Basic Stamp Nuts and Volts Columns

in BASIC Stamp
Didn't know there were eight volumes of them.
Had downloaded 1 and 2. Figured that was it.
Somebody said Johnny Mac wrote some of the columns.
Are Jon Williams and Johnny Mac the same person?
Will download other six and remember where they are.
In first column. Basic Stamp is Basic Stamp 1.
I hardly use mine because it looks like you can not pay attention and squash over that SIPP.
"And let me tell you!"HAPPY FACE(Happy faces in menu are a little anemic)
I keep the one Basic Stamp 1 SIPP nice and unused. For my future Basic Stamp museum.HAPPY FACE
It's part of a Basic Stamp Starter Kit. Probably bought one of the last ones from Parallax.
For experimenting. I use the Stamp 1 Project Board. Has a Basic Stamp 1 DIPP on it.
That is a MANLY MAN Stamp !.HAPPY FACE
Happy holidays!
Yes, I used to be called Jon Williams. I am a member of the Screen Actors Guild (see and they suggested I change my name to prevent confusion with the composer, John Williams
Thank you Tom and JonnyMac
I will copy and paste the eight 'Table of Contents' for each volume into one .PDF
Writing those articles is quite a contribution to Basic Stamp community.
Happy holidays!
Want to get to the bottom of the App Notes too.
What are they exactly?
Here are all eight in another notepad file.
Couple SX articles in there. Probably SX/B language.
BS1, BS2 and a couple articles about BS2p24 and BS2p40.
Column #23
Scott Edwards on DC motor control.
Are the limits on micro control of motors up to 24 volts and a set amount of amperage?
Happy holidays!
Just a loose question here.
Have 16x2 LCD in serial and parallel interface.
Would like to get 4x20 ones also.
Is that a good idea?
Happy holidays!
It all depends ... There are motor controllers that can handle voltages
into the hundreds of volts and currents into the tens of amps, some
handling DC and some handling AC. At what point do we leave the
realm of hobby and enter that of commercial/industrial? Mains voltage
can be up to 240V or so. Motors commonly encountered for home/hobby
use might be up to 1 HP which comes out to around 6A at 120v. What do
you want to do with a motor controller? How much are you willing to pay
for one? Those are the sorts of questions involved.
"Is that a good idea?"
Similarly ... There's no right or wrong answer. It all depends on what you
want to do with the display, what you want to show, how much you want to
spend, how much space you have for it
Thanks Mike
" At what point do we leave the
realm of hobby and enter that of commercial/industrial?"
Going a little bit by this and a little by experience. It's from article.
"MOTORS FASCINATE Stamp users. They seem to be looking for a mythical universal
motor-controller that interfaces to Stamps, controls any motor from 0.1 to 100 amps at 1
to 50 volts, is 100% efficient, and costs less than $5"
I am sensing a good place to draw the line is 24 volts and 3 amps.
Will that be good rule of thumb for awhile?
Thank Mike
'Fractional horsepower'.
Here's another example of a 'as a general rule'.
Fractional are for hobby and 1 hp and above you are getting into industrial.
I figured out to look at Craftsman bench top power tools. Radial saw, band saw etc.
Let me check that out. I would say they are non hobby. They are AC too.
You have to decide or it gets way to messy.
Right now it looks like the lower fractional horsepower and DC.
Parallax picked out this rating to carry.
Thus. This is a good general guide to what is considered 'Hobby' DC motor range.
It can handle 5-30vdc and 2 amp max continuous motor current and 3.5 vdc max peak motor currrent.
That doesn't sound right. That is only 6 watts, about the same power draw as the Standard sized HiTech servos we used in FRC.
Perhaps the "/" was accidental, 12A is closer to what I would expect.
We picked up two Motor Mind B DC motor controller boards.They were carried by Parallax in the Stamp 2/SX era.
They are controlled by sending it commands by serial communication.
That picture is so darn big you can read the micro. It's a PIC16F628A.
Here' a picture of one and the datasheet.
There is a lesson for it somewhere in Parallax manuals.
Anybody have any experience with this controller and can explain how it works exactly?
I need to pick one out and connect it to a testbed and see hands on how powerful they are.
Going to use the Parallax Motor Mind B controller.
What is a good one to start with?