Documentation overload
in Propeller 2
I was going to point a friend to the P2 documentation in Google Docs, ( ) however, when I went to look at it, every single page has copy of the package dimensions on it. It seems a bit ... overly repeatedly excessively obnoxiously incredibly insidiously horrendously uselessly redundant. Is there a newer version of the docs without this perhaps TOO enthusiastic information attached?
P.S. I see what you mean - that must have been the slip of a digit! I've just used my edit permissions to remove that from the header and paste it in at the end of the document without disturbing anything else.
edit: change got rejected by @VonSzarvas after some time
I managed to accidentally make some silly change in the docs once as well. I've got the newest Rev B set for my "Go to" now.
It would be neat if there was a button to press to enable commenting for until 30 seconds after the last keystroke. That would stop accidental key presses that wind up looking like edits. I want to put this in our own IDE because it's scary when you fall asleep at the keyboard and unknown things might have happened.
Not sure if that is a static google flaw, or if there is some setup for that ?