I'm working on a "template" cog engine, mostly for my own understanding. What I have so far is this :
PUB start_explicit( DO, CLK, DI, CS ) : card_type
long[@cmd] := "i" 'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
long[@cmd][1] := @DO
Ugh! Please don't do this. I know it was popular in Spin1 to save time by passing pointers to the parameters that happened to be on the stack, but it really kills performance in fastspin (it'll work, but it forces the compiler to store local variables on the stack instead of in registers, which is much slower). It also makes porting the code to other languages harder, because not all of them will pass variables on the stack -- many, like fastspin, will pass them in registers instead.
You've also got the mailbox in the DAT section, which means it's shared by all instances of the object. If you wanted to drive two different cards, with two different COGs, you'd need to have a lock on the mailbox so they don't conflict. Whereas if the mailbox is a local variable of the object this wouldn't be an issue. Maybe it doesn't matter for the SD card driver, but you mentioned wanting to use this as a template for other objects, so it might come up there.
So I would suggest that the more natural way to write this is:
long mbox[10] ' or whatever size
PUB start_explicit(DO, CLK, DI, CS) : card_type
mbox[0] := "i"
mbox[1] := DO
mbox[2] := CLK
mbox[3] := DI
mbox[4] := CS
cog := cognew(@asm_start, @mbox)
That'll also simplify your PASM startup code, because you won't have to juggle multiple pointers (you just have the one to mbox), and I think makes everything easier to understand, both for the human reader and for the compiler.
As to passing parameters, I'll need to figure out the best way to handle this. I use this trick because there are many times I would like to pass more initialization info to the cog than I have parameters. I never did get my head around the "pre-load" trick used in the P1 and always did it this way. I guess I could use several commands for initialization, need to think on this more.
Regarding the mailbox in the dat section, I also have a commented out VAR section if I wanted multiple instances running at the same time. I will have one platform with 2 sd cards so this will be something to think about. That hardware also has a shared SPI bus so was thinking about providing some SPI methods for accessing those devices as well. I think it's best to start out "generic" so maybe others can find it helpful as well.
Attached is a sdrw test for the eval board. Confirmed to work consistently on my P2ES. You may want to consider adding this to the RC3 distribution. It was the file @Rayman included in his, with additions for CR + LF in the terminal. Thank you @cheezus !
So I'm looking at the docs, trying the RTFM manual way.. I think I'm close to testing the improved read, using smartpins. I'm sure there's something still wrong though. I'm sure the experts can see where I'm going with this though.
pri read : r | c, o ' Read eight bits from the card.
c := clk
o := do
dirl c
wrpin sp_async_tx,c
wxpin ##$9,c 'set base period
dirh c
dirl o
wrpin sp_clk_cfg,o 'sync tx
wxpin #%1_00111,o 'stop/start mode
dirh o 'enable smartpin
' wypin txdata,o 'data, need to do anything?
wypin #8,c 'start clock, tx data '' ! should this be 8 or 16?
busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #busy
rdpin pa,c ' needed?
rdpin r,o
dirl o
dirl c
'' next part per chip's smart pin documentation
REV r ' Set MSB First
TRIML r,#7
I've been working on this a bit more, trying to prove concepts using inline asm before trying to put them in their own cog. Spent way too much time trying to get the smartpin read working without any luck but I was able to get free-running clock gen for init clocks working. The one "improvement" I've been focusing on is converting the ReadBlock function to inline asm. I need to do the same for the WriteBlock, which should improve performance a few percent. It's not 100% asm yet, I got lazy..
pub readblock(n, b) | c, i, o, outv, r
' Read a single block. The "n" passed in is the
' block number (blocks are 512 bytes); the b passed
' in is the address of 512 blocks to fill with the
' data.
c := clk
o := do
i := di
starttime := cnt
rep #.end_read0, #8
drvl c
drvh c
mov outv, #$40+17
rol outv, #24
rep #.end_send0, #8
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
mov outv, n
rep #.end_send1, #32
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
mov outv, #$87
rol outv, #24
rep #.end_send2, #8
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
repeat sectorsize
mov r, #0
rep #.end_read, #8
drvl c
waitx #14 '' !! 13 safe for up to 160 mhz, 14 for 320mhz, 57@320mhz external
testp o wc
drvh c
rcl r, #1
byte[b++] := r
rep #.end_read2, #16
drvl c
drvh c
return endcmd
I've also mostly converted CMD to inline ASM. Again proving things work before burying in a cog!
pri cmd(op, parm) | c, i, o, outv
' Send a full command sequence, and get and
' return the response. We make sure cs is low,
' send the required eight clocks, then the
' command and parameter, and then the CRC for
' the only command that needs one (the first one).
' Finally we spin until we get a result.
c := clk
o := do
i := di
starttime := cnt
rep #.end_read0, #8
drvl c
drvh c
mov outv, op
add outv, #$40
rol outv, #24
rep #.end_send0, #8
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
mov outv, parm
rep #.end_send1, #32
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
cmp op, #0 wz
if_z mov outv, #$95
if_nz mov outv, #$87
rol outv, #24
rep #.end_send2, #8
drvl c
rol outv, #1 wc
drvc i
drvh c
drvh i
return readresp
I'm really hoping to get much closer to sysclock /4 or maybe /8, the waitx #14 looks really ugly, lol
I have a few ??? I'm still trying to understand, such as I'm running @320mhz as max clock but seeing that 290mhz is where things top out.. I should probably start testing 290mhz clock??? Although once things are solid at the 160mhz "standard" clock, I haven't had a problem running up @320.
Also, since I need to slow things down for LA scoping I've been putting the PLL out of spec in all kinds of strange ways and things are surprisingly stable. Is there a recommended pll setup for 8mhz or 16mhz?
One thing I'd really like to do is figure out how to "tune" that waitx automatically. I tested using the SD card on my hardware and I had to push this to almost 60. I'm assuming ringing of cable and lots of PCB trace, I'll be shortening the cable eventually, hopefully this helps.
I finally started making progress, realized I was making a few dumb mistakes. Forgivable since I've had a bit of a break. I've been able to get the smartpins working, although it's still not quite right. Just missing a waitx somewhere I'm pretty sure, since removing the debugging code causes things to stop working. I'd investigate further but pretty sure I'm going to lose power soon. Once the weather calms down I'll get back on it. Now that it's working I can fine tune things as needed.
sp_sync_rx = %0000_0011_000_0000000000000_00_11101_0 '' +3, inv
sp_sync_cfg = %1_00111
pri read : r | c, o ' Read eight bits from the card.
c := clk
o := do
dirl o
wrpin #sp_sync_rx,o 'sync tx
wxpin #sp_sync_cfg,o 'stop/start mode
dirh o 'enable smartpin
akpin o
waitx #12
rep #.end_rd, #8
drvl c
waitx #12
drvh c
waitx #2
waitx #32
rdpin r, o
rev r
and r, #$ff
dirl o
te.tx(r) ' debugging, remove breaks
I'm glad I've got it working and I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong shortly. Then getting smartpin TX and clock working!
I'm just going to drop this working version here, in case.. Smartpin RX is working and I've got the clock for RX using a smartpin as well. I just need to get the smartpin TX working and then see about writing an SPI cog. Much work to be done but take one victory at a time!
sp_srx = %0000_0011_000_0000000000000_00_11101_0 '' +3, inv
sp_srx_c = %1_00111
sp_clk = %1000_0000_000_0000000000000_01_00101_0
long spi_bitcycles
.. 'init code does this
spi_bitcycles :=((clkfreq / spi_clk_max) /2 )+1 ' needs to be inverse of freq / max
bt := ((clkfreq / 400_000 ) / 2 ) +1 '' UNDER 400k
wrpin #sp_srx, o 'sync tx
wxpin #sp_srx_c, o 'stop/start mode
dirl c
wrpin #sp_clk, c
wxpin bt, c 'set base period (*2) ''2.5 400kmax init
dirh c
wypin #initclks, c 'start clock, tx data n-1?
.busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy
drvh csn
wypin #initclks, c 'start clock, tx data n-1?
rdpin pa,c
.busy2 testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy2
wrpin #0, c
pri read | c, o, t, bc ' Read eight bits from the card
c := clk
o := do
bc := spi_bitcycles
dirl c
wrpin #sp_clk, c ' set clk pin mode
wxpin bc, c ' set clk base period
dirh c ' enable sp clk
dirh o ' enable sp di
wypin #byteclks, c ' start clock
.busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy
rdpin t, o ' get data
dirl o ' disable smartpin di
wrpin #0, c ' clear clk sp config
rev t
and t, #$ff
' term.tx(t)
return t
Once the TX is using smartpins, I won't need to disable the clock pin at the end of the read method. Really liking these smartpins. What a cool chip, once you get past that initial learning curve!
