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How many DoF on this chassis design??? — Parallax Forums

How many DoF on this chassis design???

Just stumbled across this while perusing youtube during my lunch. I love this chassis design and the level of articulation. I think this would make a great robot chassis platform. Even the back of it looks like a mean face ready for a robot battle....

Anyhow, I was trying to count the degrees of freedom for each "leg" but not quite sure.


  • Looks like each of the wheel let’s are 2 DOF, while the bucket arm is 4 DOF(5 DOF if you count the telescoping motion).
    Pretty cool! Makes you wander at the fuel consumption...
  • When I was way younger then now I worked in construction and operated heavy equipment. This is just amazing.

    But on the other hand it is sort of overkill. At 99% of my worksites I would never have needed to use those features.

    Cool to have but - hmm - rarely needed.


  • evanhevanh Posts: 15,392
    That is impressive amount of engineering there. The motors must be in the wheel hubs and are probably hydraulic motors.

    I was watching a modified tractor on a TV programme the other day, it was the old dunger hacked up for a single job. The job being mechanical de-weeding between crop rows. The wheels were extra skinny and all four had axel extensions added to match the row spacing. The grubber was customised too.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    WOW! Incredible, I want to see that in person. What a machine!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    See also the "walking excavator" at the end of this top ten list. Very robotic!

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