Can't help it, must hack - a radio controlled clock

I am many decades old, but still I love to dismantle electronic stuff once in a while. For a long time I have toyed with the idea to interface the Propeller with a radio clock receiver. Finally the clock on the wall fell down and broke - minutes later I got it opened and found the (DCF77) receiver unit which is connected to the clockwork electronics. 5 wires connect the two, named VDD, RF, GND, AGC, PON. I am guessing Voltage, Time signal, Ground, Automatic Gain Control, Power on. Regards the latter, these clocks run on a single AA, so the receiver is only switched on once in a while. Why AGC is brought out I have no idea. AGC could also mean something different.
Next step would be to disconnect the clockwork, feed 1.4V VDD to the receiver, hook up a scope to the RF, and see what happens when PON is tied to +
Anyone done this before me?
Next step would be to disconnect the clockwork, feed 1.4V VDD to the receiver, hook up a scope to the RF, and see what happens when PON is tied to +
Anyone done this before me?
If it's DCF77 then there is a pulse every second, 100 or 200 ms. 100ms is 0, 200ms is 1. The full time/date is encoded in one minute (59 pulses). Second #59 has no pulse. IRC there is also a checksum and some status bits (DST active (CET/CEST), and DST change by end of the hour, which antenna is in use). Some years ago I did the decoding with prop. Would have to dig in my archives.
WWVB can be used to calibrate devices since it's "NIST-traceable".
I made one using a Raspberry Pi Zero W and a ferrite rod from an old transistor radio. I put it in a 3D-printed case with the ferrite rod sticking out (because it's longer than the Pi Zero PCB). Working the RF stage from the Pi's 3.3V it has a range of a few metres. I tried it on the 5V supply and it worked all over my house. I switched back to the 3.3V because I don't want to interfere with any radio clocks that my neighbours may have.
I can connect to the Pi using SSH to set the time of my clocks - no need for the Pi to have any wired connections other than power.
I attache it