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Memmory Adressing Problems — Parallax Forums

Memmory Adressing Problems

zufluchtzuflucht Posts: 2
edited 2020-05-20 13:48 in Propeller 1
Hi Folk,
I am new to µC- Programming and the Spin language.
I am trying to use Data over a set of subroutines / Cog's.

Main.Spin should create Some Data in an Array and send the Memory Adress to a second Cog where the address is read and stored in another Array. As seen in the Prop. Manual in Section Long (Syntax 3) p. 130

Here is My Code
  'pst  : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
  dot : "PlayWithNumbers" 

     _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                      ' System clock settings
     _xinfreq = 5_000_000
     CLS    = 16                                    ' Parallax Serial Terminal constants
     CR     = 13
     long Zahl[5]
     long ID
     long Index
     long read
     long write  
PUB worker
'create some Numbers to play with
 Zahl[0] := 1234
 Zahl[1] := 5678
 Zahl[2] := 9999
 Zahl[3] := 9876
 Zahl[4] := 5432
 Zahl[5] := 1111


and the Code for the second cog in a new *.spin -sheet
  pst  : "Parallax Serial Terminal"

  Konstante = 1337
  CLS = 16
  CR = 13

  long Stack[30]
  long cog
  long read
  long write
PUB start(Adr) : okay
  okay := cog := cognew(main(Adr), @Stack) +1
  waitcnt(200_000 + cnt)
PUB stop
'' Stoppt lesende Com-Routine - Setzt einen cog frei

  if cog
    cogstop(cog~ - 1)

PUB main(Adresse)
   read := 0
   read := long[@Adresse][0] 'does not Match With Zahl[0]

   pst.Str(string("read: "))       
   waitcnt (clkfreq + cnt)

Can anyone suggest where my Mistake is?

In a next Step the data will be modified, and read at the first Cog.

Thanks for Help

Many Greetings


  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,142
    edited 2020-05-20 13:31
    First off, please use the proper source code tag (the "C" button above the text box)...

    read := long[@Adresse][0] 'does not Match With Zahl[0]
    should be
    read := long[Adresse][0]

    @Adresse gives you the address of Adresse (which, being a method parameter, lies on the stack), i.e. a pointer to a pointer.
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2020-05-20 13:51
    Hello 'zuflucht', welcome to the parallax forums.

    Please use the code tags, when you post code (the big C in the edit menu), so the indentions will be visible.
    At a first look, I see two problems:
    The Zahl array is declared with 5 elements, but you use 6 (0..5). The 6th element just overwrites the following ID variable, which you not use yet, so no big problem.

    The bigger mistake:
    You pass the address of the array, and then you access the value with long[@Adresse][0]. That means you use the address of the address, and not the passed address itself.
    So try it with: long[Adresse][0].


    Edit: Okay, Würfel_21 was a bit faster...
  • Also, you may run into trouble here at some pint:
    long Zahl[5]    <== do you mean 'Zahl[6]???
    long ID
    long Index
    long read
    long write
    PUB worker
    'create some Numbers to play with
    Zahl[0] := 1234
    Zahl[1] := 5678
    Zahl[2] := 9999
    Zahl[3] := 9876
    Zahl[4] := 5432
    Zahl[5] := 1111   <== there is no Zahl[5], only Zahl[0] thru Zahl[4]... '1111' is being written into ID, here!

  • Many Thanks!
    I will test your sugestions this evening
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