If _RUN_HUBEXEC   <> 0 then a JMP to the users hubexec code starting at +
'' +       _USER_HUBEXEC_BEGIN                                                 +
'' + * Returns to your COG program                                             +
'' + Include the following sections at the appropriate place in your code...   +
'' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' RR20200604 v010  first release
'' RR20200605 v011  add option: suppress display, load LUT, and run HUBEXEC
And the demo program that uses it...
'+-------[ Select startup options ]--------------------------------------------+  
  _CLOCKFREQ         = 200_000_000      ' clock frequency
  _clkfreq           = _CLOCKFREQ       '
  _BAUD              = 115_200          ' serial speed
  _STARTUP_DELAY     = _CLOCKFREQ * 2   ' 2s delay to get terminal running
  _DISPLAY_AUTO_STR  = 1                ' $0 to suppress display "Auto Detected..."
  _LOAD_LUT_CODE     = 0                ' $0 to suppress loading LUT code
  _RUN_HUBEXEC       = 1                ' $0 to suppress running HUBEXEC code

'+============[ COG startup code ]=============================================+
                org     0               ' compile for cog
workarea                                '\ used as a temp variable by hubexec code
begin           call    #\_hubCogStart  '/ set clock,detect pcb,start-serial,output program-id
.here           call    #\_hubMonitor   '\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your cog code goes here
                jmp          '/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your cog code goes here


''============[ HUB VARIABLES ]================================================+                                    
str_progid      byte    "    Cluso's COG_STARTUP demo",13,10,0  ' change to suit
str_progid2     byte    "    Another message from hubexec",13,10,0
_USER_HUBEXEC_BEGIN                                      ' users hubexec code begins here
                mov     lmm_p, ##str_progid2  '\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your hubexec code goes here
                call    #\_hubTxStr           '/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your hubexec code goes here
                RET                                      ' return to users cog code
_USER_LUT_BEGIN                                          ' users lut code to be loaded begins here
'               .....                   '\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your lut code goes here
'               .....                   '/ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< your lut code goes here
_USER_LUT_END                                            ' users lut code to be loaded ends here

Note: It does not save your clock values to the hub ram. Maybe later. Requires fastspin.

Enjoy :sunglasses:


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    With this code I now no longer need to re-load the cog with new code once I get the initialisation things running.

    I think that I'll extend it to allow additional hubexec code to be executed when placed there by the user, and to permit loading LUT as well. I have the need for both these things now.
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