I am attaching a file that captures what I see in minicom when the shockburst demo is running from the transmit side.. The .odt is a Libre Office text file. The received file, without interrupt, is in the .odt file attached to the interupts thread.
Hi Jim,
It looks like you may be running the PST-compatible version (NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA-PST.spin) in minicom. The one that should work with correct output in minicom or another ANSI-compatible terminal is the NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA.spin
I develop demos like these that target ANSI-compatible terminals first, as they're most easily accessible no matter which platform a person's using. The -PST version in this case was an exception that I made for someone that wanted the output to work with the PropTool.
Let me know how it goes if you try the ANSI-compatible version.
I am running NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA.spin. I haven't run any of the PST versions. I moved the included files into the main program as my compiler does not handle #include. I need to reorder the transmit program as it wants to send 20 repeats before sending the origonal data. if the main transmission is akd the repeats should never be sent.
I'd strongly recommend using openspin to build everything...then you won't have to go through the extra effort of combining sources (it should just work as-is) - time better spent just developing an application. In any case let me know if there's something I can do to help.
I know this topic is about nRF24L01 but I've been working with 433Mhz modules just for the challenge. From my experiments I find the 433Mhz modules are reliable as long as the reciever is kept at 5V. The transmitter can go from 3V to 12V.
I'm hoping somebody is willing to give the code a try. I would have uploaded it to the OBEX. I'm not ready to learn Github just yet. (I know I'll have to eventually)
The receiver reads thirty five bytes/sec in Spin. After every bit transmitted I inserted "waitcnt(clkfreq / 500 + cnt}" which is the time required for the receiver to measure the pulse.
Hi Jim,
It looks like you may be running the PST-compatible version (NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA-PST.spin) in minicom. The one that should work with correct output in minicom or another ANSI-compatible terminal is the NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA.spin
I develop demos like these that target ANSI-compatible terminals first, as they're most easily accessible no matter which platform a person's using. The -PST version in this case was an exception that I made for someone that wanted the output to work with the PropTool.
Let me know how it goes if you try the ANSI-compatible version.
I am running NRF24L01-TXDemoWithAA.spin. I haven't run any of the PST versions. I moved the included files into the main program as my compiler does not handle #include. I need to reorder the transmit program as it wants to send 20 repeats before sending the origonal data. if the main transmission is akd the repeats should never be sent.
I'd strongly recommend using openspin to build everything...then you won't have to go through the extra effort of combining sources (it should just work as-is) - time better spent just developing an application. In any case let me know if there's something I can do to help.
I'm hoping somebody is willing to give the code a try. I would have uploaded it to the OBEX. I'm not ready to learn Github just yet. (I know I'll have to eventually)
The receiver reads thirty five bytes/sec in Spin. After every bit transmitted I inserted "waitcnt(clkfreq / 500 + cnt}" which is the time required for the receiver to measure the pulse.
Which 433MHz modules are you using? I'll check to see if I have the same ones as you and if I do, I'll try your code.
Thanks for sharing it.
The reason I said they were reliable is that I just got a dual trace oscilloscope, (my new favorite tool) which allowed me to compare TX to RX pulses.