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Hijacking the P2-EVAL ROM (now hijacking current TAQOZ) - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

Hijacking the P2-EVAL ROM (now hijacking current TAQOZ)



  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,259
    hehe, everyone does that one.

  • msrobots wrote: »
    it is kind of booring to switch the spin2gui command from with -H 0X10000 -E to without -H 0x10000 -E. Would there be any chance to define -H xxx -E in the source file?

    I don't think that's a good idea, because in general you might want to use the same source file at different offsets (that is, for most source files it doesn't matter what hub address you compile and link at).

    I'd suggest writing a small batch file or Makefile to automate the build and get rid of the need to switch flags.

  • msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
    edited 2019-07-21 08:08
    OK, I am quite a step nearer to my goal.

    The workflow in Spin2Gui is a bit unusual but doable, and as @ersmith pointed out solvable with some batch file.

    Where I am at now? I should change the thread title, because I am not hijacking the rom anymore, I am directly hijacking the newest RAM version of @"Peter Jakacki"'s TAQOZ, right out of his dropbox.

    With some creative thinking Spin2Gui/FastSpin can combine your FastSpin program and a TAQOZ-driver, much alike to a serial connection to TAQOZ.

    here it is in its simplest form
    ' TQ_driver.spin2
    ' simple driver for TAQOZ Mailbox
    ' implements a subset of FullDuplexSerial functionality
      _MAILBOXIN 	= $10000
      _MAILBOXOUT 	= $10002
    PUB tx(val)
      WORD[_MAILBOXIN] := (val & $FF)
    PUB txflush
      repeat while WORD[_MAILBOXIN] <> 0
    ' check if byte received (never waits)
    ' returns -1 if no byte, otherwise byte
    PUB rxcheck : rxbyte | rxtest
      rxbyte := -1
      rxtest := WORD[_MAILBOXOUT]
      if rxtest > 0
        rxbyte := rxtest & $FF
        WORD[_MAILBOXOUT] := 0
    ' receive a byte (waits until one ready)
    PUB rx : v
      v := -1
        v := rxcheck
      while v == -1
    PUB rxwait(count) : v | w
      v := -1
      w := count
        v := rxcheck
      until (w < 0) or (v>-1)
    PUB rxflush : v
      v := 0
        v := rxwait(1000)
      until v == -1
    '' provide the usual str(), dec(), etc. routines
    #include "std_text_routines.spinh"
    using it looks like this
    ' TQ_Test.spin2
    ' compile with -H 0x10004 -E
      oscmode = $010c3f04
      freq = 160_000_000
      baud = 115_200
      ser: "FullDuplexSerial2.spin"
      tqz: "TQ_driver.spin2"
    PUB demo | c
      clkset(oscmode, freq)
      ser.start(63, 62, 0, baud)
      ser.printf("\nswitching to_clkmode %x _clkfreq %d - %dMhz\n", _clkmode, _clkfreq, _clkfreq/1000000)
        'ser.write(@menu, @entrynotvalid-@menu-1)
        c := ser.rx 
        case c
          49 : tqz.str(string("56 BLINK",13))
          50 : tqz.str(string("56 PIN MUTE",13))
          51 : tqz.str(string("57 BLINK",13))
          52 : tqz.str(string("57 PIN MUTE",13))
          53 : tqz.str(string("2 3 + .",13))
          other : ser.str(@entrynotvalid)
    PUB displayResponse | c
      repeat 30000
        if (c:=tqz.rxcheck)>-1
    	byte	13,10
    	byte	"1 Test 1 - send 56 BLINK    - FLUSH RESPONSE",13,10
    	byte	"2 Test 2 - send 56 PIN MUTE - FLUSH RESPONSE",13,10
    	byte	"3 Test 3 - send 57 BLINK    - FLUSH RESPONSE",13,10
    	byte	"4 Test 4 - send 57 PIN MUTE - FLUSH RESPONSE",13,10
    	byte	"5 Test 5 - send 2 3 + .     - DISPLAY RESPONSE",13,10,0
    	byte	13,10
    	byte	"Entry not valid, try 1-5",13,10
    	byte	0
    and linking it with TAQOZ looks like this
    	ORGH	0
    	ORG	0
    	file 	"_BOOT_P2.BIX"
    	ORGH	$10004			' $10000 is Mailbox between TAQOZ and Rest of Program
    	ORG	0
    	file 	"TQ_Test.binary"
    I attach a binary to make it easy. You need to set your terminal to 115200 because the currently used TAQOZ image is set to that baudrate.

