$3 Water Flow Sensor

in Accessories
I have NO idea what I'll do with this, but ordered one anyway. Maybe someone else can use this jewel. A hall-effect sensor water turbine for under $3. Cool. erco's first purchase of 2018.
More info at https://www.gearbest.com/sensors/pp_009181886235.html
More info at https://www.gearbest.com/sensors/pp_009181886235.html

Get used to writing 2019 in the checkbook!
This flow meter enable you to optimize the smoothed power of the entire system, and not just the instantaneous electrical motor power.
When you are using PWM control, it is tricky to measure the instantaneous motor voltage and current.
Neat idea! Or keep tabs on how much water the kids are using during their shower. Use too much, and it cuts off.
I just put a thermistor on the tub's hot water copper supply line and "piped" that resistance into a voltage divider and lm339 comparator (with hysteresis resistor) to a fan relay. Instant on, plus it's adjustable to stay on a while after the water flow stops and the pipe cools down.
Nice new avatar.
'Love the flip ambigram. Did you design it?
I'm an "Angels & Demons" fan... ambigrams aplenty in that movie.
HNY 2019 PhiPi! You remain my forum hero!
Love the logo erco!