This is one way to figure the gyro angle for the LSM9DS1. Maybe not the best way, but it could be a place to start.
while(1){ //Repeat forever loop.
loop_start = CNT; //Preloads system counter value to keep track of loop time.
gyroAngX = gyroAngX + ((gX * 8.75 * .01)/ 1000);
waitcnt(loop_start + ((CLKFREQ / 100) - 144)); //Keeps track of while loop guaranteeing dt. 100hz
gyroAngX = the current angle of rotation
gX = most recent value read from the gyro.
8.75 = millidegrees of rotation per second when LSM9DS1 is set for 245 degrees per second. Edited 4/22/18
.01 = dT of the loop 100Hz or 1/100 = .01
1000 = converts from millidegrees to degrees.
So this is not all the code, but it is the core of the math for determining rotation with one axis of the gyro. I have 1 cog dedicated to reading the LSM9DS1, 1 cog for math and 1 cog for my main loop. To start out I would recommend doing it all in 1 cog untill you get the angles reading correctly. Slow the loop down to 50Hz or whatever it takes to get a constant loop time in 1 cog.
ok can you guys help me work this one... I'm just not getting it, everything I have tried has failed and at the moment my 'cup us full'.
LSM9DS1 Datasheet:
Angular rate FS = ±500 dps
Typical = 17.50
Unit = mdps/LSB
From the LSM9DS1 obj, I can get output in either RAW or DPS.
The DPS output in that obj is calculated like this: ((GyroRaw * (DecimalPrecision * 10)) / (32768 / GyroSensitivity)) //DecimalPrecision=3 , GyroSensitivity=500
In my program, I can find the amount of time passed per loop with this:
Time1 := cnt 'Record end of cycle
'Determine if timers are pos or neg and perform math (cnt value ranges from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
if Time1 => 0 and Time2 => 0 'If start time and end time pos
Time3 := Time1 - Time2
elseif Time1 > 0 and Time2 < 0 'If start time pos and end time neg
Time1 -= 2147483647
Time2 := ((-2147483648 - Time2) * -1)
Time3 := Time1 + Time2
elseif Time1 =< 0 and Time2 =< 0 'If start and end time neg
Time3 := ((Time2 - Time1) * -1)
Time2 := cnt 'Record start of cycle
Time4 := ff.FDiv(Time3, 80000000) 'Find how much time has passed
long[TimerG] := Time4 'Send to PST Display
Typical results for Time4 = 0.001185
But so far I cannot get a usable roll or pitch by dividing or multiplying Time4 with either the RAW or DPS gyro output
The accelerometer output range is +180deg to -180deg... I'm trying to get the gyro to match on its own so I can start working on the complimentary filter
I always try to keep things as simple as possible. To start, I would eliminate everything except what is needed to calculate and display the gyro angle for one axis . Once you have a working piece of code, it can be built upon.
Its been years since I have written anything in spin, but I can read it ok. I am not sure if the imu obj you are using, calculates dt when it is figuring dps, so I would just try reading the raw data out and performing the math on it.
I would fix the frequency or speed of the repeat loop you are using for your imu call and calculations. This may not be the best way to do it, but I think it simplifies the math. It will also help with PID loops when you get to them. If the PID loop frequency is constant, dT does not need to be figured into the PID equation.
Are your raw gyro values close to zero while the imu is sitting still? I would display the raw gyro values in the terminal until you get the angles working.
I would try something like this to start with for your Balance function. I didn't compile the code, but this is the gist of what I would try first.
PUB Balance(ARoll, APitch, GRoll, Gpitch, TimerG) | loop_time
imu.Start (SCL_PIN, SDIO_PIN, CS_AG_PIN, CS_M_PIN, INT_AG_PIN, INT_M_PIN) ' Launch LS9 Driver into new cog (launched through imu OBJ)
waitcnt((clkfreq / 1) + cnt) 'Pause 1 Second allow IMU to startup
imu.SetAccelScale(AccelSens) ' Set Accel Scale sensitivity
imu.SetGyroScale(GyroSens) ' Set Gyro Scale sensitivity
loop_time := cnt
'Gyro Calculations
imu.readGyro (@gx, @gy, @gz)
gx -= gxa 'Subtract from calibration offset avgs
'GRTrack = GRTrack + ((gx * 17.5 * .02) / 1000) Equation needed.
'ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5) Organizing the equation.
'ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02) Organizing the equation.
'ff.FDiv(ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02),1000.0) Organizing the equation.
GRTrack := ff.FAdd(GRTrack,ff.FDiv(ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02),1000.0))
long[GRoll] := GRTrack
waitcnt(loop_time+ (CLKFREQ / 50)) 'Maintain desired loop time. 50 would be 20mS or 50Hz, 100 would be 10mS or 100Hz
loop_time := cnt
ok this is very very close... (change to my code before i saw your post)
long[GRoll] := GRTrack := ff.fadd(GRTrack,ff.fdiv((ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 0.001)), 17.5))
with quick copy/paste.... results at rest are:
I dont believe raw output is in milli g's, but could be wrong
And just to clarify, i made sure this is using raw output, not calculated
by modifying your code from
GRTrack := ff.FAdd(GRTrack,ff.FDiv(ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02),1000))
GRTrack := ff.fadd(GRTrack, ff.fmul(ff.fdiv(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02))
I get an output that is about 3x what it should be... so instead of 90deg i get 270deg... and it drifts by about 0.1dps
Its going to drift, that is just one of the properties of the gyro. And that is also why the accelerometer data is fused with the gyro data. I will try and fire up my board with some spin and see if I can get an example going. Probably have to wait until this weekend though, too much stuff going on.
thanks i appreciate it... this has been way way more difficult than expected
I dont understand why this isnt something that has not already been solved... anyone wanting to implement an imu with their propeller would have to go through the same, ya?
seems to me this is work on something that should already be an OBEX
Its been done before, I have done it before, but I lost the code. The last time I did it, it was with a different imu chip. I think if you search hard enough you can find some info, but its hard to sift through.
Yeah, I was pretty sure from posts in other threads you probably have drivers written. My goal is to use C but I also wanted to do one in spin to compare read speeds of the LSM9DS1. So I will try to help as much as I can.
I know there is other forum members that have worked on this also. It can be hard sometimes to adapt other peoples code to your own too.
Jason Dorie did a ton of work on this type of project, not really sure what ever happened to him.
by modifying your code from
GRTrack := ff.FAdd(GRTrack,ff.FDiv(ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02),1000))
GRTrack := ff.fadd(GRTrack, ff.fmul(ff.fdiv(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02))
I get an output that is about 3x what it should be... so instead of 90deg i get 270deg... and it drifts by about 0.1dps
I think the problem may have been the 1000, since it's a floating point number, it needed to be 1000.0. The decimal place is important.
Well...... like I said my Spin skills stink! Anyways, I was able to put together a demo for displaying the angle from 1 axis of the LSM9DS gyro. It is all done in 1 cog running at 50Hz. I am rusty and could not get the values to display from a second cog. For a demo I think it runs really well. I can't believe how fast the imu obj reads the chip. It screams.........
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
'LSM9DS1 Sensitivity Settings
GyroSens = 500 '500deg/sec max rotation limit
'LSM9DS1 Pin Connections
CS_M_PIN = 4
ser : "com.serial.terminal" 'PST
imu : "sensor.imu.tri.lsm9ds1" 'LSM9DS1 Gyro Driver
fp : "floatstring" 'Displays floating-point numbers in PST
ff : "fme" 'Floating-point math
long PitchAng, loop_time, gx, gy, gz, samples, gxa, gya, gza
PUB Main
ser.Start (115_200) ' Start Serial Terminal
imu.Start (SCL_PIN, SDIO_PIN, CS_AG_PIN, CS_M_PIN, INT_AG_PIN, INT_M_PIN) ' Launch LS9 Driver into new cog (launched through imu OBJ)
imu.SetGyroScale(GyroSens) ' Set Gyro Scale sensitivity
samples := 5000 'How many data samples to create avg from for offset
gxa:=gya:=gza:= 0 'Reset values
'Accumulate Gyro data to create offset avg
repeat samples
imu.readGyro (@gx, @gy, @gz)
gxa += gx
gya += gy
gza += gz
gxa := gxa / samples
gya := gya / samples
gza := gza / samples
loop_time := cnt
imu.readGyro (@gx, @gy, @gz)
gx := gx - gxa
gy := gy - gya
gz := gz - gza
PitchAng := ff.FAdd(PitchAng,ff.fDiv(ff.fmul(ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx),17.5),0.02),1000.0)) '0.02 is the dT of the loop, must be changed if waitcnt is changed.
