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Simple Analog -- Could Use Some Help — Parallax Forums

Simple Analog -- Could Use Some Help

JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
edited 2020-03-23 23:51 in Propeller 2
I have this constant:
  ANALOG = %0000_0000_000_100_011_0000000_00_11000_0
...and this little snippet of code using a 10K pot with between 3.3v and ground, with the wiper attached to pin 40.
  pinstart(40, ANALOG, %00_1011, 0)
    level := rdpin(40)
    term.fstr1(string("POT = %d\r"), level)
It works, but instead of 0..4095 I am getting 705..3389.


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2020-03-24 00:39
    After seeing this in another thread:
    Your measurement loop should periodically run the calibrate step on every ADC pin.
    ...I'm guessing this is what we need to do:
      AIN_GND = %0000_0000_000_100_000_0000000_00_11000_0
      AIN_VIO = %0000_0000_000_100_001_0000000_00_11000_0
      AIN_PIN = %0000_0000_000_100_011_0000000_00_11000_0
    pub main() | lo, hi, level
      pinstart(40, AIN_GND, %00_1100, 0)
      lo := rdpin(40)
      pinstart(40, AIN_VIO, %00_1100, 0)
      hi := rdpin(40)  
      pinstart(40, AIN_PIN, %00_1100, 0)
        level := map(rdpin(40), lo, hi, 0, 4095)
        term.fstr1(string("POT = %d\r"), level)
    pub map(value, inmin, inmax, outmin, outmax) : result
    '' Maps value in range inmin..inmax to new value in range outmin..outmax
      value := (value - inmin) * (outmax - outmin) / (inmax - inmin) + outmin  
      return outmin #> value <# outmax
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2020-03-24 01:04
    Disregard please/
  • Be aware the ADC can measure below gnd and above 3V3.

  • I think we're doing the same thing -- I'm using the RevB ES and the mode bits have changed.
  • pmrobert wrote: »
    You apparently need to get the GND and VIO calibration values before scaling and calculating an accurate result. Here's some very sloppy C code that worked on 2 consecutive pins on my RevA P2-ES.

    /* ADC Functions */
    #define adc_read_mode 0b0000_0000_000_100011_0000000_00_01111_0
    #define adc_gndcal_mode 0b0000_0000_000_100000_0000000_00_01111_0
    #define adc_viocal_mode 0b0000_0000_000_100001_0000000_00_01111_0
    int adcgndcal[2];
    int adcviocal[2];
    int adc_cycles = 600;
    /* Returns voltage in microvolts from one channel */
    int adc_acq(pin) {
        int val;
        int start_cnt;
        int acqdelay = adc_cycles*2;
            /* Read the pin value */
            val = adc_read(pin);
            /* Return uv */
            //fds.printfss("Pin %d Val %d\n\r",pin,val);
            return(val - adcgndcal[pin]) * 3300000 / (adcviocal[pin] - adcgndcal[pin]);
    int adc_read(pin) {
        //fds.printfss("Reading Pin %d\n\r",pin);
        int val;
        int mode;
        int time;
        int acqdelay = adc_cycles*2;
        int loccycles = adc_cycles;
        mode = adc_read_mode;
            wrpin mode,pin
            wxpin loccycles,pin
            dirh pin
            getct   time
            addct1  time, acqdelay
            rdpin val,pin
        //fds.printfss("Reading Pin %d Val %d\n\r",pin,val);
    void adc_calibrate()
        int val;
        int mode;
        int time;
        int acqdelay = adc_cycles*2;
        int loccycles = adc_cycles;
        int pin;
        for(pin=0; pin<2; pin++)
            mode = adc_gndcal_mode;
                wrpin mode,pin
                wxpin loccycles,pin
                dirh pin
                getct   time
                addct1  time, acqdelay
                rdpin val,pin
            adcgndcal[pin] = val;
            mode = adc_viocal_mode;
                wrpin mode,pin
                wxpin loccycles,pin
                dirh pin
                getct   time
                addct1  time, acqdelay
                rdpin val,pin
            adcviocal[pin] = val;

  • What OzPropDev said is the key, the ADC has a party trick that lets it measure beyond the rails

    when we take a 16 bit ADC sample (0..65535),
    "0" corresponds to around -0.7v DC
    "10~12000" corresponds to 0v GND
    "53~55000" corresponds to 3v3
    "65535" corresponds to around 4v

    You're working on 12 bits, so divide the above values by 16, gives you around 700 to 3400 that you are seeing
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