I think I've got the smartpins thing good. I'm still not 100% sure I understand the timings but it everything seems pretty solid. I've still got several things to do, one I noticed in testing is default the max spi clock to sysclock /2 in cases where sysclock is too low to meet max spi clock. I also need to generalize the bpin config to allow other sd card configurations. I'll need to wrap my head around this next but I wanted to get it working. You can invert the clock polarity by commenting out + sp_inv_pin on the clock config line. (I use default high because of pullups and pin sharing)
@"Peter Jakacki" I can't remember if the p2d2 uses the same pins as the p2ES. If not, you will probably need to change the smartpin config lines for SP_STX and SP_SRX. Let me know if you need any help.
I have a bunch of work left to do before hiding the spi away in it's own cog. I think I'm getting close, finally!
SDSPI driver for P2-ES FastSpin/InlineASM RC3
Cheezus Slice (Joe Heinz) - July - 2019
Thanks to all those out there in fourm land!
Original spin version by Radical Eye Software Copyright 2008
'CON Baudrate = 115200 'baud rate for serial communications
sectorsize = 512
sectorshift = 9
spi_clk_max = 20_000_000 ' 20mhz safe, 25 seems to work though?
'' NOTE, SYSCLOCK needs to be 2x spi_clk_max for now
'ppp =''xxxx_CIO_HHH_LLL
sp_inv_pin = %0000_001_000_000 << 8
'smartpin modes TT_MMMMM_0
sp_stx = (%0010 << 24) + %01_11100_0 ' +2
sp_srx = (%0011 << 24) + %00_11101_0 ' +3
sp_srx_c = %0_00111
sp_clk = %01_00101_0 + sp_inv_pin ' inv clock right way
initclks = (20*(2*8)) ' send 20 bytes to init card
byteclks = (2*8)
long di, do, clk, cs, starttime, sdhc, di_mask, do_mask, clk_mask, do_pin
long spi_bitcycles
'obj term: "SimpleSerial.spin2" ''-P2 TERM
pri send(outv) | c, i ' Send eight bits, then raise di.
i := di
c := clk
SHL outv, #32-8 ' Set MSB First
REV outv ' Set MSB First
wypin outv, i ' data !!
rdpin pa, c
wypin #byteclks, c 'start clock, tx data
.busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy
wypin #$FF, i
pri read | c, o, t ' Read eight bits from the card.
c := clk
o := do
rdpin pa, c
wypin #byteclks, c ' start clock
.busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy
rdpin t, o ' get data
rev t
and t, #$ff
return t
pub start_explicit(iDO, iCLK, iDI, iCS)| t, c,csn,o,i, bt 'RJA adding in some things to make work
'' globals
do := iDO
clk := iCLK
di := iDI
cs := iCS
spi_bitcycles :=((clkfreq / spi_clk_max) /2 )+1
'' locals
c := clk
csn := cs
o := do
i := di
bt := spi_bitcycles
drvh csn
dirl c
wrpin #sp_clk, c
wxpin bt, c 'set base period (*2) ''2.5 400kmax init
dirh c
dirl i
wrpin #sp_stx, i 'sync tx
wxpin #%1_00111, i 'stop/start mode
dirh i
wypin #$FF, i
dirl o
wrpin #sp_srx, o 'sync rx
wxpin #sp_srx_c, o 'stop/start mode
dirh o
wypin #initclks, c 'start clock, tx data n-1?
.busy testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy
wypin #byteclks, c 'start clock, tx data n-1?
rdpin pa, c
.busy2 testp c wc
if_nc jmp #.busy2
starttime := t
cmd(0, 0)
drvh_(cs) ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
cmd(8, $1aa)
drvh_(cs) ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
cmd(55, 0)
t := cmd(41, $4000_0000)
drvh_(cs) ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
if t <> 1
if t
return -40'abort -40 ' could not initialize card
cmd(58, 0)
sdhc := (read >> 6) & 1
drvh_(cs) ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
if sdhc == 0 ' if not hc
return -40 ' fail mount
return sdhc +1 ' return card type
pri readresp | r
'' made return timeout to caller CHZ 2-2019
' Read eight bits, and loop until we
' get something other than $ff.
if (r := read) <> $ff
return r
if checktime == -41
return -41
pri busy | r ' Wait until card stops returning busy
'' made return timeout to caller CHZ 2-2019
if (r := read)
return r
if checktime == -41
return -41
pri checktime ' Did we go over our time limit yet?
if cnt - starttime > clkfreq
return -41'abort -41 ' Timeout during read
pri cmd(op, parm)
' Send a full command sequence, and get and
' return the response. We make sure cs is low,
' send the required eight clocks, then the
' command and parameter, and then the CRC for
' the only command that needs one (the first one).
' Finally we spin until we get a result.
starttime := cnt
send(parm >> 24)
send(parm >> 16)
send(parm >> 8)
send(parm << 0)
if (op == 0)
return readresp
pri endcmd ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
drvh_(cs) ' Deselect the card to terminate a command.
PUB stop ' RJA adding in some things
PUB release
pub start(basepin)
result := start_explicit(basepin, basepin+1, basepin+2, basepin+3)
pub readblock(n, b) | c, i, o, outv, r
' Read a single block. The "n" passed in is the
' block number (blocks are 512 bytes); the b passed
' in is the address of 512 blocks to fill with the
' data.
starttime := cnt
cmd(17, n)
repeat sectorsize
byte[b++] := read
return endcmd
pub writeblock(n, b)
' Write a single block. Mirrors the read above.
starttime := cnt
cmd(24, n)
' cmd(24, doSDHC(n))
repeat sectorsize
if ((readresp & $1f) <> 5)
return -42'abort -42
return endcmd
' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
' a copy of this software and associated documentation files
' (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
' including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
' publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
' and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
' subject to the following conditions:
' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
' in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Pretty sure I'm getting close now. This is completely untested and I need to double check the init sequence a few times before I even try to debug this. I just wanted to post this in case someone cares to take a quick look for obvious errors. You know how it is when you stare at code too long and start missing things.
CON 'Constants section
spi_clk_max = 20_000_000 ' 20mhz safe
initclks = (20*(2*8)) ' send 20 bytes to init card
byteclks = (2*8)
byte cog
byte do, clk, di, cs
PUB HOOK ' test compile
start_explicit( 3, 2, 1, 0 )
PUB Stop
if cog
cog := 0
PUB GetCog
return cog
PUB start_explicit( _DO, _CLK, _DI, _CS ) : card_type | domask, dimask, sbt
'' save pins for later?
do := _DO
clk := _CLK
di := _DI
cs := _CS
'' prepare smartpin clock mask and bit time
domask := getmask(clk, do) ' bpin mask (clk)
dimask := getmask(clk, di)
sbt :=((clkfreq / spi_clk_max) /2 )+1 ' SPI bit time
if sbt < 2 ' make sure at least sysclock /2
sbt := 2
long[@cmd] := "i" 'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
long[@cmd][1] := do | (clk << 8) + (di << 16) + (cs << 24)
long[@cmd][2] := domask + (dimask << 8) ' clock masks
long[@cmd][3] := sbt ' spi bit time
long[@cmd][4] := clkfreq '1s
long[@cmd][5] := clkfreq / 100_000_000 '1us
cog := cognew(@_asm_start,@cmd) + 1
if cog
repeat until long[@cmd] <> "i" ' wait until cog is done reading parameter
card_type := long[@cmd][1] ' arg1 returns card type or returns with ptr to error from low level driver
else ' we don't have a cog?
