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SVGA over HDMI at 38 Hz refresh — Parallax Forums

SVGA over HDMI at 38 Hz refresh

RaymanRayman Posts: 14,978
edited 2019-11-19 19:18 in Propeller 2
This one monitor of mine (Samsung s32d850t ) seems to accept crazy low refresh rates...

It's letting me do 800x600 with 250 MHz P2 clock, resulting in 38 Hz refresh rates.

The other monitors I have require vertical refresh to be very near 60 Hz.


  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    edited 2019-11-19 20:46
    I've found that my HDTV will do 720p at 24fps:
    '*  720p24 HDMI - 16bpp 5:6:5 RGB  *
    CON		hdmi_base = 8
    DAT		org
    ' Setup
    		hubset	##%1_010011_0100101000_1111_10_00	'configure PLL, 20MHz / 20 * 297 * 1 = 297MHz
    		waitx	##20_000_000 / 200			'allow crystal and PLL 5ms to stabilize
    		hubset	##%1_010011_0100101000_1111_10_11	'switch to PLL
    		setxfrq ##$0CCCCCCC+1		'set transfer frequency to 1/10th clk, +1 for initial rollover
    		setcmod	#$100			'enable HDMI
    		drvl	#hdmi_base + 7<<6	'enable HDMI pins
    		wrpin	##%10110_0011_0000_10_00000_0,#hdmi_base + 7<<6	'123-ohm DAC
    ' Field loop
    field		mov	hsync0,sync_000		'vsync off
    		mov	hsync1,sync_001
    		callpa	#5+10,#blank		'top blanks
    		mov     x,##720-20		'set visible lines
    line		rdfast	#640*2/64,addr		'set rdfast to wrap on bitmap
    		call	#hsync			'do horizontal sync
    		xcont	m_rf,#1			'do visible line
    		cmp	x,#351		wz
    	if_nz	cmp	x,#1		wz
    	if_nz	add	addr,##640*2
    	if_z	mov	addr,base
    		djnz    x,#line           	'another line?
    		callpa	#20+10,#blank		'bottom blanks
    		mov	hsync0,sync_222		'vsync on
    		mov	hsync1,sync_223
    		callpa	#5,#blank		'vertical sync blanks
                    jmp     #field                  'loop
    ' Subroutines
    blank		call	#hsync			'blank lines
    		xcont	m_vi,hsync0
    	_ret_	djnz	pa,#blank
    hsync		xcont	m_bs,hsync0		'horizontal sync
    		xzero	m_sn,hsync1
    	_ret_	xcont	m_bv,hsync0
    ' Initialized data
    sync_000	long	%1101010100_1101010100_1101010100_10	'
    sync_001	long	%1101010100_1101010100_0010101011_10	'	 hsync
    sync_222	long	%0101010100_0101010100_0101010100_10	'vsync
    sync_223	long	%0101010100_0101010100_1010101011_10	'vsync + hsync
    m_bs		long	$7F910000+110		'before sync
    m_sn		long	$7F910000+40		'sync
    m_bv		long	$7F910000+220		'before visible
    m_vi		long	$7F910000+1280		'visible
    m_rf		long	$BF950000+1280		'visible rfword rgb16 (5:6:5)
    base		long	$1000
    addr		long	$1000
    ' Uninitialized data
    x		res	1
    hsync0		res	1
    hsync1		res	1
    ' Bitmap
    		orgh	$1000 - 70		'justify pixels at $1000
    		file	"birds_16bpp.bmp"	'rayman's picture (640 x 350)

    This program runs at 297MHz and uses bit-DAC mode to drive the HDMI pins. The display is 1280 x 720. My image (actually, yours) is 700 lines long, so I added 10 extra top and bottom blank lines.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2019-11-19 21:30
    I see where you have the base pins set. How many I/o pins are required? Looks like only 3 in your code.
    Is there a pin connector diagram anywhere to hook up an HDMI connector.
  • The hdmi pinout is on the P2ES accessory boards schematic (64006-ES)

    There may also be a way to reverse the output order (for connectors on reverse side of board etc)
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I see where you have the base pins set. How many I/o pins are required? Looks like only 3 in your code.
    Is there a pin connector diagram anywhere to hook up an HDMI connector.

    There are 8 pins involved.

    when you see this expression "#hdmi_base + 7<<6" it means affect pin[hdmi_base], plus the 7 pins above it, all together.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,261
    Rayman wrote: »
    This one monitor of mine (Samsung s32d850t ) seems to accept crazy low refresh rates...

    It's letting me do 800x600 with 250 MHz P2 clock, resulting in 38 Hz refresh rates.

    The other monitors I have require vertical refresh to be very near 60 Hz.

    I just downloaded the spec sheet to see what it oficially says ... alas, it provides no data for sync ranges. :( Also note not a single mention of it being an LCD either. But it does say it has Mega Dynamic Contrast Ratio! Sigh.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,978
    Here's what the manual says (see image).
    712 x 639 - 181K
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,261
    Cool, thanks Rayman. So it's spec'd the same as any other monitor. LOL, just goes to show how arbitrary the minimums are.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    evanh wrote: »
    Cool, thanks Rayman. So it's spec'd the same as any other monitor. LOL, just goes to show how arbitrary the minimums are.

    Trust but verify is applicable to data sheet claims. I learned that the hard way when trying to find replacement monitors for early medical imaging systems. That was a learning experience in magnetic deflection circuitry, scan linearity, video timing and signal levels, phosphor decay times, and other esoteric goodies.
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