    After starting you end up in a TAQOZ-session and have to copy and paste this (including the last, empty line) into the TAQOZ prompt.
    $10.000 := incon
    $10.002 := outcon
    : GETCON ( -- char )   incon W@ DUP IF incon W~ THEN >B ;
    : SENDCON ( char -- )  BEGIN outcon W@ 0= UNTIL $100 OR outcon W! ;
    : MBX    ' GETCON ukey W! ' SENDCON uemit W! ;
    : EMBED MBX 63 PIN MUTE 62 PIN MUTE $10004 1 COGINIT ;

    I am pretty sure I will find out how to save a changed TAQOZ back to a binary, so that the copy and paste step is not needed anymore and the serial baudrate can be what your FastSpin program wants.

    Anyways, almost there!

  • Ha, thanks to the help of the magic man living down under I was able to save a changed version of TAQOZ as binary, Now the copy part is not needed anymore.

    Still at 115200 baud Terminal, working on that one.

    attached above demo

  • Next small step, runs with 230_400 Spin2Gui standard.

    Sadly the TAQOZ image still sends its start screen at 115_200, so some garbage at start.

    attached demo works with P2default settings in Spin2Gui. Just load and run binary. Terminal at 230_400


  • I need to go through and re-read this entire thread but I thought I'd share what I spent a couple hours working on today. Because the ROM respin, the rom will not be identical in all chips so a jump table is needed. I've been trying to go through cluso's debugger and sd code and compiling a jump table with documentation. The formatting isn't perfect and there's a lot of info missing IMHO. I'd really like to know all the variables used, functions called, but it's a start.

    Cluso's SD Boot
    CON SD_Jump_Table
    ''| Cluso's SD BOOT for P2    (c)2013-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                                              |
        _Start_SDcard           =   $FC560   '' jumps to serial                                                     
        _Run_SDfile             =   $FC578                        '                                                 
        _Load_SDfile            =   $FC590                        '                                                 
    ''+      SD: Initialise/Locate/Load/Run a file from SD                                                          +
    ''+ On Entry:                                                                                                   +
    ''+      fname[3]:       filename[11] 8+3 without "."  (will be $0 terminated)                                  +
    ''+ Call Format:                                                                                                +
    ''+              CALL    #@_Run_SDfile                   '                                                      +
    ''+ On Return:                                                                                                  +
    ''+      "NZ" if error, else does not return                                                                    +
    ''+                                                                                                             +

    Cluso's LMM Debugger
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    '' | Cluso's LMM_SerialDebugger for P2    (c)2013-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)|
    '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ''##    LMM Monitor - HUBEXEC code jmp table...                                                             ####
    _reset_booter       =   $fca78                                    
    _Start_Monitor          =   $fca88                                          ''           <--- start monitor --->
    ''-------[ Start Monitor ]-------------------------------------------------------------- <--- start monitor --->
    _SerialAddr             =   $fcaa8                                          ''       <--- serial initialise --->
    ''-------[ Serial Routines (uses SmartPins) ]--------------------------------------- <--- serial initialise --->
    '' On Entry:
    ''      lmm_x     = _bitper                             ' tx & rx bit period + #(bits-1)
    ''      lmm_bufad = 'bufad'                             ' hubbuf addr for use by _HubRxString
    '' Call Format:
    ''            CALL      #@_SerialAddr                   ' use default _HUBBUF   < call: serial initilise>
    ''            CALL      #@_SerialBaud                   ' use default _bitper   < call: serial initilise>
    ''            CALL      #@_SerialInit                   ' provide addr & baud   < call: serial initilise>
    '' On Return:
    ''      lmm_x = #CR                                     ' (changed)
    _HubTxCR                =   $fcae4                                          ''         <--- display char(s) --->
    ''-------[ Display Char(s) ]---------------------------------------------------------- <--- display char(s) --->
    ''_HubTx                                                '
    '' On Entry:
    ''      lmm_x = char(s)                                 ' char(s): up to 4 chars; B0 first; <nul> terminates
    ''                                                      '            if =$0, tx one <nul>
    '' Call Format:
    ''            CALL      #@_HubTxCR                      ' preloads cr+lf        < call: display char(s)>
    ''            CALL      #@_HubTxRev                     ' reverses lmm_x        < call: display char(s)>
    ''            CALL      #@_HubTx                        '                       < call: display char(s)>
    '' On Return:
    ''      lmm_x = -same-                                  ' char(s):  (unchanged)
    _HubRx                  =   $fcb10                                          ''            <--- receive char --->                   
    ''-------[ Rx: Receive a char ]---------------------------------------------------------- <--- receive char --->
    '' On Entry:
    ''      lmm_x = -anything-                              ' value:
    '' Call Format:
    ''             CALL     #@_HubRx                        '                       < call: receive char>
    '' On Return:
    ''      lmm_x = char                                    ' char:   input char

