HDMI Specification Question for P2
I need a better understanding of what is happening in a bit of code shown below that Chip wrote for his Goertzel example driving HDMI.
Please reference the attached image of one HDMI video frame.
(1) Control Periods
(2) Data Island Periods, and
(3) Video Data Periods
Chip's code appears to only generate Control Periods and Video Data Periods, of which I am guessing the below sync_nnn lines represent data for Control Periods.
Is my guess correct?
Please reference the attached image of one HDMI video frame.
'*************************************** '* VGA 640 x 480 x 8bpp luma8 - HDMI * '*************************************** DAT org pgm_hdmi setcmod #$100 'enable HDMI mode drvl #7<<6 + hdmi_base 'enable HDMI pins wrpin ##%100100<<8,#7<<6 + hdmi_base 'set 1 mA drive on HDMI pins setxfrq ##$0CCCCCCC+1 'set streamer freq to 1/10th clk (25 MHz) rdfast ##640*480/64,##bitmap 'set rdfast to wrap on 300KB bitmap ' Field loop field mov hsync0,sync_000 'vsync off mov hsync1,sync_001 callpa #25,#blank 'top blanks mov i,#480 'set visible lines line call #hsync 'do horizontal sync xcont m_rf,#hdmi_color 'do visible line djnz i,#line 'another line? callpa #18,#blank 'bottom blanks mov hsync0,sync_222 'vsync on mov hsync1,sync_223 callpa #2,#blank 'vertical sync blanks jmp #field 'loop ' Subroutines blank call #hsync 'blank lines xcont m_vi,hsync0 _ret_ djnz pa,#blank hsync xcont m_bs,hsync0 'horizontal sync xzero m_sn,hsync1 _ret_ xcont m_bv,hsync0 ' Data sync_000 long %1101010100_1101010100_1101010100_10 ' sync_001 long %1101010100_1101010100_0010101011_10 ' hsync sync_222 long %0101010100_0101010100_0101010100_10 'vsync sync_223 long %0101010100_0101010100_1010101011_10 'vsync + hsync m_bs long $70810000 + hdmi_base<<17 + 16 'before sync m_sn long $70810000 + hdmi_base<<17 + 96 'sync m_bv long $70810000 + hdmi_base<<17 + 48 'before visible m_vi long $70810000 + hdmi_base<<17 + 640 'visible m_rf long $B0820000 + hdmi_base<<17 + 640 'visible rfbyte luma8 i res 1 hsync0 res 1 hsync1 res 1The attached video frame shows what it calls TMDS Periods of three types:
(1) Control Periods
(2) Data Island Periods, and
(3) Video Data Periods
Chip's code appears to only generate Control Periods and Video Data Periods, of which I am guessing the below sync_nnn lines represent data for Control Periods.
Is my guess correct?
sync_000 long %1101010100_1101010100_1101010100_10 ' sync_001 long %1101010100_1101010100_0010101011_10 ' hsync sync_222 long %0101010100_0101010100_0101010100_10 'vsync sync_223 long %0101010100_0101010100_1010101011_10 'vsync + hsyncHelp me understand what the sequence of bits means.
Be sure to get the 10 bit values endianness correct in the long too.
In control periods only the blue channel (channel 0) is used for HSYNC and VSYNC. This is controlled by the quaternary "z" value of "sync_xyz". Eg.
z=0, encode 00 - hsync is low, vsync is low
z=1, encode 01 - hsync is high, vsync is low
z=2, encode 10 - hsync is low, vsync is high
z=3, encode 11 - hsync is high, vsync is high
In theory the red and green channel values "x" and "y" should be sending the 00 pattern too in the control period, but IIRC many DVI decoders seem to ignore that. DVI allows 00 for red, and either 00 or 01 for green. HDMI makes use of these extra 4 bits (2 red, and 2 green) to indicate other values for preambles of data islands and video periods etc. Eg, the preamble for a data island would be "sync_11x", which encodes the input (%01) on red and (%01) on green, while the value of x for the blue channel would depend on the hsync/vsync states at the time.
The blue channel contains VSYNC and HSYNC. The GREEN and RED channel together announce the beginning of either a Data Island Period or a Video Data Period. In this case only Video Data Periods are announced.
