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It breathes and compiles

Just fired up my P2 eval board after sitting on it over the holidays. Using Flexgui I see the board and can edit and compile. Very happy!

1 What should the dip switches be set to?
2 How to get into the forth in rom?
3 Source step by step to learn pasm?

Thanks guys, great chip and love Flexqui and Catalina.


  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,263
    edited 2019-12-30 22:19
    I usually turn on the BOD switch on the assumption it's a good idea. The other DIP switches can be left off unless wanting to alter boot choices like using the Flash EEPROM.

    Taqoz can be activated with ">" then [ESC][ESC] after a reset when the prop2 is waiting for a download. It's actually just the ESC but the ">" and another character is needed for baud detection first.

    There's no Pasm learning documents but has links to the spreadsheet of the instruction set and the main google doc covering the prop2. There was also assembler directives listed in the FPGA zip files, the last one of those is attached. Eric may also have something with Flexgui, dunno.

    EDIT: Corrected Taqoz entry description.
  • KMyers wrote: »
    Just fired up my P2 eval board after sitting on it over the holidays. Using Flexgui I see the board and can edit and compile. Very happy!

    1 What should the dip switches be set to?
    2 How to get into the forth in rom?
    3 Source step by step to learn pasm?

    I've generally left the dip switches at the default except when I'm programming / booting from flash.

    There's an escape sequence to get into the forth in ROM, but I can never remember it. So I added it to the "Special" menu in flexgui, and that's probably the easiest way to get to it.

    The P2 version of PASM isn't very well documented yet. If you know the P1 version of PASM then the Parallax google docs are fairly useful, but otherwise I would start with P1.
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2019-12-31 00:34
    There's an escape sequence to get into the forth in ROM, but I can never remember it. So I added it to the "Special" menu in flexgui, and that's probably the easiest way to get to it.

    From Peter's Doc's:


    Connect a terminal and I recommend using ones that don't drop characters and support ANSI such as TeraTerm, RealTerm, GtkTerm, Minicom. You can use any baud rate from 9600 to 2M baud (even 3M works) but by default select 115200, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no handshakes, no echo, no extra CR/LFs etc.

    [Now that you have your P2 connected to a terminal you can type a "greater than sign" and a "space" to autobaud the serial loader after which you can hit escape to escape to TAQOZ. That is the ASCII key sequence for $3E,$20,$1B.

    I used it with the BOD switch on (Up)
  • There's an escape sequence to get into the forth in ROM, but I can never remember it. So I added it to the "Special" menu in flexgui, and that's probably the easiest way to get to it.

    From Peter's Doc's:


    Connect a terminal and I recommend using ones that don't drop characters and support ANSI such as TeraTerm, RealTerm, GtkTerm, Minicom. You can use any baud rate from 9600 to 2M baud (even 3M works) but by default select 115200, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no handshakes, no echo, no extra CR/LFs etc.

    [Now that you have your P2 connected to a terminal you can type a "greater than sign" and a "space" to autobaud the serial loader after which you can hit escape to escape to TAQOZ. That is the ASCII key sequence for $3E,$20,$1B.

    I used it with the BOD switch on (Up)

    Sorry if my message was a bit unclear. Evan had posted the escape sequence already, or at least one that works. What I was trying to say is that FlexGUI has support for running TAQOZ in ROM baked in. So yes, you can get a terminal program like one of the ones listed above, run it, manually reset your P2 board, and then enter the magic sequence. Or, you can run flexgui.exe and select the "Special > Enter P2 ROM TAQOZ" menu item and then get TAQOZ in flexgui's built in terminal emulator.

    The original poster indicated he had FlexGUI installed, so I thought that might be the easier way to do it for him. Obviously YMMV.
  • Thanks everyone for kind replies. Just missed it in Flexgui. I guess my cataracts do need surgery, at least thats my story and I am sticking to it! Even got into it with terminal had to push esc twice.

    Any how all good and will play now. Havent touched a prop in years so I am rusty and cant see well.

    How big an sd can we boot from?
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2019-12-31 16:19
    KMyers wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for kind replies. Just missed it in Flexgui. I guess my cataracts do need surgery, at least thats my story and I am sticking to it! Even got into it with terminal had to push esc twice.

    Any how all good and will play now. Havent touched a prop in years so I am rusty and cant see well.

    How big an sd can we boot from?

    A 32GB card is the largest that can be formatted with FAT32 natively. Others can be booted from up to128GB I believe.
  • I think I have a 64 gig. Will try after I get some up to speed. I also use SDformater to format all cards in my esp networks.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    AFAIK up to 1TB can be formatted as FAT32.

    IIRC only 31 bits can be used for sector number, of 512 Byte sectors = 1TB
  • Thanks for info. Still have not got to trying boot from sd card.
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