    I'm not sure about the calls and there's probably lots of errors but I figured I'd start this. There's lots of code in the ROM that looks really useful. Stuff I have spin libraries for but I'm sure the PASM debugger code will be much faster.

    I'm going to try to use the SD code for a safe version of FSRW. There might be times when the DI,CLK,DO isn't within smartpin reach so it would be really nice to hand over to the ROM code since it will be much faster than my inline asm bit-bashing.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2019-08-12 05:01
    ROM Monitor/Debugger (includes Serial Driver)
    There is no change for between the ES (first version chip 2018) and the respin version (current Aug 2019). All entry points, cog ram variables ($1E0-$1EF) and PASM code and addresses are unchanged.

    The Monitor/Debugger has an entry point that can be “called” from you program, and the monitor can return to you program when finished with.

    Serial Routines are provided for...
    Initialising the serial driver using pins P63(in) and P62(out)
    Text characters (up to 4 characters can be passed in lmm_x, the lowest byte is sent first. A single $00 can be sent if lmm_x is all $0.
    Text Strings, $0 terminated (must be in hub)
    Hex - long with options for the number of bytes, print as byte pairs with spaces, and reverse (change endian)
    List blocks from CCOG, LUT or HUB giving start address and optional end address. The list includes both hex and ASCII.
    Read character
    Read string terminated with CR
    Uses a default buffer at $FC000 (overwrites ROM boot code which is no longer required)

    SD boot code
    This code has changed between the ES and the respin versions !!!
    Uses pins P61=CLK, P60=/CS, P59=DI(to SD), P58=DO(from SD). Warning: FLASH shares these pins where P61=/CS, P60=CLK.

    The respin is much more robust. This code fixes the problem where the SD card software which drives the DO pin to the P2 input pin P58 fails to release the DO pin when CS returns high. IIRC there was one fix I wanted to apply but the code window was frozen - I’ll need to post this when I return home to Oz.

    The timing is based on the RCFAST clock of ~22MHz. For this reason, timeouts will be slow when running at higher clock speeds.
    The SPI code driving the SD interface is deliberately slow to ensure the most SD cards work, again at RCFAST. This is the Send/Receive routine, and it’s a common routine which sends as it receives (a concept I borrowed from one of the P1 SD drivers - sorry, I forget the author atm).

    The SD code can be used as model code for any SD Driver. It just needs a faster Send/Recv routine which should be resident in COG or LUT for speed. It complies with all the known caveats that I could find. It’s just lacking the write commands which I stripped out so it would fit into the limited ROM space.
    The SD driver requires COG $1C0-$1DF space for variables. The SD code does not require the variable space that is required by the Serial Monitor/Debugger unless you use the monitor routines (eg there is a parse filename routine).

    IIRC the SD sector buffer is at HUB $0 although you can change the hub pointer to anywhere.
    You can load or run a file (8+3) located in the root directory by passing the routine a file name in 8+3 format $0 terminated (3 longs).

    Note: The source is heavily documented and includes calling conventions for each callable routine. All code runs in hubexec.
  • cheezuscheezus Posts: 298
    edited 2019-08-12 06:11
    I've been going over the source for the rom and it is beautifully documented and very well written. I'm attempting to build a library, starting with the jump tables. I've spent so much time on formatting but hopefully this will prove helpful in the future, not just for myself but for others.