PUB ReadBlock(n, b)
return DoCommand("r", n, b, 0)
PUB WriteBlock(n, b)
return DoCommand("w", n, b, 0)
PRI DoCommand(_cmd, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3)
if cmd <> 0
return @cogbusymsg '' busy
arg1 := _arg1
arg2 := _arg2
arg3 := _arg3
cmd := _cmd
repeat until cmd <> _cmd
return err
PRI getmask(clk, data) | t
t := clk - data
if ( || t ) <> t
t := ( || t ) + %0100
DAT org
_asm_start mov ptr_to_mbox, ptra ' save mbox address for later
'' get parameters from spin
do_init mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
rdlong tmp, ptra++ ' pins long
mov pinDO, tmp
and pinDO, #$ff
mov pinCLK, tmp
shr pinCLK, #8
and pinCLK, #$ff
mov pinDI, tmp
shr pinDI, #16
and pinDI, #$ff
mov pinCS, tmp
shr pinCS, #24
and pinCS, #$ff
rdlong tmp, ptra++ 'mask long
mov sp_doclk, tmp
and sp_doclk, #$f
mov sp_diclk, tmp
shr sp_diclk, #4
and sp_diclk, #$f
rdlong sp_bt, ptra++ ' timing long
rdlong delay1s, ptra++ ' 1s long
rdlong delay1us, ptra ' 1us long
mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
'' setup pins
drvh pinCS
dirl pinCLK '' setup Clock pin
mov tmp, sp_clk
add tmp, sp_inv_pin ' invert clock
wrpin tmp, pinCLK
wxpin sp_bt, pinCLK ' set base period (*2)
dirh pinCLK ' enable clk
dirl pinDI '' setup DI pin
mov tmp, sp_stx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_diclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDI ' sync tx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDI ' stop/start mode
dirh pinDI ' enable smartpin
wypin #$FF, pinDI ' prime shifter
dirl pinDO '' setup DO pin
mov tmp, sp_srx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_doclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDO ' sync rx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDO ' 8 bit, pre
dirh pinDO ' enable pin
'' card init
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
wypin #initclks, pinCLK ' set init clocks
getct timeout ' setup 1s timeout
addct1 timeout, delay1s ' in case card does not respond
mov sd_cmd, #0 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #wait_clock ' wait for smartpins to finish
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
mov sd_cmd, #8 ' cmd 8 $1aa
mov sd_parm, #$1AA
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_byte ' read 32 bit
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
.cmd55 mov err_out, ##-40
mov sd_cmd, #55 'cmd 55,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #do_sdcmd
mov sd_cmd, #41 'cmd 55,0
mov sd_parm, ##$4000_0000'
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
cmp data_out, #$01 wz ' 01 = idle
if_z jmp #.cmd55
mov sd_cmd, #58 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_byte
and data_in, #40
cmp data_in, #0 wz
if_z mov adrShift, #9
if_nz mov adrShift, #0
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
mov err_out, #0
mov sd_cmd, #16 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, ##$200
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
do_init_ret ret
get_cmd rdlong cmd_in, ptra wz '
'' timeout and release card after 10s
if_z jmp #get_cmd 'no cmd so handle time
rdlong arg1_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg2_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg3_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg4_in, ++ptra '
cmp cmd_in, #"r" wz
if_z jmp #read_a
cmp cmd_in, #"w" wz
if_z jmp #write_b
' cmp cmd_in, #"z" wz
' if_z jmp #release
cmp cmd_in, #"i" wz
if_z call #do_init
'' do commands
end_cmd wrlong err_out, ++ptra
mov cmd_in, #0
mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
wrlong cmd_in, ptr_to_mbox
jmp #get_cmd
read_a '' arg1 is sd ptr, arg2 is hub
mov sd_cmd, #17 ' cmd 8 $1aa
' shr adrShift, arg1_in ' non-hc compatibility
mov sd_parm, arg1_in
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_resp
mov ptrb, arg2_in
rep @.endread, sectorsize
call #read_byte
wrbyte data_in, ptrb++
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
read_a_ret ret
write_b '' arg1 is sd ptr, arg2 is hub
mov sd_cmd, #24 ' cmd 8 $1aa
' shr adrShift, arg1_in ' non-hc compatibility
mov sd_parm, arg1_in
call #do_sdcmd
mov data_out, #$fe
call #send_byte
mov ptrb, arg2_in
rep @.endsend, sectorsize
rdbyte data_out, ptrb++
call #send_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_resp
and data_in, #$1f
cmp data_in, #5 wz
if_nz mov err_out, ##-42
call #sd_busy
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
write_b_ret ret
do_sdcmd ' OP is sd_cmd, parm = sd_parm
drvl pinCS
getct timeout ' setup 1s timeout
addct1 timeout, delay1s
call #read_byte
mov data_out, sd_cmd
add data_out, #$40
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #24
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #16
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #8
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
cmp sd_cmd, #0 wz
if_z mov data_out, #$95
if_nz mov data_out, #$87
call #send_byte
call #read_resp
do_sdcmd_ret ret
send_byte SHL data_out, #32-8 ' Set MSB First
REV data_out ' Set MSB First
wypin data_out, pinDI ' data !!
rdpin pa, pinCLK
wypin #byteclks, pinCLK ' start clock, tx data
call #wait_clock
wypin #$FF, pinDI
send_byte_ret ret
read_byte rdpin pa, pinCLK
wypin #byteclks, pinCLK ' start clock
call #wait_clock
rdpin data_in, pinDO ' get data
rev data_in
and data_in, #$ff
read_byte_ret ret
sd_busy call #read_byte
cmp data_in, #0 wz
if_z call #check_time
sd_busy_ret ret
read_resp call #read_byte
cmp data_in, #$ff wz
if_z call #check_time
read_resp_ret ret
check_time pollct1 wc
if_c mov err_out, ##-41
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
' if_c jmp #timed_out
check_time_ret ret
wait_clock testp pinCLK wc
if_nc jmp #wait_clock
wait_clock_ret ret
{=== Smart pin constants ===}
sp_clk long %01_00101_0
sp_stx long %01_11100_0
sp_srx long %00_11101_0
sp_stx_c long %1_00111
sp_srx_c long %0_00111
sp_inv_pin long %0000_001_000_000 << 8
adrShift long 0 ' will be 0 for SDHC, 9 for MMC & SD
sectorsize long 512
' loaded on init
{=== Pin Variables ===}
pinDO long 0 ' do
pinCLK long 0 ' clk
pinDI long 0 ' di
pinCS long 0 ' chip select
{===== Smartpin Clock Variables =====}'' smartpins stuffs
sp_doclk long 0
sp_diclk long 0
sp_bt long 0
{===== Command Mailbox =====}
ptr_to_mbox res 1
cmd_in res 1
arg1_in res 1
arg2_in res 1
arg3_in res 1
arg4_in res 1
err_out res 1
{=== Timing Variables ===}
delay1s res 1 ' clkfreq = 1 s
delay1us res 1 ' clkfreq / 100_000_000
timeout res 1
{=== Temp Variables ===}
tmp res 1 ' this may get used in all subroutines...don't use except in lowest
data_in res 1
data_out res 1
sd_cmd res 1
sd_parm res 1
'buff res 299
FIT 496
dat '' debug codes
cogbusymsg byte "SPI Busy",0
badpins byte "pins out of range",0
dat '' singleton spin mailbox
cmd long 0
arg1 long 0
arg2 long 0
arg3 long 0
arg4 long 0
err long 0
var '' multi spin mailbox
long cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, err
I couldn't get your code and my comments to fit in one post, so only code relevant to my comments follows.
In the asm init section, I don't see where do_init is used separately from _asm_start. Moving the just saved pointer back isn't really needed is it?
Rearranging your code could allow the use of a setq+ rdlong construct to read the whole parameter block in one action. It could save some pointer maths and the code reduction will allow for the extra long needed (tmp2). Using getnib, getbyte, and getword instead of shift and mask for the slice and dice of the packed parameters is worth investigating too.
In the clock pin setup you add two constants before the WRPIN. Why not just a single constant?
read_byte destroys the contents of data_in on each call, so where you call it multiple times in sequence are you only interested in the last byte received?
Pretty sure I'm getting close now. This is completely untested and I need to double check the init sequence a few times before I even try to debug this. I just wanted to post this in case someone cares to take a quick look for obvious errors. You know how it is when you stare at code too long and start missing things.
