Spin1/Ruby polyglot
Posts: 5,121
So for some reason I wondered: "Can you make a file that's both a Spin program and a Ruby program"
Then I passed out and an hour later I woke up with this in my editor (hey forum admins, why is there still no button for the code block?):
Then I passed out and an hour later I woke up with this in my editor (hey forum admins, why is there still no button for the code block?):
''# The amazing Ruby/Spin polyglot! ''; puts "Henlo World!" ''; text = %{ CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ pst : "parallax serial terminal" PUB main pst.start(115_200) repeat pst.str(string("Henlo world!",13)) ''} '';p text
I don't think there is really anything useful one can do with this, but it's cool, still.