    Major kudos to @Cluso99, @"Peter Jakacki" and Chip for the rom code. I've been through it several times and finally feel I'm starting to understand how to use it. The monitor seems really useful but I haven't really done anything other than open it. Still a bit above my head but I'm so glad it got included in ROM.

    I'm really interested to get TaqOZ working with my hardware and there are great breadcrumbs in this thread.

    Thanks @Cluso99 for being so helpful. I need to go through and finish formatting the constants. I believe the call format for will ALWAYS be CALL #_ParseHex since these are literal hub addresses. Trying to understand all the new parts of this chip and it's just overwhelming!

    Great work again guys, can't wait till there's a a couple hundred more chips in the wild.

    *edit - Things are looking much better. I think I'm close to something useable.
    CON SD_Jump_Table
    ''| Cluso's SD BOOT for P2    (c)2013-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)                 |
    ''##    REVa ROM JMP TABLE  by cheezus slice  -                                 ####
    ''##    from ROM source - all credit to original author                         ####
    ''##    SD_Jump_Table - HUBEXEC code jmp table...                               ####
        _Start_SDcard   =   $FC560      ''  jumps to serial                      
        _Run_SDfile     =   $FC578      ''  run file                                      
        _Load_SDfile    =   $FC590      ''  load file
    ''+         SD: Initialise/Locate/Load/Run a file from SD                           +
    ''+ On Entry:                                                                       +
    ''+     fname[3]:  filename[11]     8+3 without "."     (will be $0 terminated)     +
    ''+ Call Format:                                                                    +
    ''+                 CALL    #_Run_SDfile                                            +
    ''+ On Return:                                                                      +
    ''+                 "NZ" if error, else does not return                             +
    ''+                                                                                 +
        _SDcard_Init    =   $FC5A4      ''  SD Card Initialisation      
    ''+         SD Card Initialisation                                                  +
    ''+ On Entry:                                                                       +
    ''+ Call Format:                                                                    +
    ''+                 CALL    #_SDcard_Init                                           +
    ''+ On Return:                                                                      +
    ''+      hub $0             = CSD[16] + CID[16]       csd/cid data                  +
    ''+      Returns  "Z" if ok, "NZ" if error                                          +
    ''+      '' move source instruction to change hub buffer alts?                      +
        _recvlong       =   $fca30      ''  call here to Recv a Long (+send 1's)          
        _sendlong       =   $fca34      ''  call here to Send a Long (long=32bits)        
        _recvbyte       =   $fca3c      ''  call here to Recv a Byte (+send 1's)          
        _sendbyte       =   $fca40      ''  call here to Send a Byte (msbit first)        
    ''+      SD SPI Send/Recv Routines... (write/read byte/long simultaneously)         +
    ''+              /CS=0 & CLK=0 on both entry and exit                               +
    ''+ On Entry:                                                                       +
    ''+             dataout     =   data to send                                        +
    ''+ Call Format:                                                                    +
    ''+                 CALL    #_recvlong                     '                        +
    ''+                 CALL    #_sendlong                     '                        +
    ''+                 CALL    #_recvbyte                     '                        +
    ''+                 CALL    #_sendbyte                     '                        +
    ''+ On Return:                                                                      +
    ''+             reply       =   data read                                           +
    ''                                                                                  +
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2019-08-12 06:22
    I like calling the monitor routines from any code that I’m debugging. It’s great to just print a variable(s) along the way, or list a block of variables, or a buffer. It’s just a couple of calls.
    Note that the variables lmm_x and lmm_f are returned unchanged by the calls, so if you want to print a line of “-“ just load lmm_x and then repeat call @_hubTx “n” times, and then call @_hubTxCR.

    See my usage examples for how to load lmm_f.
    eg mov lmm_f,#_hex_+_rev_+_space_+6
    to set hex mode, reverse bytes, print in pairs, and 6 bytes for the long in lmm_x

    BTW the lmm_ prefix backdates from when I wrote a monitor for the original P2 using lmm mode which was how we wrote code to run from hub before hubexec.
  • Here the thread about combining TAQOZ and fastspin

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