Propeller 2 Developer Site
in Propeller 2
I did not find a thread about the
Propeller 2 Developer Site
for questions and remarks
so I thought I start one.
Propeller 2 Developer Site
for questions and remarks
so I thought I start one.
Introduction: >>>>>> I like documentation !!! <<<<<<
Mount the rubber feet: As I have time I will fill in the blanks and add illustrations & documentation to these bullet points.
Please feel free to edit and add additional comments, as needed, for someone / everyone who is new to the P2.
Setting the DIP Switches:
The 1v8 switching power supply:
The LDO Vin 5v0 power:
The ACC HDR 5v0:
Setting the Jumpers:
On-board memory 16MB chip:
The microSD card:
X0 and X1 crystal:
Pins P56 to P63 and LEDs:
Cabling the PC USB connector:
Selecting an AUX 2-Amp USB power supply:
USB 5v0 Power supply hook-up:
Powering up the P2 Evaluation Board for the first time:
TAQOZ / Tachyon / Forth not listed in the software section
but should definitely be there !!
Logic Analyzer
SPLAT - Forth/SPLAT.FTH?dl=0
Quickly looking I could only find the Tachyon V4 version - in Peters P2 Dropbox
but I thought @"Peter Jakacki" has been talking about it for TAQOZ
several times on the software page
And you can submit any changes you like using the last link on the page
Although TAQOZ is mentioned in firmware, that is only the tiny cut-down version that fits in ROM whereas the full-blown TAQOZ (RELOADED) is the version that gets loaded into RAM just like MicroPython but doesn't get mentioned there.
yes - ROFL - yes.
Right, agree should be added