DIL module for P2?
in Propeller 2
to use P2 in maker projects it is necessary to have a module with essential addons for an attractive price. Dual inline modules are very handy. I think, they are used also widely, because pcb space is expensive.
When do you plan a DIL module for a competitive price? What add ons will it have? (SD slot at least, I think?)
Regards Christof
to use P2 in maker projects it is necessary to have a module with essential addons for an attractive price. Dual inline modules are very handy. I think, they are used also widely, because pcb space is expensive.
When do you plan a DIL module for a competitive price? What add ons will it have? (SD slot at least, I think?)
Regards Christof
That has 0.1" headers, and I have a variant PCB design that has a Raspberry Pi pin map on the 40 pin headers.
Yes, that has SD slot, and choices for Oscillator sources, and Peter added a Si5351A footprint, for very flexible clocking choices.
A 1.1”sq pcb with 0.050” pitch headers around all 4 edges. There will be NO regulators OR Flash OR SD.
A 1.1x1.4” pcb with 0.050” pitch headers around 3 sides and regulators and SD on the fourth side.
I’ll probably do a large base board to break out these boards with various connectors.
Official announcements will follow once testing has been completed with the Eval boards.
Anyway, I like what Peter has done with the P2D2 and was hoping that Parallax would partner somehow with him on that (beyond whatever cooperation they've already had). I thought that Peter's form-factor was good enough that I built a P1 module for a project using the same DIL double header layout. And it plugs in nicely with a base/carrier board (as the module is not too big (or small)).
At any rate, there almost for sure needs to be a Parallax manufactured or sponsored module board that can plug into a carrier. And they know that, but are just waiting for the appropriate time to target their resources. Good days are ahead. Things are really starting to move now. And other members will do their own modules, too, as Parallax doesn't want to make lots of different ones (kind of like the Apple product approach).
I’ve been a very good boy this year. I’ve washed behind my ears and ate my veggies every day. So, for Chipmas, could I please have a P2-Flip? I know its a lot of pins, but my breadboard has room.
Your friend,
Roark in Deep South Texas
Honestly, I want Parallax to make a deluxe P2 board like the PPDB. I used the Smile out of mine. Best ever.
That and a proto board type thing one can plug a P2 module into would be fab!
If you want a single row PCB, something has to give.
I toyed with a DIP64-900 footprint, but you cannot connect all P2 io pins to that, and that board is quite a bit longer than P2D2 form factor.
That where the largest DILs I ever used
They are stocked at Digikey and Mouser, in modest volumes in machine screw.
There are also dual-wipe 64 sockets out there, but in 1.778mm & that's no longer bread-board compliant....
With an MOQ of 102 from Mouser for the machine pin sockets; they aren't exactly hobbyist friendly quantities.
However, the price is an indication of how many people still use these...
Brilliant...and perfect timing for my current project :cool:
Thanks for the answers! I am looking forward to the offers. I think a breadboard friendly version with usb-programming interface, power regulator and SD-slot for a good price would be attractive, even if it has a reduced number of pins available. A good price seems to be very important, as there seem to be not too many maker projects, that force you to use a P2. (Actually, I do not yet see anything that can't be done with others using DMA, Interrupts and/or preemptive multitasking. I am still wondering, what could be done with the cordic, which sounds interesting. But if you don't do assembler, it will just be hidden by the compiler to do some math? Do the Dacs have 16bit 41kHz CD audio quality? As far as I have understood, the ADCs have about 12bit usable resolution.)
Super-low-noise regulators exist, but they cost much more than i2s DACs !
The P2 DACs have a 16b dither mode, that would be audio-useful, but anyone chasing 'CD quality' top end, would be best using external i2s DACs / headphone drivers.
A very few, young people can hear 22khz and maybe a bit higher. Everyone else won't really benefit.
This is why:
It is damaging, but people can enjoy a 120db performance. 16 bits = roughly 96db (and yes, that is a quibble)
The "singing monks" of P1 are a very impressive demo, what you can do with about 12bits. 12bits are quite good, if the signal always has the same full loudness.
I was shocked seeing the price of the P2ES board. I understand, that they are very expensive to make. I doubt, that the costs are covered.
But on the other side there are esp32 boards out there with a lot of power for a low price even, if you don t use bt and wlan. An other side is blocked by the Linux boards.
Alltogether I think a DIL board for about 25Euro with Usb and SD can be attractive.
what do you mean by this?
every COG can use the CORDIC multiplier at the same time ...
and each of those is pipelined in itself.
I thought, that instead of 2 clocks for every cog instruction including 16*16bit cog multiply, you need 55 clocks plus delay for the start. If it is really true, that the cordic can do maths for each cog in parallel (has it got a higher clock speed?), then a very clever compiler might use the 54 stage pipeline, if all operations are independant.