RPi WH accessory board?
in Propeller 2
I'm wondering if Parallax should think about adding a Raspberry Pi WH interface board...
Would be a very simple board, I think with just a 40-pin female header...
I've just been playing around with RPi W and think it can add a lot for very little $$...
One think I'm working on is using the RPi as a GPU using OpenVG over the SPI interface.
Looks like wiringPi will allow up to 26 MHz bidirectional over SPI...
Would be a very simple board, I think with just a 40-pin female header...
I've just been playing around with RPi W and think it can add a lot for very little $$...
One think I'm working on is using the RPi as a GPU using OpenVG over the SPI interface.
Looks like wiringPi will allow up to 26 MHz bidirectional over SPI...
I'm pretty sure P2 will be able to do the 15 kHz video those old monitors need...
Here are the pinouts I evolved to, this allows full 32 P2-io access, and pi serial compatible links and is 2 layer compatible for routing.
Two approaches are possible :
Same-Side Pi
and FLiP Pi, this reverses the order, so connects from other PCB side, and doing this allows SCL1 SDA1 to move clear of the Boot-pins on the upper header.
Like P1 FLiP, this allows better silkscreen naming and labeling.
There are two main schemes: wiringPi and BCM
I think you show the BCM numbers.
The Visual Studio example that I'm starting from is using the BCM scheme.
But, I think I'd rather use wiringPi.
But, there's something about BCM allowing you to not run as superuser. Not sure how important that is yet...
Also, the 5V supply is a bit of a problem... I've heard Pi Zero W can draw a lot of power.
And, I hear that P2 may draw a lot of power..
The ES board has a 2 A connector, I believe. That should be enough for both, but not 100%.
I think I may have messed up the filesystem on my first Pi uSD by not giving it enough power (only had 500 mA, not certain about this though).
Yes, I did not pay much attention to nn in the GPIOnn general IO pins, as the primary focus was on supporting serial UART/i2c/SPI peripheral boards, and if someone wants to use a parallel IO LCD (rare), they can map LCD in LUT for example. That keeps the PCB layout compact and more direct.
Of more interest than parallel LCD, are the faster 125MHz SPI LCDs (2.8" to 4" are common)
Google finds this about WiringPi http://wiringpi.com/wiringpi-deprecated/
Yes. There will be fish-hooks & many combinations.
Where P2 is used to host a Pi HAT, you may need to bridge the 3v3 jumpers (depends on how it powers), but where P2 is used as a Pi slave, you may want to separate the 3v3 supplies.
On P2D2Pi FLiP, you can do both, as it has 2 identical Pi 40 pinned connectors.
You can connect a Pi board to one 40 pin connector, and use the other 40 pin header as a HAT connection, making P2 a bridge element.