Availability of Propeller 2
in Propeller 2
Currently I'm working on a new ATE pinelectronics experiment and design wich currently use the Propeller 1. Basically I'm test development engineer (ICT engineer), beside this I'm teaching at the university too and mentoring several students and interns at my company. This project goal is to create a small ICT (In Circuit Tester) for university teaching and labs purposes, but later I would like to impove it, and use it for small procucts testing at my company. I studied the Propeller 2 documentsand after that I see the Propeller 2 will be fill out our expectaions more than the Propeller 1.
My question: How can we puchase Propeller 2? What is the chip staus now? What is developer SW status of the Propeller 2 has any one?
For starting 1-2 developer kit will be enough. Later we plan to build 20-30 teaching ICT wich will use up to 100 Propeller 2 processors.
I think better to contact me on my company e-mail: vince.hollo@ni.com to discuss details
Why I chose the forum? Because I don't know to whom I address these question at Parallax Inc.
I'm waiting for the right person/persons respond.
Best Regards
Currently I'm working on a new ATE pinelectronics experiment and design wich currently use the Propeller 1. Basically I'm test development engineer (ICT engineer), beside this I'm teaching at the university too and mentoring several students and interns at my company. This project goal is to create a small ICT (In Circuit Tester) for university teaching and labs purposes, but later I would like to impove it, and use it for small procucts testing at my company. I studied the Propeller 2 documentsand after that I see the Propeller 2 will be fill out our expectaions more than the Propeller 1.
My question: How can we puchase Propeller 2? What is the chip staus now? What is developer SW status of the Propeller 2 has any one?
For starting 1-2 developer kit will be enough. Later we plan to build 20-30 teaching ICT wich will use up to 100 Propeller 2 processors.
I think better to contact me on my company e-mail: vince.hollo@ni.com to discuss details
Why I chose the forum? Because I don't know to whom I address these question at Parallax Inc.
I'm waiting for the right person/persons respond.
Best Regards
Chip Status is current engineering sample, very limited supply.
A new rev FPGA version is available which contains the verilog code submitted to OnSemi for 'final release ? P2.
Parallax did a FPGA board, here. Not sure of the current stock status of that ?
Full production release of P2 is still some months away, as OnSemi have to first make a test batch for testing & approval, then they do a production run.
Developer Sw is also going on apace, with many pathways already showing on this forum.
If you already have a P1 design, that will give an immediate solution, but you could design there, with a view to upgrade to P2.
There are 2 P2 PCB designs out there, the P2 Eval, and the P2D2
Revision notes for P2D2 are here http://forums.parallax.com/discussion/comment/1458644/#Comment_1458644
- one approach you could take, would be to mimic one of those PCB pinouts, using 1 or 2 P1's + Helper MCUs, and then you are future-swap-in compatible with p2.
I'm happy with yor quick answer.
I will study these links.
Have you any update information of the Propeller2 chip?
Best Regards