DAT org
_asm_start mov ptr_to_mbox, ptra ' save mbox address for later
'' get parameters from spin
do_init mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
rdlong tmp, ptra++ ' pins long
mov pinDO, tmp
and pinDO, #$ff
mov pinCLK, tmp
shr pinCLK, #8
and pinCLK, #$ff
mov pinDI, tmp
shr pinDI, #16
and pinDI, #$ff
mov pinCS, tmp
shr pinCS, #24
and pinCS, #$ff
rdlong tmp, ptra++ 'mask long
mov sp_doclk, tmp
and sp_doclk, #$f
mov sp_diclk, tmp
shr sp_diclk, #4
and sp_diclk, #$f
rdlong sp_bt, ptra++ ' timing long
rdlong delay1s, ptra++ ' 1s long
rdlong delay1us, ptra ' 1us long
mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
'' setup pins
drvh pinCS
dirl pinCLK '' setup Clock pin
mov tmp, sp_clk
add tmp, sp_inv_pin ' invert clock
wrpin tmp, pinCLK
wxpin sp_bt, pinCLK ' set base period (*2)
dirh pinCLK ' enable clk
dirl pinDI '' setup DI pin
mov tmp, sp_stx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_diclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDI ' sync tx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDI ' stop/start mode
dirh pinDI ' enable smartpin
wypin #$FF, pinDI ' prime shifter
dirl pinDO '' setup DO pin
mov tmp, sp_srx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_doclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDO ' sync rx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDO ' 8 bit, pre
dirh pinDO ' enable pin
'' card init
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
wypin #initclks, pinCLK ' set init clocks
getct timeout ' setup 1s timeout
addct1 timeout, delay1s ' in case card does not respond
mov sd_cmd, #0 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #wait_clock ' wait for smartpins to finish
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
mov sd_cmd, #8 ' cmd 8 $1aa
mov sd_parm, #$1AA
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_byte ' read 32 bit
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
.cmd55 mov err_out, ##-40
mov sd_cmd, #55 'cmd 55,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #do_sdcmd
mov sd_cmd, #41 'cmd 55,0
mov sd_parm, ##$4000_0000'
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
cmp data_out, #$01 wz ' 01 = idle
if_z jmp #.cmd55
mov sd_cmd, #58 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, #0
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_byte
and data_in, #40
cmp data_in, #0 wz
if_z mov adrShift, #9
if_nz mov adrShift, #0
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
mov err_out, #0
mov sd_cmd, #16 'cmd 0,0
mov sd_parm, ##$200
call #do_sdcmd
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
do_init_ret ret
get_cmd rdlong cmd_in, ptra wz '
'' timeout and release card after 10s
if_z jmp #get_cmd 'no cmd so handle time
rdlong arg1_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg2_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg3_in, ++ptra '
rdlong arg4_in, ++ptra '
cmp cmd_in, #"r" wz
if_z jmp #read_a
cmp cmd_in, #"w" wz
if_z jmp #write_b
' cmp cmd_in, #"z" wz
' if_z jmp #release
cmp cmd_in, #"i" wz
if_z call #do_init
'' do commands
end_cmd wrlong err_out, ++ptra
mov cmd_in, #0
mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
wrlong cmd_in, ptr_to_mbox
jmp #get_cmd
read_a '' arg1 is sd ptr, arg2 is hub
mov sd_cmd, #17 ' cmd 8 $1aa
' shr adrShift, arg1_in ' non-hc compatibility
mov sd_parm, arg1_in
call #do_sdcmd
call #read_resp
mov ptrb, arg2_in
rep @.endread, sectorsize
call #read_byte
wrbyte data_in, ptrb++
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
read_a_ret ret
write_b '' arg1 is sd ptr, arg2 is hub
mov sd_cmd, #24 ' cmd 8 $1aa
' shr adrShift, arg1_in ' non-hc compatibility
mov sd_parm, arg1_in
call #do_sdcmd
mov data_out, #$fe
call #send_byte
mov ptrb, arg2_in
rep @.endsend, sectorsize
rdbyte data_out, ptrb++
call #send_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_byte
call #read_resp
and data_in, #$1f
cmp data_in, #5 wz
if_nz mov err_out, ##-42
call #sd_busy
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
write_b_ret ret
do_sdcmd ' OP is sd_cmd, parm = sd_parm
drvl pinCS
getct timeout ' setup 1s timeout
addct1 timeout, delay1s
call #read_byte
mov data_out, sd_cmd
add data_out, #$40
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #24
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #16
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
shr data_out, #8
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
mov data_out, sd_parm
and data_out, #$ff
call #send_byte
cmp sd_cmd, #0 wz
if_z mov data_out, #$95
if_nz mov data_out, #$87
call #send_byte
call #read_resp
do_sdcmd_ret ret
send_byte SHL data_out, #32-8 ' Set MSB First
REV data_out ' Set MSB First
wypin data_out, pinDI ' data !!
rdpin pa, pinCLK
wypin #byteclks, pinCLK ' start clock, tx data
call #wait_clock
wypin #$FF, pinDI
send_byte_ret ret
read_byte rdpin pa, pinCLK
wypin #byteclks, pinCLK ' start clock
call #wait_clock
rdpin data_in, pinDO ' get data
rev data_in
and data_in, #$ff
read_byte_ret ret
sd_busy call #read_byte
cmp data_in, #0 wz
if_z call #check_time
sd_busy_ret ret
read_resp call #read_byte
cmp data_in, #$ff wz
if_z call #check_time
read_resp_ret ret
check_time pollct1 wc
if_c mov err_out, ##-41
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
' if_c jmp #timed_out
check_time_ret ret
wait_clock testp pinCLK wc
if_nc jmp #wait_clock
wait_clock_ret ret
{=== Smart pin constants ===}
sp_clk long %01_00101_0
sp_stx long %01_11100_0
sp_srx long %00_11101_0
sp_stx_c long %1_00111
sp_srx_c long %0_00111
sp_inv_pin long %0000_001_000_000 << 8
adrShift long 0 ' will be 0 for SDHC, 9 for MMC & SD
sectorsize long 512
' loaded on init
{=== Pin Variables ===}
pinDO long 0 ' do
pinCLK long 0 ' clk
pinDI long 0 ' di
pinCS long 0 ' chip select
{===== Smartpin Clock Variables =====}'' smartpins stuffs
sp_doclk long 0
sp_diclk long 0
sp_bt long 0
{===== Command Mailbox =====}
ptr_to_mbox res 1
cmd_in res 1
arg1_in res 1
arg2_in res 1
arg3_in res 1
arg4_in res 1
err_out res 1
{=== Timing Variables ===}
delay1s res 1 ' clkfreq = 1 s
delay1us res 1 ' clkfreq / 100_000_000
timeout res 1
{=== Temp Variables ===}
tmp res 1 ' this may get used in all subroutines...don't use except in lowest
data_in res 1
data_out res 1
sd_cmd res 1
sd_parm res 1
'buff res 299
FIT 496
dat '' debug codes
cogbusymsg byte "SPI Busy",0
badpins byte "pins out of range",0
dat '' singleton spin mailbox
cmd long 0
arg1 long 0
arg2 long 0
arg3 long 0
arg4 long 0
err long 0
var '' multi spin mailbox
long cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, err
@AJL, Thanks for taking a look. I've got a bunch of problems in my code above... The first I found was I was missing a dummy rdlong at the beginning of my init. I also am packing the clock pin masks wrong. There's also something ?else? wrong because I'm outputting clock but still not getting data.
Re. init -
This is one I'm not 100% sure how I want to do. I'd like to be able to change sysclock or pins by restarting the cog (it's called from get_cmd) I could probably get away with one entry point but was even thinking about separating the timing stuff from pin stuff but going to leave it like this for now I think.
re. setq + rdlong -
This is one improvement I'm going to look at once I have things working. That goes for the getnib / setnib instructions, just not quite there yet. Trying to stay as close to what I know..
The extra constant for the clock pin inverts it and I plan on having a switch somewhere to control the polarity of the clock, as well as set default max SPI clock. Just haven't been able to get my head around that yet.
Read_byte trashes data_out and most of the time I'm not interested in any of the data.
I'm stumbling my way through, found all kinds of errors.. I'm stuck on the conversion of readblock… It took me a while to figure out what is going on and it seems like I'm trashing the call stack? I believe it's because of my use of CALLs and JMPs. I'm missing the obvious and correct way of conditional repeat. Spin code is this.
pri readresp | r
' Read eight bits, and loop until we
' get something other than $ff.
if (r := read) <> $ff
return r
if checktime == -41
return -41
When I was trying to convert it to ASM I had a feeling this wouldn't work.
Scratch that, seems the problem is REP is not working I noticed this while trying to use the output of fastspin to help guide me. For some reason, this is not repeating 512 times, just falling through. I know there was a bug with the REP instruction but I can't remember what it was exactly. I think I'm just doing something wrong.
That's a normal REP rule. The CALL counts as an exit branch from the REP mechanism. Another rule is any exit branching can't be the last instruction of the REP block. Another rule is interrupts are put on hold until the REP completes/exits.
The flaw (Corrected in the final silicon) is to do with a group of branching instructions that test the hardware events mechanism, eg: JCT1.
