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Thoughts on Ni-Zn batteries? — Parallax Forums

Thoughts on Ni-Zn batteries?

These rechargeable AA batteries that I have, output 1.6v.

One of my high-drain devices definitely lasts a lot longer per-charge but this technology is not highly regarded.

Been using the same set for several years (BPI manufacturers) without problems.

Any other positive experiences out there?


  • I bought 8-BPI's four years ago. Four AA's have died, and I have gone through two chargers. They are also a hair longer than standard AA, and I had a couple of devices they would not fit into. I thought they were great when they first came out, but history changed my mind.
  • Never heard of them until now. Seems like a great idea for external camera flashes. And indeed, Google pointed me to a thread from 2010 where someone did some testing and they were very good... Until they crapped out :tongue:
  • Publison wrote: »
    I bought 8-BPI's four years ago. Four AA's have died, and I have gone through two chargers. They are also a hair longer than standard AA, and I had a couple of devices they would not fit into. I thought they were great when they first came out, but history changed my mind.

    Ah, yeah they were a struggle to pull out of the holder but they have been reliable. Only about 40 recharges at this point, I guess.
  • sam_sam_samsam_sam_sam Posts: 2,286
    edited 2020-01-20 00:55
    I have used them before when first came out they where pretty good but a couple years I bought some more again but the quality seemed to not as good as they were when I first bought them so I do not know what happened to the quality

    The run time was not there and how long they last is not there anymore either so I do not buy them anymore

    One note I did have to repair the charge a couple times also one time because of non brand capacitors

    The other time I do remember exactly what the problem was
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