ser.str (fp.floattostring(PitchAng))
waitcnt(loop_time+ (CLKFREQ / 50)) 'Maintain desired loop time. 50 would be 20mS or 50Hz, 100 would be 10mS or 100Hz
loop_time := cnt
The gyro offset sample total can be changed, I set it at 5000 samples which might be a little ridiculous, it takes about 5 or 6 seconds to finish.
just to see what happened... I upped the accel from 8g to 16g, and the gyro from 500dps to 2000dps
Accel output conversion is just fine at both sensitivity settings.
so to adjust gyro conversion for that change, it should be as simple as changing 17.5 to 70.0 as illustrated in the datasheet.
but the results are not panning out... theoretically i should get the exact same results as it was with 500dps / 17.5... but instead it throws way off
when I divided the 2000dps output by 17.5, i get the same results as 500dps.
I polled the registers to make sure sensitivity was correct for each setting
I'm just not seeing any logical path to follow and now I'm not sure what approach to take next
btw I also have on hand an MPU6050 and MPU9150... if you have working code I can implement to avoid this rediculousness
is there a way to use C code as an obj?
ok so after sitn and thinking for a bit... I think that 17.5dps is being used wrong in the calc.
seems to me raw output, from 0 to max, would have to be divided by 180 to find the range per degree... then the current value be divided by the RangePerDeg value, divided by 17.5, divided by time passed
whadya think?
now im thinking... the raw gyro output is from the last read to the current read, correct? *could someone verify this plz*
however if the gyro runs samples at its own frequency, that is probably what im missing in the calc
assuming raw gyro output is measured between read requests... any reading that comes out, should i figure out what that value would be if it were constant for 1sec, then divide by 17.5, then divide by actual time passed, then divide that by (32768/180)?
This is why I don't like this sensor. At level 0 the unit will measure +/- 245 degree per second or 8.75 millidegrees per second. That would be .00875 degrees per second. So 245/.00875 = 28000 would be full scale value not 32767.
Hmmm, I am not sure what to tell you, it worked just fine on my activity bot with the parallax LSM9DS1 breakout board.
I will have to think about it.
This is the proper equation for figuring pitch when the gyro is set for 500dps and the read loop is 50hz.
Pitch = Pitch + ((gx * 17.5 * .02) / 1000)
17.5 is the multiplier given by the chip manufacture for 500 degrees per second of rotation. When multiplied by the raw value from the gyro it tells you how fast the gyro was rotating when the sample was read. If the gyro was read only once a second and the rotation was constant, in theory this would be the only multiplier needed in the equation. Which would be in millidegrees per second.
And this would be your equation
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5) 'output is in mdps
Since rotation is never at a constant speed, we need to read the gyro faster than once a second. The faster we read the gyro, the more accurate our calculated angle will be, because we really don't know how fast it is rotating between readings. Its an assumption that the gyro is rotating at the same rate between readings, but it probably isn't. So now that we are reading the gyro faster than once a second we need to take this into account.
1 sample or reading a second and the equation would look like this.
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * 1) 'output is still in mdps
50 samples a second or 50Hz and the equation would look like this.
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * .02) 'output is still in mdps
Dividing by 1000 changes the value from mdps to dps. If you wanted your pitch to be in mdps you could leave the divide by 1000 off.
