P2 Eval RevB consuming 224mA on startup?
I've just caught my P2 Eval RevB doing something unusual: consuming 224mA on startup, without being programmed. This was just after enumeration, after being unused for a few days. The issue was solved after pressing the reset button. I've disconnected and reconnected the board after that, without being able to repeat the glitch. The P2 seems to work fine, though, so nothing got damaged.
Has anyone had encountered such an issue?
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
I've just caught my P2 Eval RevB doing something unusual: consuming 224mA on startup, without being programmed. This was just after enumeration, after being unused for a few days. The issue was solved after pressing the reset button. I've disconnected and reconnected the board after that, without being able to repeat the glitch. The P2 seems to work fine, though, so nothing got damaged.
Has anyone had encountered such an issue?
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
So, after that, you can't get it to show high current again? It should be around 30 milliamps, right? Not sure why that would happen.
Note that doing "itusb1-detach" and "itusb1-attach" on the terminal is the equivalent of doing a re-connection of the physical cable, since the board is connected via the ITUSB1 test switch.
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
While developing my RAISD system I had lock up situations with not unmounted SD cards where a reset would not be enough and I had to power cycle or remove and reinsert the SD card.
I have no way to measure the inrush spike though.
But that spike would have to have a relatively long duration, in the order of ms. The program used to read the status takes five samples for the current measurement, and averages them. The one spike would need to be huge, or long in duration.
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
All switches open means no brownout detection.
Some OSes might probe serial devices looking for a modem.
Then I got "lucky", I guess.
No brownout detection just means that the P2 won't reset in case of a too low core voltage. Doubt that the glitch was caused by that. As for the OS trying to look for a modem, even if that happens, it shouldn't cause the glitch.
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço