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Spin2 method multiple return values issue — Parallax Forums

Spin2 method multiple return values issue

Hi Chip
The code below has 3 method variants, 2 work Ok and the 3rd (oz3) fails.
The oz3 method returns a zero value for the second value instead of 56.
'return multiple results test

pub main()|x,y

	x,y := oz3(12)		'oz1,oz2 = Ok : oz3 error

	if x == 34
            pinl(56)		'1st result Ok
	if y == 56
	   pinl(57)		'2nd result Ok

	if y == 0
	   pinl(59)		'2nd result == 0m wrong!


pub oz1(z) :fred,barney		'works Ok
	fred := 34
	barney := 56

pub oz2(z) :fred,barney		'works Ok
	fred := 34
	barney := 56

pub oz3(z) :fred,barney		'2nd result == 0 wrong!
	return 34,56


  • I was doing other testing, anyway, so I tried, too. Error confirmed.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Thanks for finding this. It seems it just misses the last return value. Hopefully, this is really simple to fix. Looking now...
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    It turns out I was overwriting the top-of-stack when I should have let it be. I had to add the 5th-to-last line "if_z skip #%11":
    ' RETURN		Z=0	- return results in stack
    ' RETURN x,y,z		Z=1	- return args on top of stack
    '  ptra = dbase				(point to current stack)
    '  ptra[-6] --> v			(top of caller stack)
    '  ptra[-5] --> pbase | flags		(trap_flag in bit 1, push_flag in bit 0)
    '  ptra[-4] --> vbase
    '  ptra[-3] --> dbase			(lower stack pointer)
    '  ptra[-2] --> msend
    '  ptra[-1] --> w			(bytecode return pointer)
    '  ptra -= 6				(point to top of caller stack)
    '  case {trap_flag, push_flag}
    '    %00: restore caller stack
    '    %01: return (Z ? stack_args : results)
    '    %10: restore caller stack
    '    %11: return 0
    returnh	if_z	mov	y,ptra		'if returning arg(s), save ptra (x holds last arg)
    	if_nz	mov	y,dbase		'if returning result(s), save dbase
    		mov	ptra,dbase	'ptra points to dbase
    		setq	#6-1		'pop v/pbase/vbase/dbase/msend/w
    		rdlong	v,--ptra	'ptra points to caller's stack top after pop
    		rczr	pbase	   wcz	'save Z, get trap_flag into C and push_flag into Z
      if_c_and_z	add	ptra,#1*4	'if trap_flag and push_flag, return #0
      if_c_and_z	mov	v,#0
      if_c_or_nz	jmp		'if !push_flag, restore caller's stack top
    		getnib	z,w,#5		'get return-value count and decrement
    		djf	z,		'if 0 return values, restore caller's stack top
    		add	ptra,#1*4	'1..15 return values, inc past caller's stack top
    		testb	pbase,#30  wz	'restore Z
    	if_z	tjz	z,#.xok		'if returning 1 arg, ptra and x are already current
    	if_z	neg	v,z		'if returning 2..15 args, get offset (-$01..-$0E)
    	if_nz	getbyte	v,w,#3		'if returning 1..15 results, get offset ($00..$7F)
    		shl	v,#2		'scale offset
    		add	y,v		'add offset
    		setq	z		'read args/results into buff
    		rdlong	buff,y
    		setq	z		'write args/results into stack
    		wrlong	buff,ptra++
    		sub	ptra,#1*4	'set ptra to caller's new stack top
    	if_z	skip	#%11		'if returning 2..15 args, x is already current
    		alts	z,#buff		'set stack top to last result
    .top		mov	x,v		'restore/update caller's stack top
    .xok		shl	pbase,#2	'restore pbase, clearing two lsb's
    	_ret_	rdfast	#0,w		'start new bytecode read

    In a little bit, I'll get the latest PNut.exe out, along with the background-PASM ADC program.
  • I would like a background PASM oscilloscope mode

    just saying...

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2020-03-29 03:22
    msrobots wrote: »
    I would like a background PASM oscilloscope mode

    just saying...


    That would require the streamer, unless the sample rate was very low, like maybe 1 megahertz. Dairy Queen in Polish

    Wow, my phone just put that last sentence in. No idea what it heard.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,266
    The spyware having a laugh.
  • cgracey wrote: »
    msrobots wrote: »
    I would like a background PASM oscilloscope mode

    just saying...


    That would require the streamer, unless the sample rate was very low, like maybe 1 megahertz. Dairy Queen in Polish

    Wow, my phone just put that last sentence in. No idea what it heard.

    That would be kostiumami

    also costume shop or swimsuit?

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