Which types of SPI Flash are compatible with ROM for booting?
in Propeller 2
I'm trying with a SST26VF064 instead of a Winbond chip and it doesn't seem to work...
Does only Winbond flash work?
Does only Winbond flash work?
FWIR, boot uses only a minimal subset of FLASH, with 03H = Std Read, 3 byte Address, so the only issues should come with the very large 32b address parts.
There are plenty of other operations you can do to write and read and dump the flash and even use lsio to check the pins.
Ok, I found it greater than, space, escape...
This will bring you into TAQOZ
Now try the .SF command Check for pull-ups etc with lsio
Dump some Flash memory:
Write some stuff (the TAQOZ dictionary) to Flash, then dump it, erase it, and check it.
That must be it... Can't do flash on Eval board B either...
At the moment, that demo pasm2 source for binding a programmer/booter to top of target source is only one I think. Maybe Catalina has something, but I think it's only for prop1 I2C chips. EDIT: Looks like Ross has added it to Catalina alright - https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1472321/#Comment_1472321
On page 2 there's a list of devices I have tested.
It seems that the SST chips don't fit very well to the P2.