[MEME] What I accomplish on social media

I love you all!
Thanks to escher for giving me the nudge to finally make this.
Thanks to escher for giving me the nudge to finally make this.
forums.parallax.com/discussion/170699/philosophical-questionLeave it to this group to take a complete sh**post and turn it into a legitimate technical analysis of microcontroller behavior. Never change my friends.

Man, someone should make stickers from this!
Also, I seem to have discovered a bug in the forum. I uploaded this in jpeg and png, then left the page. I found it in My Drafts and posted. But, the attachments do not show in the footer. File is still there: forums.parallax.com/discussion/download/127561/what-i-accomplish-on-social-media-meme.png
And a T-Shirt!