setse1-setse4 - how to configure interrupts
OK, I am able to use this by stealing from the rombooter.spin2 for serial receive.
And that one works
Now I am trying to get a interrupt if my TX pin is either done with sending or ready to get the next byte. Either or would help.
I tried
But that seems not to work. The interrupt isn't firing on tx done but on rx? Where do I find setse1-4 documented?
It would be nice to have tx interrupt driven too, so that my serial cog can communicate with the program while the transfer is done in the background.
Any clues out there how to bind a tx serial smart pin to a interrupt source?
rx1_reset setint1 #0 'disable int1 dirl rx1_pin 'disable receiver mov rx1_head, #0 'reset serial buffer pointers mov rx1_tail, #0 mov rx1_char, #%110<<6 add rx1_char, rx1_pin wrpin rx1_mode, rx1_pin 'configure rx_pin for asynchronous receive, always input wxpin rx1_bitperiod, rx1_pin setse1 rx1_char 'set se1 to trigger on rx1_pin (rx1_pin high) mov ijmp1, #rx1_isr 'set int1 jump vector to rx1 ISR setint1 #4 'set int1 to trigger on se1 _ret_ dirh rx1_pin 'enable receiver rx1_isr rdpin rx1_char, rx1_pin '2 get received chr shr rx1_char, #32-8 '2 shift to lsb justify mov rx1_address, rx1_head '2 adjust to buffer start add rx1_address, rx1_lut_buff '2 by adding rx1_lut_buff wrlut rx1_char, rx1_address '2 write byte to circular buffer in lut incmod rx1_head, rx1_lut_btop '2 ..increment buffer head call #tx1_send ' hitchhiking here every receive interrupt allows fo a send reti1 '2/4 ..exit
And that one works
Now I am trying to get a interrupt if my TX pin is either done with sending or ready to get the next byte. Either or would help.
I tried
tx1_reset setint2 #0 'disable int2 dirl tx1_pin 'disable transmitter mov tx1_head, #0 'reset serial buffer pointers mov tx1_tail, #0 wrpin tx1_mode, tx1_pin 'configure tx1_pin for asynchronous transmit, always output wxpin tx1_bitperiod, tx1_pin mov tx1_char, #%100<<6 add tx1_char, tx1_pin setse2 tx1_char 'set se2 to trigger on tx1_pin (tx1_pin high) mov ijmp2, #tx1_isr 'set int2 jump vector to tx1 ISR setint2 #5 'set int2 to trigger on se2 _ret_ dirh tx1_pin 'enable transmitter tx1_isr cmp tx1_head, tx1_tail wz 'byte to send? if_z reti2 'no wait for next time rdpin tx1_char, tx1_pin wc 'wait for transmit done if_c reti2 mov tx1_address, tx1_tail 'adjust to buffer start add tx1_address, tx1_lut_buff 'by adding rx1_lut_buff rdlut tx1_char, tx1_address 'get byte from circular buffer in lut incmod tx1_tail, tx1_lut_btop 'increment buffer tail wypin tx1_char, tx1_pin 'send byte ret12
But that seems not to work. The interrupt isn't firing on tx done but on rx? Where do I find setse1-4 documented?
It would be nice to have tx interrupt driven too, so that my serial cog can communicate with the program while the transfer is done in the background.
Any clues out there how to bind a tx serial smart pin to a interrupt source?
Maybe this needs more explanation
so my guess now is that
raises a out interrupt, since I stole it from the rx setup in the rom
what would be the in interrupt?
It's just above the interrupt section.
I get ONE byte out, then it stops.
I updated the code of the first post to where I am at right now
something is missing...
well the code is like this and I have a string in my buffer and it does put out the first byte then stops.
if I use #4 for tx also I get a byte transmitted every time I send one, so the tx_isr is working properly, just not on its own...
something is missing
I attach the current file just outputting the first "H" of hello world
What you've got is complicated. Only way to initiate a transmit is from tx1_send routine. There's something fragile looking about the logic for deciding to call tx1_send from the command loop. Having a potentially infinite looping wait when servicing many real-time actions is ill advised.
There looks to be duplication of function between tx1_send routine and tx1_isr routine. Any chance they are competing?
I got around it by using int3 in mode #1 every #500 clock ticks and just check my tx buffer(s) if anything there to transmit. This leaves int 1 and int 2 for two RX channels, and the rest of the cog free to talk to the main program and deliver/read data from the hub to the lut buffers.
So cogserial has now two fullduplex channels, each receiving on their own interrupt and sharing int 3 for checking if transmit is possible.
Seems to work fine right now, needs some more testing. Right now I 'wait' 500 sysclocks between int3's checking for transmit, this might need some more thought.
So my failure to use a interrupt on the tx pin lead to having a serial driver for two full duplex connections instead of one and tx for both on a sysclock based interrupt.
I am not used to use interrupts, it is kind of interesting.
So - problem solved on different ways but still eager to find out how a TX interrupt could work for fastest possible transmission.
I'll have a shot at expanding: That was a tad brief. What was meant here is the ISR has to be prompted so to speak. So some initial character has to be transmitted before an interrupt gets generated. The only way you have for this is via the tx1_send routine.
The fragile looking logic in the command loop is in respect to both, the jump to #.tx1send causing a potential infinite wait loop, and also the looping of trying to send every character instead of letting the ISR take over after first character. The tx_loopcount shenanigans can vanish then.
2 int's for 2 rx lines an int 3 running mode #1 and just checking if something needs to be send. Works nice so far, will post soon.
Doing it this way gets rid of all of the 'fragile looking logic in the command loop'.
I just need to change a couple of lines of code and then I post the new version... (famous words, indeed)
So no NEED for a solution. But I still need to figure out how to do that, with tx as source for a interrupt., it like itching.
Right now I will try to build some multi-cog-testharness to check and validate my cogserial driver. And find (hopefully) out how fast it can talk to copies of itself running in other cogs.