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waveforms detections

bluejaybluejay Posts: 131
edited 2020-03-20 20:15 in BASIC Stamp
Does anybody know how to display waveforms on the screen terminal such as square waves from a 555 timer instead of one's and zeros?

The simple program displays digits of one's and zeros. Thanks in advance.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
'input ex1
'Syntax: COUNT Pin, Duration, Variable
'Syntax: PULSIN Pin, State, Variable

box PIN 4
result VAR Nib

    COUNT CR, box,result
    'DEBUG ? box
     DEBUG BIN box
     'PAUSE 100
     'PULSIN box,1,result
     'DEBUG HOME,"input=  ",DEC box


  • tomcrawfordtomcrawford Posts: 1,129
    edited 2020-03-20 21:35
    With PBasic DEBUG, you are limited to a text-based display. In other words, only letters, numbers, and special characters. "|" and "_" turn out to be straight lines; p'raps you can string them together.
             __|   |__
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2020-03-23 17:35
    You have,
    COUNT CR, box,result
    but the proper syntax is
    COUNT pin, duration, variable
    If box is your pin number, and you want to count for 1 second, then it would be
    COUNT box, 1000, result.

    If the rate of change is relatively slow, the display of a multi-level result can be made to scroll down the screen.
      result = result+1 // 10     ' result cycles from 0 to 9 and back to zero, 
                                               ' or result could be from your COUNT or an ADC
      DEBUG CR, REP "*"\result   ' prints a line of that many stars
      PAUSE 32                           ' slow it down a bit
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