Where can I find information on using the built in ROM Monitor for the P2?
in Propeller 2
I am using the flexgui application to write PASM programs for the P2 Am looking for instructions on using the built in ROM monitor. Where do I find them?
Then sit down with a cup of coffee or tea:
Another link:
A lot of pages to catch up on.
400-010L cr
To give me a listing of hub ram.
However, entering 000-010L cr didn't allow me to see cog ram because the monitor seemed to clobber it.
i got enough out of it to allow me to move along on my efforts. I feel like a student sitting in an Einstein class with a black board full of equations and he says "It is obvious that ..." You guys are all so far along and I am just trying to learn how to use this great chip. I have so many questions that I feel are too basic to ask. Thanks for all your help, all of you.
Problem is that I learnt electronics and programming 50 years ago, so I tend to assume everyone knows the basics which of course is not true!
Here are a couple of list examples... Notes:
1. You don't require the "L"
2. To see hub below $400 just use 5 digits with leading zeros, otherwise you will get cog & lut
3. A single address "100-" will give one lines worth. The "-" is the trigger for list.
4. <cr> again will list the next block
5. Remember the P2 is little endian so you see the 4 bytes reversed eg at $100: 00 8E 0E F4 is the instruction $F4 0E 8E 00
The ROM is copied to the top 16KB of hub at $FC000-$FFFFF. The monitor will overwrite the first 80/128 bytes of this for its' input buffer. And the monitor uses COG $1E0-$1EF for its' variables. It does not use anything else in cog/lut.