If you want it in degrees, you end up with this equation.
DegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * .02) / 1000) 'output is now in dps.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but this is how I look at it.
Im burnt out for today, spent several frustrating hours on this with no progress.
if you'd like i can post a screenshot... running your code with no changes, never has a value above 10, and it always has a different result for any given angle
are you using a provided obex to poll data from the LSM9 imu? or are you doing that directly with your own code?
as you may have already noticed, i'm working with someone else's code provided by obex. unfortunately I cannot verify if the problem happening here, may be an error with the gyro handling.
so the gyro output is more thought of as 'pressure'?
measuring at any given point does not show a change over time, but rather the amount of force it is experiencing at that moment?
is this correct?
gyroAngX = the current angle of rotation
gX = most recent value read from the gyro.
8.75 = millidegrees of rotation per second when LSM9DS1 is set for 245 degrees per second. Edited 4/22/18
.01 = dT of the loop 100Hz or 1/100 = .01
1000 = converts from millidegrees to degrees.
So this is not all the code, but it is the core of the math for determining rotation with one axis of the gyro. I have 1 cog dedicated to reading the LSM9DS1, 1 cog for math and 1 cog for my main loop. To start out I would recommend doing it all in 1 cog untill you get the angles reading correctly. Slow the loop down to 50Hz or whatever it takes to get a constant loop time in 1 cog.
LSM9DS1 Datasheet:
Angular rate FS = ±500 dps
Typical = 17.50
Unit = mdps/LSB
From the LSM9DS1 obj, I can get output in either RAW or DPS.
The DPS output in that obj is calculated like this: ((GyroRaw * (DecimalPrecision * 10)) / (32768 / GyroSensitivity)) //DecimalPrecision=3 , GyroSensitivity=500
In my program, I can find the amount of time passed per loop with this:
Typical results for Time4 = 0.001185
But so far I cannot get a usable roll or pitch by dividing or multiplying Time4 with either the RAW or DPS gyro output
At the bottom of 'PUB Balance'
Sensor rates are on pg.12
I always try to keep things as simple as possible. To start, I would eliminate everything except what is needed to calculate and display the gyro angle for one axis . Once you have a working piece of code, it can be built upon.
Its been years since I have written anything in spin, but I can read it ok. I am not sure if the imu obj you are using, calculates dt when it is figuring dps, so I would just try reading the raw data out and performing the math on it.
I would fix the frequency or speed of the repeat loop you are using for your imu call and calculations. This may not be the best way to do it, but I think it simplifies the math. It will also help with PID loops when you get to them. If the PID loop frequency is constant, dT does not need to be figured into the PID equation.
Are your raw gyro values close to zero while the imu is sitting still? I would display the raw gyro values in the terminal until you get the angles working.
I would try something like this to start with for your Balance function. I didn't compile the code, but this is the gist of what I would try first.
Code edited on 4-23-19
long[GRoll] := GRTrack := ff.fadd(GRTrack,ff.fdiv((ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 0.001)), 17.5))
I dont believe raw output is in milli g's, but could be wrong
And just to clarify, i made sure this is using raw output, not calculated
GRTrack := ff.FAdd(GRTrack,ff.FDiv(ff.fmul( ff.fmul(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02),1000))
GRTrack := ff.fadd(GRTrack, ff.fmul(ff.fdiv(ff.ffloat(gx), 17.5),0.02))
I get an output that is about 3x what it should be... so instead of 90deg i get 270deg... and it drifts by about 0.1dps
I dont understand why this isnt something that has not already been solved... anyone wanting to implement an imu with their propeller would have to go through the same, ya?
seems to me this is work on something that should already be an OBEX
The problem is that they are all done in C and not SPIN. Porting code from other platforms are always in C code.
Yeah, I was pretty sure from posts in other threads you probably have drivers written. My goal is to use C but I also wanted to do one in spin to compare read speeds of the LSM9DS1. So I will try to help as much as I can.
I know there is other forum members that have worked on this also. It can be hard sometimes to adapt other peoples code to your own too.
