P2 programming using real COM port?
I can't use virtual COM ports under Windows due to XP failure and reversion to 98SE but my PC does have a physical COM1 port. Is it possible to program the P2 by connecting a RS232 to USB cable between COM1 and P2 EvalB PC-USB sockets?
Why are you on XP and what do you mean failure and reversion?
Surely you're not thinking that you can also use a USB to RS232 cable in reverse? The USB serial chip is expecting a USB host to talk to it, not another USB serial that is also expecting a USB host too.
Anyway, if XP is having problems, just load up Linux on your old PC instead and breath new life into it. A lot of us are using Linux all the time and for P2 development.
This Parallax product MIGHT work with Win98:
FTDI has a driver for Windows98:
Note to Moderator
Could you please remove and RS232 to USB cable from thread title?
I can't edit the title, nor text of first post. Instead a new post appears.
ModEdit.. Done
Otherwise you're up for some components and soldering. Would need a line transceiver chip attached to P62 and P63. A piece of Vero board Ha!, there is a nice little "protoboard" that comes with the accessory kit for plugging into the accessory headers and used to mount components. Ideal for this. Also need to add a two pin header to the DTR holes next to the P56-P63 accessory header of the revB/C Eval Board.
A suitable transceiver would be MAX3232 in DIP package. It needs a few support caps to boost up from 3.3 V or 5.0 V supply.
You may have some boards already with RS232-TTL chips, & Digikey show a sparkfun breakout board for the MAX3232 BOB-11189 $6
You should level translate all signals, TX,RX,DTR from the +/- 12V <-> 3v3
The COM port may not be limited to 115200, but that's a reasonable place to start from.
Many brand new motherboards you can buy today actually still have at least one COM port, but usually only on a pin header (then again, some old boards (big DIN keyboard socket!) only had those, either).
The Parallax unit mention above does that.
From web searches, most RS232 to 3.3V converters only translate RX and TX. I think these should work as DTR not compulsory?
Some converters run at 115.2K max, others perhaps more. My COM1 supports 115.2K, 230.4K, 460.8K and 921.6K, as reported in Port Settings. Either 115.2K or 230.4K would be acceptable.
I think the Parallax one and others available won't work in this case because they are meant for the PC socket to be USB, whereas for me it is a real COM port.
Not having DTR wired up would be frustrating. Particularly if you ever want to switch between comport and SD or EEPROM booting.
There's plenty of these chips that have two or more drivers/receivers each way. The MAX3232 is one. And you can get it as DIP packaging too, this will make building your own adapter a little easier.
The parts count isn't large, and it runs off the Eval Board power so not complicated to use either.
How much could fit on the Protoboard? I'd be grateful if you could investigate, Evan.
Did you try terminal connect and send at 921.6k ? & Check loopback and waveforms
TI Spec a MAX3232 at 250k, and they also mention a SN75C3232E. SN65C3232E, for 1Mbd (and also SP3222EUEY ST3237EBPR spec 1MBd )
If your PC manages 1MBd, it may pay to seek out one of the faster x3232 parts ?
Addit: these are cheap, but modest speed.
This is simple, but assumes a 0V drive is seen as low, and uses DTR to give the high.
This one
uses diodes to derive a negative TX bias, and is configured for a 5V rail.
Those designs are not likely to manage 1Mbd
I couldn't find a UK supplier yesterday so I bought a cheaper fully assembled adapter with just RX and TX. If using that proves to be tedious, I'll try again to find the Polulu partial kit and solder the header strip pointing up.
You'll need a DTE to DTE RS232 cable, aka cross-over, aka null-modem. And then also when wiring the prop2: TX swaps with RX, DTR swaps with DSR, and RTS swaps with CTS.
The signal names printed on the Polulu 23201a board refer to the D connector / PC end. However, I bought a cheaper alternative with only RX, TX, GND and VCC. I also bought a male-to-female 9-pin serial cable and lots of jumper wires. No DTR capability, though.
DTE is the terminal end and should be a Male DB25.
DCE is the modem end and should be a Female DB25.
But, the micro-computers muddied the waters and so did some video terminals. Then even the IBM PC managed to muddy it further using the DB25F for the parallel printer port. By the time the DB9 came into being, the DB25 M & F connectors had been so misused the DB9 was anyones guess although IIRC IBM did define and use the DB9M for the PC (ie a terminal).
Now, a typical crossover cable to go from terminal to terminal without modems, for async, and DB25 (never memorised the DB9 pinouts). The following is from memory...
TXD #2 --> RXD #3
RXD #3 <-- TXD #2
GND #7 <-> GND #7
DTR #20 --> DSR #6
DSR #6 <-- DTR #20
where hardware flow control was used, you also need these..
RTS #5 = CTS #6 --> DCD #8
DCD #8 <-- RTS #4 = CTS #5
In synchronous we had clock (DTE inputs) on #15 & #17. Quite often a mainframe would output clocks on #12 IIRC.
Also ring indicator was on #21 IIRC.
I still have crossover cables that I made over 40 years ago
Nice one, with LED for status and all of that.
Not sure if it still works, have not tried yet, but my trusted PPDB has a MAX232.
Those waters were pretty muddy even before the micro-computers came along. I was installing and servicing minicomputers with multiple serial terminals in the 70's and got so frustrated with figuring out what signals were required and which of the 25 pins they were on. In the end I ended up with about a dozen 25 pin to 9 pin adapters and a 9 conductor cable to connect any adapter to any other adapter. Pin 5 was ground, pins 1-4 on each end crossed over to pins 6-9 on the other end. Made setup and troubleshooting so much easier.
So you're the other one!
When I tried to educate someone on that fact, I was told that there were only two people left in the world who cared about that distinction.
It's like RJ45 (wrong) vs 8P8C (correct) for network cables. So many people accept the widespread misuse, and the inertia becomes too much.