Thanks guys! I'm getting close, just got to nail down block writes! Once I get that done I'll try to clean up code and post. A quick benchmark (since I don't have writes yet and can't run the full test) for mounting a card is 4.57ms bit-bashed inline asm, 4.04ms inline asm smartpins and 2.33ms smartpins in their own cog. These were all @160mhz sysclock and 20mhz spi clock. Note, my LA can't keep up with 20mhz SPI.
Interestingly enough, the bit-bashed command packet is 2nd to complete although it's the all out loser in final times.
Bit - bashed SPI
Smartpins inline
Smartpins cog
Got block writes working so was able to come up with a full set of test times. To mount the card, read and write 2m.
I'll give the code a quick cleanup, now that I've got everything working including clock polarity. There's a lot of places to improve still. I'd like to figure out a way to determine max spi clock at init, although I really can't wrap my head around any way besides brute-force init card and increase speed till it fails. Maybe I'm missing something obvious as usual. Really happy I have this working though.
*final edit
I did some code cleanup and have just about everything where I want it. I'm posting a NEW RC3 here and once things are tested further I'll update the first post.
Still testing RC3 posted above. I've got a bunch of work left to do but it's fairly functional AFAIK. I'm wondering if anyone can give me a reason why it would be better to return a negative error code, as opposed to aborting? I'm probably going to re-write with aborts, as V1 used. Just wondering if anyone has a good argument against aborts?
I don’t like abort
Seems like unnecessary complexity to me
For some cases I can see how it could be considered unnecessary but I'm working on the Touchscreen OS again and aborts seem really helpful for SD cards. The ability to point to an error message, instead of needing to do a lookup on an error code. Six of one, half dozen of the other... I guess it could be done with conditional compile and would be the best, because a lot of P1 apps expect negative return type errors from FSRW. I really like how verbose Kye's SD driver is, plus it would be nice to not need to rewrite the ENTIRE touch.spin.
As I said, I really like Kye's driver and have pretty much talked myself into trying to get the genius piece of code working. One of the functions that is very essential to the OS is the ability to launch a file from SD card and it seems that @Cluso99 's on-chip SD could do this with little additional code. I just haven't wrapped my head around that yet. In the past I had commented out large portions of Kye's driver to free up memory but now that we have enough hubram I'm hoping to be able to do BIG THINGS much easier.
Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed to cover both FSRW and KYE's SD?
Kye’s SD driver is great. It’s easy to follow. I added a few extras such as returning the physical sector etc.
From a users perspective the names are too long, but makes understanding what its doing a breeze.
This is one of the reasons i wanted to get the Spin1 interpreter working with P2. But i got sidetracked near the end with work and haven’t managed to get back to it yet.
FWIW the ROM SD code, with the addition of write, and tweeking the actual spi routine, this should slot into Kye’s code nicely.
Kye’s SD driver is great. It’s easy to follow. I added a few extras such as returning the physical sector etc.
From a users perspective the names are too long, but makes understanding what its doing a breeze.
This is one of the reasons i wanted to get the Spin1 interpreter working with P2. But i got sidetracked near the end with work and haven’t managed to get back to it yet.
FWIW the ROM SD code, with the addition of write, and tweeking the actual spi routine, this should slot into Kye’s code nicely.
Kye's driver is great and the Touch OS is based largely on your OS based on Kye's SD driver I really wish I could wrap my head around how to interface cleanly with the ROM SD code. I know I'm probably just making it harder than I need to.
The main reason I didn't focus on using the ROM code was needing to understand SPI on the P2 a little better.
I'm stuck needing a driver for the resistive touch ADC XPT2046. Going to try modifying SDSPI for this. Once I get that done I'll be able to test a lot more, although I'm sure there will be a ton of debugging and bugfixes.
One of the things that looks really promising is LUT sharing. IE, read block from sd using CogN into shared LUT and use CogN+1 to push that block to display (or ram/flash). CogN could be reading the next block while N+1 is writing the current block. Seems like this could save a TON of hubcycles over the way things are done on the P1. I don't see myself getting around to this any time soon since I'm not sure how other people would be able to use such a specific driver.
I'm hoping to try using the rom to run a file, how many times can I get this one wrong? lol
I updated the 1st post with the current RC and some RC notes. I really wish I was better at documentation but until I get some feedback from people using this it seems pointless. I'm guessing right now there isn't much need for a P2 FSRW or Kyes, but that will change soon hopefully!
Really hoping the new silicon doesn't break things too much, hopefully worst case is change smartpin clock from sysclock /2 to /3 or /4. Time will tell though!
Note the ES ROM has some fixes in the respin ROM to better recover from the SD DO problem which fails to release the DO drive from the SD card. This means the SD ROM code positions change in the new ROM. The Serial Monitor/Debugger did not change position so this is fine to call.
Second thing to note is that the SD ROM code (routine) to drive the SPI code is deliberately not fast to ensure it works reliably from hubexec. It has send/receive combined ie it shifts in (reads) as it shifts out (writes).
The code in the new ROM is way better in the DO error handling, so this is what I will be using as a base for my SD (if you or others haven't done it when I need it), with just the write sector added, and the SPI send/receive routine replaced with a faster version.
BTW there is IIRC a single further fix for the DO that did not make it into the new ROM, so I will need to dig it out. I am overseas for another 2 weeks so that will have to wait.
Note the ES ROM has some fixes in the respin ROM to better recover from the SD DO problem which fails to release the DO drive from the SD card. This means the SD ROM code positions change in the new ROM. The Serial Monitor/Debugger did not change position so this is fine to call.
Second thing to note is that the SD ROM code (routine) to drive the SPI code is deliberately not fast to ensure it works reliably from hubexec. It has send/receive combined ie it shifts in (reads) as it shifts out (writes).
The code in the new ROM is way better in the DO error handling, so this is what I will be using as a base for my SD (if you or others haven't done it when I need it), with just the write sector added, and the SPI send/receive routine replaced with a faster version.
BTW there is IIRC a single further fix for the DO that did not make it into the new ROM, so I will need to dig it out. I am overseas for another 2 weeks so that will have to wait.
I've looked at the first ROM code quite a bit. It's beautiful, but I was planning on having a cog just for the SD driver so hubexec is what got me confused. I was also aware of the changes for the respin, another reason I haven't worked on this. I would have liked to build a driver around it but figured you would be doing one (using hubexec) so focusing on something that could be stuffed in a cog like P1. FSRW is a bare minimum driver and so my focus on early development. Soon I'll need a way to run a precompiled binary and if I can figure out how to copy the filename to the right place in hub and jmp into the hubexec code I'll be really happy.