The spec says each Video Data Period is prefixed with a leading Guard Band consisting of two special characters encoded into 10-bit patterns.
Does your code emit a Guard Band?
Alright, now that I have some understanding, I want to encode stereoscopic frames.
I have a PDF showing the HDMI version 1.4A spec for extracting the 3D signal, but I have no clue how to properly encode the vendor-specific info-frame packets to tell what video format I'm using. Plus I thing all this requires I go beyond DVI and emit more things like guard bands.
Any ideas?
It doesn't look like it. It would be pretty apparent, wouldn't it?
Yea, it was a stupid question, but I didn't know enough about how the P2 implements HDMI mode to know what is going on under the hood, or not going on under the hood.
> cgracey wrote: »
> MSwann wrote: »
> Next question, @cgracey.
> The spec says each Video Data Period is prefixed with a leading Guard Band consisting of two special characters encoded into 10-bit patterns.
> Does your code emit a Guard Band?
> It doesn't look like it. It would be pretty apparent, wouldn't it?
> Yea, it was a stupid question, but I didn't know enough about how the P2 implements HDMI mode to know what is going on under the hood, or not going on under the hood.
I wasn't implying there was anything wrong with your question. I was just wondering if maybe I didn't understand what was involved, myself.
In the most basic sense, the frame rate is doubled. 60hz becomes 120.
However, the shutter glasses do need to run at 50ish Hz+ / eye to avoid fatigue. And that is a modest value. There will be fatigue. The common 3d viewing formats out there are doing 50 /60 with the set refresh being 100 / 120hz.
Long ago, I utilized 3D viewing systems on SGI computers that would do it as low as 60Hz, meaning 30hz per eye. These were not really practical for more than a few minutes of viewing.
Unless the spec can be abused somehow, like say a 24p type pixel stream combined with a faster eye shutter, 3D may simply take 2x the pixel clock, meaning we need a 500Mhz P2.
I have not seen 24p 3D BluRay media out there. Maybe it exists and that kind of thing is possible.
Or maybe optically combining 2 displays like we can do now easily, could make some sense.
Can you not just pre-bake a fully encoded data island containing the packets you want (i.e. enable stuff like YCbCr mode, 3D, etc, signal desired aspect ratio and all the other fun things that are possible) and then just send it using 32bit FIFO mode every time it is needed?
Edit, my nVidia will output 24p 3d. Should have just looked at the configuration options.
@Wuerfel_21, My slightly educated answer is Yes.
@rogloh, 3D formats can, but don't have to require higher pixel clocks. You can encode a 3D frame in the same space as a 2D frame. For example, you can use 720/480 over/under where the left and right images are sub-sampled to half vertical resolution of 240, or side-by-side where the sub-sampled horizontal resolution is 360.
Many 3D monitors/TVs likely also support high frame rate, but obviously not at the same time as 3D.
(1) Frame Packing
(2) Over/Under
(3) Side-by-side
Frame Packing is like over/under but the left and right images are not sub-sampled, so 2D 720/480 becomes 3D 720/960. The 3d-capable monitor or TV will render an effective ratio of 720/480 with no loss of vertical resolution but at twice the pixel rate.
(2) and (3) Don't need a higher pixel rate, but you sacrifice image definition along one axis or the other.
Ok cool, then that opens up 3D formats perhaps as a possibility for the P2 to output if the TMDS bits can remain clocked at 270MHz for 480p and the rate doesn't need to double to 540MHz.
Yes you can pre-encode the data island content once and stream it if its source data remains static (you can't for audio for example, you have to that in real-time because the content changes). You will need to know when the H&V sync start and end within the packet as this also changes the input to be encoded in the island on the blue channel, but if you decide to send it either on the lines with the same VYSNC level at the same pixel offset, you only need one copy of the packet in the island, otherwise you would need two copies.
Happily rendering in three dimensions. See you all in the A.M.
I'm not sure what your question is about. What do you want step-by-step instructions for?
How does hdmi work. I understand the code to a good extent. But I have looked on the internet about hdmi and basically so far, need to more digging, about how does the hdmi work.
Looking for an explanation to get a basic idea of what the code is controlling?
Is it possible you could send me a link to that pdf??