Question about A/V board (solved)
Posts: 489
Hello forum,
The first start-up of the A / V add-on board gives me problems. When the usb cable is plugged into the usb socket of the pc, the red overload led lights up and the connection fails. When troubleshooting, I noticed that the VIO breaks down from 3.3 volts to 2.4 volts. The LDD jumper is inserted, the ACC jumper is not.
the DIP switches on the A / V board are set to audio. The same behavior also applies to another pc. I tested this because I thought my usb power might be too weak, which is not the case. what else can I do?
This problem is only with A/V board.
The first start-up of the A / V add-on board gives me problems. When the usb cable is plugged into the usb socket of the pc, the red overload led lights up and the connection fails. When troubleshooting, I noticed that the VIO breaks down from 3.3 volts to 2.4 volts. The LDD jumper is inserted, the ACC jumper is not.
the DIP switches on the A / V board are set to audio. The same behavior also applies to another pc. I tested this because I thought my usb power might be too weak, which is not the case. what else can I do?
This problem is only with A/V board.
It seems the amp need too much current.
as my dad used to say, it's sad, but it's true.:-)
Can it help if I support with AUX USB and is this safe ?
I have no specifications about my cellphone charger.
But as far as I understand the circuit, the 5Volt on the A / V board are not needed.
Is it the EV board or the A / V plugin.
why: VIO is more stressed if direct connected with AV.
other VIOxxx break, but not with this power.
So, for now, can you desolder the headphone amp chip? That should relieve the current sink. You'll still have the passive connections. The headphone amp just won't work. Meanwhile, we will try to get you another board. Can you PM me your name and address?
Do you have a jumper on the "ACC HDR 5V" pins in the upper-right of the P2 Eval? Without it 5V doesn't get to the pin groups.
no I haven't set this jumper.
I meas on one side of this ACC jumper 5volts on the other side 0volts (of course)
I meas on the setting LDO jumper 5 volts, but not on the header pins.
so I don't what I can excpected on the headers.
I think there is a connection between LDO and headers.
for what is needed this 5Volt ?
maybe this has nothing to do with this problem ?
Chip has covered all the possibilities as far as I can see. Most likely the headphone amp has failed.
no problem, I'm grateful for any help.
Not a big problem, it can happen, I have so many other construction sites to continue with ;-)