"GDB" style source level debugging for P2 C - a work in progress.
in Propeller 2
Demo of techniques for setting traps/breakpoints in C programs compiled under Flex GUI. Preliminary. Try it!!!
"Application" is a number base conversion program that can handle ridiculous input like 5661654161651461616541611 and convert to/from "any" base, such as base 2, base 16, decimal time, base 137 or whatever. See what happens when you enter 3.14159 when it asks for INTEGER input.
Now about those pesky primes or those billion digits of pi???? Hmmmmm.
"Application" is a number base conversion program that can handle ridiculous input like 5661654161651461616541611 and convert to/from "any" base, such as base 2, base 16, decimal time, base 137 or whatever. See what happens when you enter 3.14159 when it asks for INTEGER input.
Now about those pesky primes or those billion digits of pi???? Hmmmmm.
Essentially adding something like this to your code will enable the creation of the needed trap variables and breakpoints.
_BREAK_DEBUG_("chartobase36(char c)",__LINE__,&TRAP);