Unable to play wav files(solved)
I have the BlocklyProp program loaded into Activity board WX and it will not play songs.
The same setup will play when I use a spin program.
I tried attaching an empty If forever block - failed to play
I attached the initializing block - failed to play
I have a blinky for ever program with wav play - failed
I have attached one of the failed blockly programs.
I need help to get the wav player started.
The same setup will play when I use a spin program.
I tried attaching an empty If forever block - failed to play
I attached the initializing block - failed to play
I have a blinky for ever program with wav play - failed
I have attached one of the failed blockly programs.
I need help to get the wav player started.
I re-arranged the blocks and still does not work.
The wav block - starts a new cog and runs the wav files.
According to the instructions if playing only wav files and no other blocks, place an empty if forever block
after the wav block, but none of them works.
Tom thanks for your suggestion but I wonder where
the blocklyprop Gurus are when we need help.
I have another post with no suggested answers.
The prop1 community is extremely helpful.I had answers within hours for my issues.
You'll need to carefully format the wav file according to this tutorial: http://learn.parallax.com/support/reference/sound-library/formatting-audio-files-wav-players
Have you done that already?
Ken Gracey
The wav files were formatted using Audacity with the directions.
Not only these wav files formatted using Audacity, they play in Andy's Juke Bot -which I still have and is working.
This reference is to the spin Juke Bot by Andy
In the meantime, can you verify that you've got a set_volume block in your code? Speaker is charged too?
I can hook this up and try it myself in two hours.
Ken Gracey
This not a big program, I was trying to play wav songs before I add music to a program.
I have posted a screen shot in the original post.I have tried with set_volume block,I have
tried with the initializing block,tried with a blank "IF for ever" block to the end,Itried with
along pause(90000)block. None worked.
Initially with the "Juke box Bot" the wav files did not play and after some research "Ariba'
had a solution " to make the titles short, and it worked and the titles are only one word long.
When you get it to work please attach a screen sot of the solution to the issue.
Thank you for your help.
Please see this http://learn.parallax.com/support/reference/propeller-blocklyprop-block-reference/audio and note that the code launched by the wav playback block starts another processor. The main processor must continue running for at least part of the duration of the wav file, else you'll get a buzzing sound when the main processor stops.
Here is an example of a project that works, because of the PAUSE 5000 block being present after the wav playback block.
Maybe start with this, using the techloop.wav file on our web site and see if you can get it to work.
Also, I asked if you'd send me your wav file so I could check it too.
Ken Gracey
Could you include the .WAV file so we came check on our platforms?
Ken Gracey
Here are the wav files I was trying play.
Thanks for all your help,
I am uploading the file again as I was not sure whether
they were uploaded. This is a Zip file.
Use the "Attach" function to include your ZIP file.
I will try again , I used attach file before too
I tried using a single song and as well as zip file ,when I
attach it it shows uploading bot nothing else happen.
? is there something wrong with the site. I have uploaded files before and
they show at the bottom before I click "post Comment"
Please check whether the site is functioning?
Thank you
For some reason .WAV files are not supported now. They have been supported in the past.
I will put a ticket to Parallax about the problem.
In the mean time, if you can ZIP the .WAV file up, that should upload.
EDIT: The site does not accept .mp3 files any more. We will get it fixed tomorrow.
This could probably tell us several things:
- whether the formatting of your wav files is a problem
- any issues with your speaker or SD card
I really suggest you start there. In the meantime, e-mail me your wav file (kgracey@parallax.com) as suggested above. Then, we can help you quite a bit more.
Ken Gracey
I tried your blocks to play a song and it failed.
All I hear is a click from the VHO speaker.
I am trying again to upload the files and
I am using chrome , other times I used windows explorer.
I hope it will work.
I can play files in SD card on my computer but
When I up load the filed a notification appears
on the left panel "no file data could be found in your post"
It's possible that the SD card has not been formatted properly because the error you describe sounds like something Windows would display when you copy files to an SD card. But in a prior post you indicated this SD card was used in the JukeBot application where it played files back from Spin code. Do I understand correctly?
Is the SD card from Parallax? We format ours and test them to work.
Can you e-mail (kgracey@parallax.com) one of the files you are trying to play?
Ken Gracey
I e-mailed the songs and I hope you got them.
Will report back.
Ken Gracey
For this reason, I suggested that you eliminate the speaker/SD card/file formats as the problem by using a wav file created by Parallax available from our library https://learn.parallax.com/support/reference/sound-library
When things don't work right, back up a bit. Remove unknowns and simplify.
Ken Gracey
Ken Gracey
I will follow all the advice you have given.I will
I will do that to-morrow.
Thank you very much for all the help.
Your solution worked well, only mistake I\I
made was my pause was too short , so it played
few notes then I realized the issue.
Thanks a lot helping me