Jason Dorie did a ton of work on this type of project, not really sure what ever happened to him.
I think the problem may have been the 1000, since it's a floating point number, it needed to be 1000.0. The decimal place is important.
Well...... like I said my Spin skills stink! Anyways, I was able to put together a demo for displaying the angle from 1 axis of the LSM9DS gyro. It is all done in 1 cog running at 50Hz. I am rusty and could not get the values to display from a second cog. For a demo I think it runs really well. I can't believe how fast the imu obj reads the chip. It screams.........
The gyro offset sample total can be changed, I set it at 5000 samples which might be a little ridiculous, it takes about 5 or 6 seconds to finish.
Attached is the zip file with all the files.
Results all over the place with no repeatable results even with slow movement
Accel output conversion is just fine at both sensitivity settings.
so to adjust gyro conversion for that change, it should be as simple as changing 17.5 to 70.0 as illustrated in the datasheet.
but the results are not panning out... theoretically i should get the exact same results as it was with 500dps / 17.5... but instead it throws way off
when I divided the 2000dps output by 17.5, i get the same results as 500dps.
I polled the registers to make sure sensitivity was correct for each setting
I'm just not seeing any logical path to follow and now I'm not sure what approach to take next
is there a way to use C code as an obj?
seems to me raw output, from 0 to max, would have to be divided by 180 to find the range per degree... then the current value be divided by the RangePerDeg value, divided by 17.5, divided by time passed
whadya think?
is it as simple as scale setting * dps? 500 x 17.5 = 8750
the imu scales it by 32768/500
now im thinking... the raw gyro output is from the last read to the current read, correct? *could someone verify this plz*
however if the gyro runs samples at its own frequency, that is probably what im missing in the calc
assuming raw gyro output is measured between read requests... any reading that comes out, should i figure out what that value would be if it were constant for 1sec, then divide by 17.5, then divide by actual time passed, then divide that by (32768/180)?
at 90deg rotation, the output shows roughly 4.3
when i return it to rest (should be 0deg)... the output shows 6.9
So each degree is about 114 units.
I will have to think about it.
This is the proper equation for figuring pitch when the gyro is set for 500dps and the read loop is 50hz.
Pitch = Pitch + ((gx * 17.5 * .02) / 1000)
17.5 is the multiplier given by the chip manufacture for 500 degrees per second of rotation. When multiplied by the raw value from the gyro it tells you how fast the gyro was rotating when the sample was read. If the gyro was read only once a second and the rotation was constant, in theory this would be the only multiplier needed in the equation. Which would be in millidegrees per second.
And this would be your equation
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5) 'output is in mdps
Since rotation is never at a constant speed, we need to read the gyro faster than once a second. The faster we read the gyro, the more accurate our calculated angle will be, because we really don't know how fast it is rotating between readings. Its an assumption that the gyro is rotating at the same rate between readings, but it probably isn't. So now that we are reading the gyro faster than once a second we need to take this into account.
1 sample or reading a second and the equation would look like this.
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * 1) 'output is still in mdps
50 samples a second or 50Hz and the equation would look like this.
MilliDegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * .02) 'output is still in mdps
Dividing by 1000 changes the value from mdps to dps. If you wanted your pitch to be in mdps you could leave the divide by 1000 off.
If you want it in degrees, you end up with this equation.
DegreesRotated = ((gx * 17.5 * .02) / 1000) 'output is now in dps.
Someone correct me if I am wrong but this is how I look at it.
if you'd like i can post a screenshot... running your code with no changes, never has a value above 10, and it always has a different result for any given angle
are you using a provided obex to poll data from the LSM9 imu? or are you doing that directly with your own code?
as you may have already noticed, i'm working with someone else's code provided by obex. unfortunately I cannot verify if the problem happening here, may be an error with the gyro handling.
so the gyro output is more thought of as 'pressure'?
measuring at any given point does not show a change over time, but rather the amount of force it is experiencing at that moment?
is this correct?
This is why I starting using 32768 to experiment with.... directly from the LSM9DS1 obex