DS1302 RealTimeClock/event timing issue
Posts: 283
in Propeller 1
I'm using the ds1302 rtc that's built into the ppdb, and the "DS_fulldemo.spin from OBEX. I've added my own little bit of code at the bottom of the demo. The goal is to use it for timing based events. So far i'm just experimenting with toggling a led based on the seconds. That works for any given second 0-59. When i add an "OR" to the if condition (if seconds == 1 OR 37 ect.) , the pin toggles each time through the loop, which is once a second. I'm not sure what to try or look for to go forward, any help or idea is appreciated. Thanks
{{ DS1302_full-demo.spin}} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ SN : "Simple_Numbers" rtc : "DS1302_full" debug : "SerialMirror" 'Same as fullDuplexSerial, but can also call from subroutines VAR byte hour, minute, second, day, month, year, dow byte cmd, out byte data[12] long activitiesStack[75] PUB main|i,_month,_day,_year,_dow,_hour,_min,_sec dira[10]~~ waitcnt(clkfreq * 5 + cnt) 'wait 5 secs, start FullDuplexSerial Debug.start(31, 30, 0, 115200) Debug.Str(String("MSG,Initializing...",13)) '================================================================================== 'call this function each time the propeller starts rtc.init( 4, 5, 6 ) 'ports Clock, io, chip enable '================================================================================== 'set time debug.str(string("=========== DS1302 demo ===========",13)) debug.str(string("enter 1 to setup ds1302, 0 to proceed on to demo without setting time",13)) if(debug.GetNumber<>0) debug.str(string("enter month (1-12)",13)) _month:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter day (1-31)",13)) _day:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter year (00-99)",13)) _year:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter day of week (1-7)",13)) _dow:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter hour (0-23)",13)) _hour:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter minute (0-60)",13)) _min:=debug.getnumber debug.str(string("enter second (0-60)",13)) _sec:=debug.getnumber 'call this function only after DS1302 power on rtc.config 'Set configuration register 'call this function to set DS1302 time rtc.setDatetime( _month, _day, _year, _dow, _hour, _min, _sec ) 'month, day, year, day of week, hour, minute, second '================================================================================== 'change the tricle charger setup from that currently defined in the config function 'Trickle charger setup tc_enable diodeSel resistSel ' | | | rtc.write(rtc.command(rtc#clock,rtc#tc,rtc#w),(%1010 << 4) + (1 << 2)+ ( 1 )) out:=rtc.read(rtc.command(rtc#clock,rtc#tc,rtc#r)) Debug.Str(string("Trickle charge register contents = ")) Debug.bin(out,8) Debug.Str(String(13,13)) '================================================================================== 'write data values to ram registers repeat i from 0 to 30 cmd:=rtc.command(rtc#ram,i,rtc#w) Debug.Str(string("Writing RAM address ")) Debug.Dec(i) Debug.Str(string(" cmd byte = ")) Debug.Bin(cmd,8) Debug.Str(String(13)) rtc.write(cmd,i) Debug.Str(String(13,13)) '================================================================================== 'read data values from ram registers repeat i from 0 to 30 cmd:=rtc.command(rtc#ram,i,rtc#r) Debug.Str(string("Reading RAM address ")) Debug.Dec(i) Debug.Str(string(" = ")) out:=rtc.read(cmd) Debug.Dec(out) Debug.Str(String(13)) Debug.Str(String(13,13)) '================================================================================== 'write data to registers 0-11 in burst mode Debug.Str(string("Writing RAM data in burst mode")) repeat i from 0 to 30 data[i]:=30-i cmd:=rtc.command(rtc#ram,rtc#burst,rtc#w) rtc.writeN(cmd,@data,12) Debug.Str(String(13,13)) '================================================================================== 'read data registers 0-11 in burst mode Debug.Str(string("Reading RAM data in burst mode",13)) cmd:=rtc.command(rtc#ram,rtc#burst,rtc#r) rtc.readN(cmd,@data,12) repeat i from 0 to 11 Debug.Str(string("Data ")) Debug.Dec(i) Debug.Str(string(" = ")) Debug.Dec(data[i]) Debug.Str(String(13)) Debug.Str(String(13,13)) '================================================================================== ' cognew (activities, @activitiesStack) 'read date and time, once per second repeat rtc.readTime( @hour, @minute, @second ) 'read time from DS1302 rtc.readDate( @day, @month, @year, @dow ) 'read date from DS1302 Debug.str( SN.decx(hour,2) ) Debug.str( string(":")) Debug.str( SN.decx(minute,2) ) Debug.str( string(":") ) Debug.str( SN.decx(second,2)) Debug.str( string(", ") ) Debug.str( SN.decx(dow,2)) Debug.str( string(" ") ) Debug.str( SN.decx(month,2)) Debug.str( string(" ") ) Debug.str( SN.decx(day,2)) Debug.str( string(" ") ) Debug.str( SN.decx(year,2)) Debug.Str(String(13)) waitcnt( clkfreq + cnt ) activities pub activities dira[10]~~ 'repeat if second ==1 or 37 'trigger event based on a time !outa[10]
you want to write it like this:
Or alternatively