I don't have time to verify just now, but this is what you need to know
'+-------[ SD: Initialise/Locate/Load/Run a file from SD ]---------------------+ <--- SD: init/locate/load/run a file --->
'+ On Entry: +
'+ fname[3]: filename[11] 8+3 without "." (will be $0 terminated) +
'+ Call Format: +
'+ CALL #@_Run_SDfile ' + < call: init/locate/load/run a file >
'+ On Return: +
'+ "NZ" if error, else does not return +
fc560 fdb00040 _Start_SDcard call #@_SDcard_Init ' initialise & read CSD/CID
fc564 f6079a00 mov skiprun, #0 ' load/run MBR/VOL code
fc568 adb00174 if_e call #@_readMBR ' read MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT
fc56c adb002a0 if_e call #@_readDIR ' read directory for filenames
'' mov skiprun, #0 ' load/run <file> (already 0)
fc570 adb0038c if_e call #@_readFILE ' read/load/run the file
fc574 fd800100 JMP #try_serial ' failed: so go back and try serial
fc578 fdb00028 _Run_SDfile call #@_SDcard_Init ' initialise & read CSD/CID
'' mov skiprun, #1 ' do not load/run MBR/VOL code
fc57c adb0015c if_e call #@_readMBR1 ' read MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT (don't run)
fc580 adb002bc if_e call #@_searchDIR ' search dir for <fname>
fc584 f6079a00 mov skiprun, #0 ' load/run <file>
fc588 adb00374 if_e call #@_readFILE ' read/load/run the file
fc58c fd64002d RET ' return "NZ" = failed, "Z" if loaded ok
fc590 fdb00010 _Load_SDfile call #@_SDcard_Init ' initialise & read CSD/CID
'' mov skiprun, #1 ' do not load/run MBR/VOL code
fc594 adb00144 if_e call #@_readMBR1 ' read MBR/VOL/FSI/FAT (don't run)
fc598 adb002a4 if_e call #@_searchDIR ' search dir for <fname>
'' mov skiprun, #1 ' do not load/run <file> (already 1)
fc59c adb00360 if_e call #@_readFILE ' read/load the file
fc5a0 fd64002d RET ' return "NZ" = failed, "Z" if loaded ok
''============[ COG VARIABLES - SD BOOT]========================================
fc560 1c0 org $1C0 ' place the variables in cog $1C0-$1DF
fc560 1c0 cmdout res 1 ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
fc560 1c1 cmdpar res 1 ' The 32b parameters
fc560 1c2 cmdcrc res 1 ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
fc560 1c3 cmdpar2 res 1 ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
fc560 1c4 cmdtype res 1 ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
fc560 1c5 reply res 1 ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
fc560 1c6 replyR1 res 1 ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
fc560 1c7 dataout res 1 ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
fc560 1c8 bytescnt res 1 ' #bytes to send/recv
fc560 1c9 bitscnt res 1 ' #bits to be shifted in/out
fc560 1ca ctr1 res 1
fc560 1cb timeout res 1 ' = starttime + delay
fc560 1cc spare res 1
fc560 1cd skiprun res 1 ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
'\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
fc560 1ce blocksh res 1 '/ block shift 0/9 bits
fc560 1cf clustersh res 1 ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
fc560 1d0 vol_begin res 1 '$0000_2000 ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
fc560 1d1 fsi_begin res 1 '$0000_2001 ' Ptn0: sector of file system info
fc560 1d2 fat_begin res 1 '$0000_3122 ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
fc560 1d3 dir_begin res 1' $0000_4000 ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
fc560 1d4 dat_begin res 1 '$0000_4580 $0000_54C0' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
fc560 1d5 ptn_size res 1 '$0008_0000 ' file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
fc560 1d6 _bufad res 1
fc560 1d7 _blocknr res 1
fc560 1d8 _sectors res 1
fc560 1d9 _entries res 1
fc560 1da bufad res 1 ' ptr sector buffer
fc560 1db blocknr res 1 ' sector#
fc560 1dc fname res 3 ' 8+3+1
fc560 1df _hubdata res 1
In your code...
cog $1C0-$1DF is required for use by the SD ROM driver
Place the filename (8+3+$0) into 3 longs at fname (cog $1DC) (remember little endian so reverse each group of 4 characters!)
So "filename.xtn" would become "elif" + "eman" + ($0,"ntx")
I'm working on this again and I think I'm getting ready for another release. I need to verify all my changes are correct first but it looks much nicer now that I'm using the getbyte instructions. There's a couple uglies left maybe someone can point to the CLEAN way to do this.
... ' ex1
send_byte SHL data_out, #32-8 ' Set MSB First
REV data_out ' Set MSB First
… 'ex2
rev data_in
and data_in, #$ff
read_byte_ret ret
I also need to use all the new test instructions but I think I can get those SPI smartpin setup looks like this now
PUB start_explicit( _DO, _CLK, _DI, _CS ) : card_type | domask, dimask
long[@cmd] := "i" 'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
long[@cmd][1] := _DO | (_CLK << 8) + (_DI << 16) + ( _CS << 24)' pins
long[@cmd][2] := getmask(_CLK, _DO) + (getmask(_CLK, _DI) << 4) ' clock masks
long[@cmd][2] += spi_clk_inv << 8 ' clock invert
long[@cmd][3] := GetBitTime(spi_clk_max) ' spi bit time
long[@cmd][4] := GetBitTime(400_000) '400k
cog := cognew(@_asm_start,@cmd) + 1
if cog
repeat until long[@cmd] <> "i" ' wait until cog is done reading parameter
card_type := long[@cmd][4] ' arg5 returns card type or returns with ptr to error from low level driver
DAT org
_asm_start mov ptr_to_mbox, ptra ' save mbox address for later
'' get parameters from spin
do_init mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
rdlong tmp, ptra++ ' command long 0
rdlong tmp, ptra++ ' pins long 1
getbyte pinDO, tmp, #0
getbyte pinCLK, tmp, #1
getbyte pinDI, tmp, #2
getbyte pinCS, tmp, #3
rdlong tmp, ptra++ 'mask long 2
getnib sp_doclk, tmp, #0
getnib sp_diclk, tmp, #1
getnib sp_inv_pin, tmp, #2
shl sp_doclk, #24
shl sp_diclk, #24
shl sp_inv_pin, #14
rdlong sp_bt, ptra++ ' timing long 3
rdlong sp_init_bt, ptra ' 400k 4
rdlong delay1s, #$14 ' clkfreq from hub
'' setup pins
drvh pinCS
dirl pinCLK '' setup Clock pin
mov tmp, sp_clk
add tmp, sp_inv_pin ' invert clock
wrpin tmp, pinCLK
wxpin sp_init_bt, pinCLK ' set base period (*2)
dirh pinCLK ' enable clk
dirl pinDI '' setup DI pin
mov tmp, sp_stx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_diclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDI ' sync tx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDI ' stop/start mode
dirh pinDI ' enable smartpin
wypin #$FF, pinDI ' prime shifter
dirl pinDO '' setup DO pin
mov tmp, sp_srx ' save mode, bpin might change
add tmp, sp_doclk ' setup bpin
wrpin tmp, pinDO ' sync rx
wxpin sp_stx_c, pinDO ' 8 bit, pre
dirh pinDO ' enable pin
'' card init
drvh pinCS ' set cs high
wypin sectorsize, pinCLK ' set init clocks
getct timeout ' setup 1s timeout
addct1 timeout, delay1s ' in case card does not respond
call #wait_clock ' wait for smartpins to finish
dirl pinCLK '' setup Clock pin
wxpin sp_bt, pinCLK ' set base period (*2)
dirh pinCLK ' enable clk
I think the fifo could help in the readbyte and writebyte but haven't wrapped my head around that yet.
I'm ready to try getting this runfile thing sorted and I THINK understand things pretty well. I'm about to start renaming some of my variables to match the convention laid out by @Cluso99. Not that there's a shortage of cogram yet with 237 longs left...
The other thing that I've been trying to wrap my head around is the LUT sharing.. Seems that YModem would really benefit from being able to load the LUT with 1k from the SD and then the ASync serial cog could just use a shared LUT bypassing the hub. I would also like to do this with my RAM/Display driver i'm working on and it seems probable, it would need some convention to be set with the objects that share the adjacent cog.
Packing the mask long into nibbles instead of bytes doesn't really gain anything.
How about something like this using bytes:
DAT org
_asm_start mov ptr_to_mbox, ptra ' save mbox address for later
'' get parameters from spin
do_init mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
rdlong tmp, ptra++ ' command long 0; not used
rdbyte pinDO, ptra++ ' pins long 1
rdbyte pinCLK, ptra++
rdbyte pinDI, ptra++
rdbyte pinCS, ptra++
rdlong sp_doclk, ptra ' mask long 2
getbyte sp_diclk, sp_doclk, #1
getbyte sp_inv_pin, sp_doclk, #2
shl sp_doclk, #24
shl sp_diclk, #24
shl sp_inv_pin, #14
rdlong delay1s, #$14 ' clkfreq from hub
'' setup pins
Slightly smaller memory footprint, and saves double handling the data when it isn't necessary.
I'm packing into nibbles so I have extra bits later if I need them. Not real sure HOW to use them yet so it might be a waste. I was thinking about different ways I could do this and I really wanted it to all fit into the mailbox. I finally got the init sequence the way I wanted, with all of the parameters being loaded by the normal command loop.
