How to start the programming of P2 ?
in Propeller 2
Dear all, new chips and boards are very near, some documents are ready or in a process. However, I wonder how to start the programming ? Is there some IDE similar to P1 ready for download ? Thanks a lot
Download the "" file, unzip it, and run flexgui.exe.
At the moment the only official tool from Parallax is the PNut assembler. There are other tools available (like Catalina, TaqOZ, and FlexGUI) but they're contributed by volunteers, and it's hardly fair to expect those volunteers to have production ready tools and documentation ready for a chip which isn't even in mass production yet.
Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço
I don't think there are currently any plans for a respin, so if no issues are found in this wider release, this die will actually be the 'polished final product'.
As more and more is confirmed working, on P2ES2, the likelyhood of any respin keeps reducing.
Perhaps I wasn't clear -- I did *not* mean that the chip itself will change. But the "polished final product" is more than just the chip, it's the whole ecosystem around the chip -- not just the hardware, but also tools, examples, and documentation (those are the "polish", if you will). I'm trying to set realistic expectations. The hardware is (we hope) finished, but the software and documentation is not. As far as I can see the current crop of P2s are engineering samples, not intended for general use.
But of course I cannot speak for Parallax, and I'm sure they'll correct me if I'm wrong.