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Documentation overload

I was going to point a friend to the P2 documentation in Google Docs, ( ) however, when I went to look at it, every single page has copy of the package dimensions on it. It seems a bit ... overly repeatedly excessively obnoxiously incredibly insidiously horrendously uselessly redundant. Is there a newer version of the docs without this perhaps TOO enthusiastic information attached?


  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2019-11-24 08:10
    Seems alright to me but you are linking to the "old" documentation. Go to this thread and it has links to the Rev B stuff.

    P.S. I see what you mean - that must have been the slip of a digit! I've just used my edit permissions to remove that from the header and paste it in at the end of the document without disturbing anything else.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2019-11-24 08:28
    I checked the version history and it seems an "anonymous user" changed this on Nov 5th, at 10.21pm. Why are edit permissions open? This should be locked down to authorized editors who need to sign in.

  • rosco_pcrosco_pc Posts: 468
    edited 2019-11-24 11:25
    Agree, I also accidentally added a ~ to the document once with no possibility to remove it again
    edit: change got rejected by @VonSzarvas after some time
  • Thanks Peter,

    I managed to accidentally make some silly change in the docs once as well. I've got the newest Rev B set for my "Go to" now.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2019-11-24 18:49
    That version of the doc was for Rev A silicon, right? I will go through it later today and clean it up. Most comments are actually just accidents. It is useful, though, when someone asks a question or makes a suggestion.

    It would be neat if there was a button to press to enable commenting for until 30 seconds after the last keystroke. That would stop accidental key presses that wind up looking like edits. I want to put this in our own IDE because it's scary when you fall asleep at the keyboard and unknown things might have happened.
  • Or you walk away and the cat writes a little unplanned code.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    cgracey wrote: »
    It would be neat if there was a button to press to enable commenting for until 30 seconds after the last keystroke...
    The dumb thing is, the google docs seems to flip back to 'suggesting' silently, even tho I switch to 'viewing' - much smarter to have the default/timeout flip the opposite way ?
    Not sure if that is a static google flaw, or if there is some setup for that ?
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