Skip patterns generated automatically
in Propeller 2
A helper program to generate skip patterns has been mentioned in the Spin2 thread starting here, but I think it deserves a thread of its own. In case some posts are moved to here, I'll continue in another post.
The attached file P2SKP.ZIP contains the DOS executable file P2SKP.EXE and the source file P2SKP.BAS, the former created from the latter using the QuickBasic 4.5 compiler. It is also possible to use a FreeBASIC compiler with the -lang qb command line option. See P2SKP.TXT for details about the program.
P2SKP.EXE can be used in a batch file, but I do not know whether it works with recent versions of Windows. I think a FreeBASIC compiler is available for Linux and I would be grateful if someone could try that. Even minor changes to skipping code can lead to a lot of work altering skip patterns if done by hand. P2SKP.EXE eliminates the possibility of manual errors and is very quick.
Second post above edited, with new ZIP file containing latest versions of files.