DAT org
_asm_start mov ptr_to_mbox, ptra ' save mbox address for later
'' get parameters from spin
get_cmd rdlong cmd_in, ptra wz '
'' timeout and release card after 10s
if_z jmp #get_cmd ' no cmd so handle time
rdlong arg1_in, ++ptra
rdlong arg2_in, ++ptra
rdlong arg3_in, ++ptra
rdlong err_out, ++ptra ' dummy read to align err pointer
'' decode command
cmp cmd_in, #"i" wz
if_z jmp #do_init
cmp cmd_in, #"c" wz
if_z call #card_init
cmp cmd_in, #"r" wz
if_z jmp #read_a
cmp cmd_in, #"w" wz
if_z jmp #write_b
' cmp cmd_in, #"z" wz
' if_z jmp #release
mov err_out, #5 ' err = no command '
'' do commands
end_cmd drvh pinCS ' set cs high
wrlong err_out, ptra
mov cmd_in, #0 ' signal done to spin driver
mov ptra, ptr_to_mbox ' return ptra back to mbox
wrlong cmd_in, ptr_to_mbox
jmp #get_cmd
do_init getbyte pinDO, arg1_in, #0
getbyte pinCLK, arg1_in, #1
getbyte pinDI, arg1_in, #2
getbyte pinCS, arg1_in, #3
getnib sp_doclk, arg2_in, #0
getnib sp_diclk, arg2_in, #1
getnib sp_inv_pin, arg2_in, #2
shl sp_doclk, #24
shl sp_diclk, #24
shl sp_inv_pin, #14
mov sp_bt, arg3_in ' get max clock
mov sp_init_bt, err_out ' get 400k clock
mov err_out, #0 ' err = no error
rdlong delay1s, #$14 ' clkfreq from hub
dirl pinCLK '' setup Clock pin
mov spare, ##sp_clk ' transition
add spare, sp_inv_pin ' invert clock
wrpin spare, pinCLK ' set clock mode
wxpin sp_init_bt, pinCLK ' set base period (*2)
dirh pinCLK ' enable clk
dirl pinDI '' setup DI pin
mov spare, ##sp_stx ' sync tx
add spare, sp_diclk ' setup bpin
wrpin spare, pinDI ' set di mode
wxpin #sp_stx_c, pinDI ' set di config
dirh pinDI ' enable smartpin
wypin #$FF, pinDI ' prime shifter
dirl pinDO '' setup DO pin
mov spare, ##sp_srx ' sync rx
add spare, sp_doclk ' setup bpin
wrpin spare, pinDO ' set do mode
wxpin #sp_srx_c, pinDO ' set do config
dirh pinDO ' enable pin
call #card_init
jmp #end_cmd
I'm pretty happy with this although the memory footprint is a little wasteful, with cluso's variables in cog. I could probably squeeze out a few cog longs but it's getting there.
I keep thinking about ways to deal using the LUT and I've got a proposal. Instead of passing a positive number for the hub address for block read/write, if you pass a negative number it will be loaded to LUT. This would give us 4 pages, I just need to figure out how to handle loading cog2 and doing something with the data. Since the LUT can't be accessed in bytes like the cogram can, i'm not sure how much more efficient packing bytes into longs and copying to LUT will be. I think that's the next step though.
I did separate the SD card init from pins init, to allow mounting of cards without resetting pins. I need to setup commands for this, as well as handle release properly. I also want to implement an auto-release timeout too, just need to try to implement it.
I'm going to release RC4 here, it's a major code cleanup. I tried to use all the instructions where applicable. Things clean up nicely this way. I know that with 3 operand instructions vs 2 regular instructions it's only readability but still, I LOVE P2ASM!!!!
I'm also including Ymodem with this release, although it appears receive is broken. I think it's baud related, or maybe it's a buffer overflow issue since smartpin serial isn't buffered? I'd think that would show up as a problem sending a file TO the sd card?? I'll debug that as soon as I'm done with this SD driver
I updated the above code blurbs to reflect the new versions. Now that I've got cog variables cleaned up a bit and I'm getting ready to try to run a file I have a couple final questions. First to verify the file that is renamed and placed on card is the .EEPROM file created? (?duh?) Most important, if I create a constants section with the rom hook addresses... what's the proper JMP convention? I'm SOOOO lost on that part!
I'm also thinking about the whole pushing data to LUT. I guess as far as raw performance goes it would help to use the FIFO, so I should probably start reading up on that... LUTS seems like the way to go, although if you have to pack / unpack bytes it might not be as efficient? It would be wasteful to only get one block read/write into luts and I think it would also kinda defeat the purpose?!?
Thanks for the suggestion @msrobots, here's the updated version. I made the change to the release real quick.
PUB start_explicit( _DO, _CLK, _DI, _CS ) : card_type | domask, dimask
cmd := "i" 'set flag to know if the started cog has read its parameters
arg1 := _DO | (_CLK << 8) + (_DI << 16) + ( _CS << 24)' pins
arg2 := getmask(_CLK, _DO) + (getmask(_CLK, _DI) << 4) ' clock masks
arg2 += spi_clk_inv << 8 ' clock invert
arg3 := GetBitTime(spi_clk_max) ' spi bit time
err := GetBitTime(400_000 ) '400k
cog := cognew(@_asm_start,@cmd) + 1
if cog
repeat until cmd <> "i" ' wait until cog is done reading parameter
Still looking for "fixes" for these -
... ' ex1
send_byte SHL data_out, #32-8 ' Set MSB First
REV data_out ' Set MSB First
… 'ex2
rev data_in
and data_in, #$ff
read_byte_ret ret
Ugh! Please don't do this. I know it was popular in Spin1 to save time by passing pointers to the parameters that happened to be on the stack, but it really kills performance in fastspin (it'll work, but it forces the compiler to store local variables on the stack instead of in registers, which is much slower). It also makes porting the code to other languages harder, because not all of them will pass variables on the stack -- many, like fastspin, will pass them in registers instead.
You've also got the mailbox in the DAT section, which means it's shared by all instances of the object. If you wanted to drive two different cards, with two different COGs, you'd need to have a lock on the mailbox so they don't conflict. Whereas if the mailbox is a local variable of the object this wouldn't be an issue. Maybe it doesn't matter for the SD card driver, but you mentioned wanting to use this as a template for other objects, so it might come up there.
So I would suggest that the more natural way to write this is:
That'll also simplify your PASM startup code, because you won't have to juggle multiple pointers (you just have the one to mbox), and I think makes everything easier to understand, both for the human reader and for the compiler.
As to passing parameters, I'll need to figure out the best way to handle this. I use this trick because there are many times I would like to pass more initialization info to the cog than I have parameters. I never did get my head around the "pre-load" trick used in the P1 and always did it this way. I guess I could use several commands for initialization, need to think on this more.
Regarding the mailbox in the dat section, I also have a commented out VAR section if I wanted multiple instances running at the same time. I will have one platform with 2 sd cards so this will be something to think about. That hardware also has a shared SPI bus so was thinking about providing some SPI methods for accessing those devices as well. I think it's best to start out "generic" so maybe others can find it helpful as well.
I've also mostly converted CMD to inline ASM. Again proving things work before burying in a cog!
I'm really hoping to get much closer to sysclock /4 or maybe /8, the waitx #14 looks really ugly, lol
I have a few ??? I'm still trying to understand, such as I'm running @320mhz as max clock but seeing that 290mhz is where things top out.. I should probably start testing 290mhz clock??? Although once things are solid at the 160mhz "standard" clock, I haven't had a problem running up @320.
Also, since I need to slow things down for LA scoping I've been putting the PLL out of spec in all kinds of strange ways and things are surprisingly stable. Is there a recommended pll setup for 8mhz or 16mhz?
One thing I'd really like to do is figure out how to "tune" that waitx automatically. I tested using the SD card on my hardware and I had to push this to almost 60. I'm assuming ringing of cable and lots of PCB trace, I'll be shortening the cable eventually, hopefully this helps.
I'm glad I've got it working and I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong shortly.
Once the TX is using smartpins, I won't need to disable the clock pin at the end of the read method. Really liking these smartpins. What a cool chip, once you get past that initial learning curve!
@"Peter Jakacki" I can't remember if the p2d2 uses the same pins as the p2ES. If not, you will probably need to change the smartpin config lines for SP_STX and SP_SRX. Let me know if you need any help.
I have a bunch of work left to do before hiding the spi away in it's own cog. I think I'm getting close, finally!
In the asm init section, I don't see where do_init is used separately from _asm_start. Moving the just saved pointer back isn't really needed is it?
Rearranging your code could allow the use of a setq+ rdlong construct to read the whole parameter block in one action. It could save some pointer maths and the code reduction will allow for the extra long needed (tmp2). Using getnib, getbyte, and getword instead of shift and mask for the slice and dice of the packed parameters is worth investigating too.
In the clock pin setup you add two constants before the WRPIN. Why not just a single constant?
read_byte destroys the contents of data_in on each call, so where you call it multiple times in sequence are you only interested in the last byte received?
I've run out of time, but that's a start.
Re. init -
This is one I'm not 100% sure how I want to do. I'd like to be able to change sysclock or pins by restarting the cog (it's called from get_cmd) I could probably get away with one entry point but was even thinking about separating the timing stuff from pin stuff but going to leave it like this for now I think.
re. setq + rdlong -
This is one improvement I'm going to look at once I have things working. That goes for the getnib / setnib instructions, just not quite there yet. Trying to stay as close to what I know..
