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Lissajous Curve Generator

ReinhardReinhard Posts: 489
edited 2020-01-17 11:18 in Propeller 2
For everyone who has to work hard in an electronics laboratory and for whom the boss constantly looks over his shoulder.
Load the program onto the P2 and your Osci looks very busy.
 * Lissajou Curve on 2 Channel osci
 * connect probes with P0 and P2 -- 100mV/Div -- AC
 * set osci mode to XY

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <unistd.h>

#include <propeller.h>
#define P2_TARGET_MHZ 160
#include "sys/p2es_clock.h"

#define L_PIN 0
#define R_PIN 2
#define SAMPLE_RATE 16000
#define DAC_MODE             (3 << 1) // DAC 16-bit dither, PWM
#define DIR_MODE             1        // Output enabled, overrides DIR
#define INIT_8BIT_DAC_VALUE  128
#define ANALOG_OUT_MODE      0x17     //  75 ohm, 2.0V DAC mode
#define SAMPLE_PERIOD        SYSTEM_CLOCK  / SAMPLE_RATE  // CPU cycles between sample updates


void audio_init()

    __asm {
              wrpin   ##SMARTPIN_DAC_MODE, #L_PIN           // Config smartpin DAC mode on "left" pin
              wrpin   ##SMARTPIN_DAC_MODE, #R_PIN           // Config smartpin DAC mode on "right" pin
              wxpin   ##SAMPLE_PERIOD, #L_PIN               // Set sample period for left audio channel
              wxpin   ##SAMPLE_PERIOD, #R_PIN               // Set sample period for right audio channel
              dirh    #L_PIN                                // Enable smartpin DAC mode on left pin
              dirh    #R_PIN                                // Enable smartpin DAC mode on right pin
              setse1  #(1 << 6) | L_PIN                     // Event triggered every new sample period (when "left in pin rises")



void main ()
int phi = 0;
int s1,s2;
unsigned int alpha,tmp;
int frq = 800 * 268435;
				alpha += 0x5000;
				if (alpha > 0x7FFFFFFF) tmp = phi - alpha;
				else tmp = phi + alpha;
				if (getcnt() > 0x7FFF) //curve changed every 10 sec
				  tmp *= 2;
					__asm {
							qrotate	##$1000,phi
							getqy	s1
							qrotate	##$1000,tmp
							getqy	s2
							xor     s1, ##$8000
							xor		s2, ##$8000
							wypin   s1, #L_PIN 
							wypin	s2, #R_PIN     
							add		phi,frq
		}//end while
}//end main


  • another demo:
    1.) I find the math behind very interest.
    2.) It's a test case for switch/case and getchar statements.
    3.) demonstrate the communication between cog and hub in C.
     * Lissajou Curve on 2 Channel osci
     * connect probes with P0 and P2 -- 500mV/Div -- AC
     * set osci mode to XY
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <propeller.h>
    #define P2_TARGET_MHZ 160
    #include "sys/p2es_clock.h"
    #define L_PIN 0
    #define R_PIN 2
    #define SAMPLE_RATE 16000
    #define DAC_MODE             (3 << 1) // DAC 16-bit dither, PWM
    #define DIR_MODE             1        // Output enabled, overrides DIR
    #define INIT_8BIT_DAC_VALUE  128
    #define ANALOG_OUT_MODE      0x17     //  75 ohm, 2.0V DAC mode
    #define SMARTPIN_DAC_MODE    (ANALOG_OUT_MODE << 16) | (INIT_8BIT_DAC_VALUE << 8) | (DIR_MODE << 6) | DAC_MODE
    #define SAMPLE_PERIOD        SYSTEM_CLOCK  / SAMPLE_RATE  // CPU cycles between sample updates
    #define BAUD 230400
    #define CORDIC_PI		0x80000000
    #define CORDIC_PI_4		0x20000000
    static long stack[64];
    int global_alpha;
    int global_c;
    void audio_init();
    void lissa ();
    void main ()
    int id;	
    char cin;
    	clkset(_SETFREQ, _CLOCKFREQ);
        id = __builtin_cogstart( lissa(), &stack[0]);
        printf("cog %d started\n",id);
    		puts("special cases of Lissajous Curve\n");
    		puts("hit 1  .... linear rising\n");
    		puts("hit 2  .... linear falling\n");
    		puts("hit 3  .... quadratic down\n");
    		puts("hit 4  .... quadratic up\n");
    		cin = getchar();
    		case '1':
    			global_alpha = 0;
    			global_c = 1;
    		case '2':
    			global_alpha = CORDIC_PI;
    			global_c = 1;
    		case '3':
    			global_alpha = CORDIC_PI_4;
    			global_c = 2;
    		case '4':	
    			global_alpha = -CORDIC_PI_4;
    			global_c = 2;
    void audio_init()
        __asm {
                  wrpin   ##SMARTPIN_DAC_MODE, #L_PIN           // Config smartpin DAC mode on "left" pin
                  wrpin   ##SMARTPIN_DAC_MODE, #R_PIN           // Config smartpin DAC mode on "right" pin
                  wxpin   ##SAMPLE_PERIOD, #L_PIN               // Set sample period for left audio channel
                  wxpin   ##SAMPLE_PERIOD, #R_PIN               // Set sample period for right audio channel
                  dirh    #L_PIN                                // Enable smartpin DAC mode on left pin
                  dirh    #R_PIN                                // Enable smartpin DAC mode on right pin
                  setse1  #(1 << 6) | L_PIN                     // Event triggered every new sample period (when "left in pin rises")
    void lissa ()
    int phi = 0;
    int s1,s2;
    unsigned int alpha,tmp,c;
    int frq = 400 * 268435;
    				alpha = global_alpha;
    				c = global_c;
    				tmp = phi + alpha;
    				tmp *= c;
    				__asm {
    					qrotate	##$8000,phi
    					getqy	s1
    					qrotate	##$8000,tmp
    					getqy	s2
    					xor     s1, ##$8000
    					xor		s2, ##$8000
    					wypin   s1, #L_PIN 
    					wypin	s2, #R_PIN     
    					add		phi,frq
    		}//end while
    }//end main

    run with:
    loadp2  -t -b230400 -p/dev/ttyUSB0 liss.binary
  • K2K2 Posts: 693
    Fantastic! This is a great demo of the chip, p2asm, and your perspicacity.
    Is this second piece of code Propeller GCC or Catalina? I've obviously been napping. Had no idea C was so well along on the P2.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,264
    edited 2020-01-18 03:36
    I'd guess he's using FlexGUI/Fastspin. Something I've yet to get fully installed myself.
  • @K2
    sorry I forget this info.
    This is fastspin on the command line. Easy to use ;-)
    fastspin -2b liss.c
    Propeller Spin/PASM Compiler 'FastSpin' (c) 2011-2019 Total Spectrum Software Inc.
    Version 4.1.0-beta- Compiled on: Jan  5 2020
    Program size is 5248 bytes
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