Wrote another article for Circuit Cellar on embedded system that uses the Prop1
Posts: 821
May 2020 issue# 358, titled Proximity Food Delivery Notifier.
With the current global pandemic, home delivery becoming the new norm and for some, it is mandatory while serving out their stay-home notice, unfortunately. For readers of Circuit Cellar, enjoy & hopefully, have fun with it.
Even after more than a decade, P1 still possesses many potentials for very useful projects not just for academia but also for home & industries. Now working from home, as many of you, I should plan to continue to look into P2 more actively. The last time I tried was with the Propeller 1-2-3 FPGA.
With the current global pandemic, home delivery becoming the new norm and for some, it is mandatory while serving out their stay-home notice, unfortunately. For readers of Circuit Cellar, enjoy & hopefully, have fun with it.
Even after more than a decade, P1 still possesses many potentials for very useful projects not just for academia but also for home & industries. Now working from home, as many of you, I should plan to continue to look into P2 more actively. The last time I tried was with the Propeller 1-2-3 FPGA.