The extra constant for the clock pin inverts it and I plan on having a switch somewhere to control the polarity of the clock, as well as set default max SPI clock. Just haven't been able to get my head around that yet.
Read_byte trashes data_out and most of the time I'm not interested in any of the data.
When I was trying to convert it to ASM I had a feeling this wouldn't work.
I'm completely stuck right now and i'm pretty sure this is the problem.
CONFIRMED. I tried a couple different things but couldn't get rep to work??? I have it working inline ASM but not in actual asm! RTFM!!
I was able to get it working and now the SD card mounts!
I need to cleanup code and do some testing to make sure things are stable but I think I'm close!!
DUH!!! Thanks Peter, feeling kinda silly now
The flaw (Corrected in the final silicon) is to do with a group of branching instructions that test the hardware events mechanism, eg: JCT1.
Interestingly enough, the bit-bashed command packet is 2nd to complete although it's the all out loser in final times.
Bit - bashed SPI
Smartpins inline
Smartpins cog
Got block writes working so was able to come up with a full set of test times. To mount the card, read and write 2m.
inline asm bit-bashed-19.5s
inline asm smart-pin-14s
cog smart-pin-10.9s
I'll give the code a quick cleanup, now that I've got everything working including clock polarity. There's a lot of places to improve still. I'd like to figure out a way to determine max spi clock at init, although I really can't wrap my head around any way besides brute-force init card and increase speed till it fails. Maybe I'm missing something obvious as usual. Really happy I have this working though.
*final edit
I did some code cleanup and have just about everything where I want it. I'm posting a NEW RC3 here and once things are tested further I'll update the first post.
Seems like unnecessary complexity to me
For some cases I can see how it could be considered unnecessary but I'm working on the Touchscreen OS again and aborts seem really helpful for SD cards. The ability to point to an error message, instead of needing to do a lookup on an error code. Six of one, half dozen of the other... I guess it could be done with conditional compile and would be the best, because a lot of P1 apps expect negative return type errors from FSRW. I really like how verbose Kye's SD driver is, plus it would be nice to not need to rewrite the ENTIRE touch.spin.
As I said, I really like Kye's driver and have pretty much talked myself into trying to get the genius piece of code working. One of the functions that is very essential to the OS is the ability to launch a file from SD card and it seems that @Cluso99 's on-chip SD could do this with little additional code. I just haven't wrapped my head around that yet. In the past I had commented out large portions of Kye's driver to free up memory but now that we have enough hubram I'm hoping to be able to do BIG THINGS much easier.
Perhaps the title of this thread should be changed to cover both FSRW and KYE's SD?
From a users perspective the names are too long, but makes understanding what its doing a breeze.
This is one of the reasons i wanted to get the Spin1 interpreter working with P2. But i got sidetracked near the end with work and haven’t managed to get back to it yet.
FWIW the ROM SD code, with the addition of write, and tweeking the actual spi routine, this should slot into Kye’s code nicely.
Kye's driver is great and the Touch OS is based largely on your OS based on Kye's SD driver
The main reason I didn't focus on using the ROM code was needing to understand SPI on the P2 a little better.
I'm stuck needing a driver for the resistive touch ADC XPT2046. Going to try modifying SDSPI for this. Once I get that done I'll be able to test a lot more, although I'm sure there will be a ton of debugging and bugfixes.
One of the things that looks really promising is LUT sharing. IE, read block from sd using CogN into shared LUT and use CogN+1 to push that block to display (or ram/flash). CogN could be reading the next block while N+1 is writing the current block. Seems like this could save a TON of hubcycles over the way things are done on the P1. I don't see myself getting around to this any time soon since I'm not sure how other people would be able to use such a specific driver.
I'm hoping to try using the rom to run a file, how many times can I get this one wrong? lol
I updated the 1st post with the current RC and some RC notes. I really wish I was better at documentation but until I get some feedback from people using this it seems pointless. I'm guessing right now there isn't much need for a P2 FSRW or Kyes, but that will change soon hopefully!
Really hoping the new silicon doesn't break things too much, hopefully worst case is change smartpin clock from sysclock /2 to /3 or /4. Time will tell though!
Note the ES ROM has some fixes in the respin ROM to better recover from the SD DO problem which fails to release the DO drive from the SD card. This means the SD ROM code positions change in the new ROM. The Serial Monitor/Debugger did not change position so this is fine to call.
Second thing to note is that the SD ROM code (routine) to drive the SPI code is deliberately not fast to ensure it works reliably from hubexec. It has send/receive combined ie it shifts in (reads) as it shifts out (writes).
The code in the new ROM is way better in the DO error handling, so this is what I will be using as a base for my SD (if you or others haven't done it when I need it), with just the write sector added, and the SPI send/receive routine replaced with a faster version.
BTW there is IIRC a single further fix for the DO that did not make it into the new ROM, so I will need to dig it out. I am overseas for another 2 weeks so that will have to wait.
I've looked at the first ROM code quite a bit. It's beautiful, but I was planning on having a cog just for the SD driver so hubexec is what got me confused. I was also aware of the changes for the respin, another reason I haven't worked on this. I would have liked to build a driver around it but figured you would be doing one (using hubexec) so focusing on something that could be stuffed in a cog like P1. FSRW is a bare minimum driver and so my focus on early development. Soon I'll need a way to run a precompiled binary and if I can figure out how to copy the filename to the right place in hub and jmp into the hubexec code I'll be really happy.
cog $1C0-$1DF is required for use by the SD ROM driver
Place the filename (8+3+$0) into 3 longs at fname (cog $1DC) (remember little endian so reverse each group of 4 characters!)
So "filename.xtn" would become "elif" + "eman" + ($0,"ntx")
Call _Load_SDfile
Call _Run_SDfile
I also need to use all the new test instructions but I think I can get those
I think the fifo could help in the readbyte and writebyte but haven't wrapped my head around that yet.
I'm ready to try getting this runfile thing sorted and I THINK understand things pretty well. I'm about to start renaming some of my variables to match the convention laid out by @Cluso99. Not that there's a shortage of cogram yet with 237 longs left...
The other thing that I've been trying to wrap my head around is the LUT sharing.. Seems that YModem would really benefit from being able to load the LUT with 1k from the SD and then the ASync serial cog could just use a shared LUT bypassing the hub. I would also like to do this with my RAM/Display driver i'm working on and it seems probable, it would need some convention to be set with the objects that share the adjacent cog.
How about something like this using bytes:
Slightly smaller memory footprint, and saves double handling the data when it isn't necessary.
I'm packing into nibbles so I have extra bits later if I need them. Not real sure HOW to use them yet so it might be a waste. I was thinking about different ways I could do this and I really wanted it to all fit into the mailbox. I finally got the init sequence the way I wanted, with all of the parameters being loaded by the normal command loop.
I'm pretty happy with this although the memory footprint is a little wasteful, with cluso's variables in cog. I could probably squeeze out a few cog longs but it's getting there.
I keep thinking about ways to deal using the LUT and I've got a proposal. Instead of passing a positive number for the hub address for block read/write, if you pass a negative number it will be loaded to LUT. This would give us 4 pages, I just need to figure out how to handle loading cog2 and doing something with the data. Since the LUT can't be accessed in bytes like the cogram can, i'm not sure how much more efficient packing bytes into longs and copying to LUT will be. I think that's the next step though.
I did separate the SD card init from pins init, to allow mounting of cards without resetting pins. I need to setup commands for this, as well as handle release properly. I also want to implement an auto-release timeout too, just need to try to implement it.
I'm also including Ymodem with this release, although it appears receive is broken. I think it's baud related, or maybe it's a buffer overflow issue since smartpin serial isn't buffered? I'd think that would show up as a problem sending a file TO the sd card?? I'll debug that as soon as I'm done with this SD driver
I updated the above code blurbs to reflect the new versions. Now that I've got cog variables cleaned up a bit and I'm getting ready to try to run a file I have a couple final questions. First to verify the file that is renamed and placed on card is the .EEPROM file created? (?duh?) Most important, if I create a constants section with the rom hook addresses... what's the proper JMP convention? I'm SOOOO lost on that part!
I'm also thinking about the whole pushing data to LUT. I guess as far as raw performance goes it would help to use the FIFO, so I should probably start reading up on that... LUTS seems like the way to go, although if you have to pack / unpack bytes it might not be as efficient? It would be wasteful to only get one block read/write into luts and I think it would also kinda defeat the purpose?!?
Thanks for the suggestion @msrobots, here's the updated version. I made the change to the release real quick.
Still looking for "fixes" for these -