Traffic Light System With Pedestrian Crossing
Hi Everyone,
I am new to the world of PBASIC but am grateful for the principles I am learning.
I am working on a similar project to and have reviewed the suggestions there already. My traffic lights are working and the pushbuttons are as well.
The additional condition for me is that while a pedestrian is crossing in one direction, the traffic sequence in the other direction must continue. This seems like trying to approximate parallel running whereas PBASIC seems to be procedural. Right now if a pedestrian is crossing in one lane(say E-W) , the other lane(N-S) finishes its current sequence and then its red lights remain on till the pedestrian in lane E-W finishes crossing. I need a way for the N-S even after finishing its current sequence to start all over again independent of the pedestrian crossing in E-W which is going on nonetheless.
I would appreciate any help I could get. My current code is below.
I am new to the world of PBASIC but am grateful for the principles I am learning.
I am working on a similar project to and have reviewed the suggestions there already. My traffic lights are working and the pushbuttons are as well.
The additional condition for me is that while a pedestrian is crossing in one direction, the traffic sequence in the other direction must continue. This seems like trying to approximate parallel running whereas PBASIC seems to be procedural. Right now if a pedestrian is crossing in one lane(say E-W) , the other lane(N-S) finishes its current sequence and then its red lights remain on till the pedestrian in lane E-W finishes crossing. I need a way for the N-S even after finishing its current sequence to start all over again independent of the pedestrian crossing in E-W which is going on nonetheless.
I would appreciate any help I could get. My current code is below.
pedButtonEW VAR Word 'Button to press for pedestrian crossing pedButtonNS VAR Word 'Button to press for pedestrian crossing waitew VAR Byte 'variable to ensure crossing waits until the lane is red before beginning waitns VAR Byte 'variable to ensure crossing waits until the lane is red before beginning flash VAR Word 'variable for flashing LED at the later part of pedestrian crossing rest VAR Word ' variable to simulate pause using for loops testew VAR Word 'variable to ensure cycle runs twice between consecutive pedestrian crossings testns VAR Word 'variable to ensure cycle runs twice between consecutive pedestrian crossings newew VAR Byte newns VAR Byte testew = 2 testns = 2 waitew = 0 waitns = 0 DO GOSUB begin GOSUB eastwestleft IF pedButtonEW = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingew ELSEIF pedButtonNS = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingns ENDIF GOSUB northsouth IF pedButtonEW = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingew ELSEIF pedButtonNS = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingns ENDIF LOOP begin: 'Beginning of Overall Sequence. All lights red. GOSUB check LOW 14 HIGH 15 HIGH 12 HIGH 11 HIGH 6 FOR rest = 1 TO 200 GOSUB check PAUSE 10 NEXT IF pedButtonEW = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingew ELSEIF pedButtonNS = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingns ENDIF LOW 12 LOW 11 RETURN eastwestleft: 'Sequence for East-West-Left Turn lane waitew = 1 newew = 1 GOSUB check GOSUB ns LOW 12 LOW 11 LOW 13 LOW 5 LOW 10 LOW 4 HIGH 6 HIGH 8 HIGH 7 FOR rest = 1 TO 100 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT 'Left arrow goes To amber ANd THEn red LOW 7 HIGH 10 FOR rest = 1 TO 200 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT LOW 10 HIGH 11 FOR rest = 1 TO 200 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT 'After 2-3 seconds (TO clear the intersection), the W-E light will go green LOW 6 HIGH 4 FOR rest = 1 TO 500 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT 'After a WHILE, the W-E and E-W lights will go TO amber and THEN red together LOW 4 LOW 8 HIGH 5 FOR rest = 1 TO 100 'PAUSE 1000 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT LOW 5 LOW 10 HIGH 6 HIGH 12 FOR rest = 1 TO 250 GOSUB check GOSUB ns PAUSE 10 NEXT waitew = 0 testew = testew + 1 newew = 0 RETURN northsouth: 'Sequence for North-South Turn lane waitns = 1 newns = 1 LOW 4 LOW 7 LOW 8 LOW 14 LOW 15 HIGH 13 HIGH 12 HIGH 6 HIGH 11 FOR rest = 1 TO 500 'Pause 5 seconds GOSUB check GOSUB ew PAUSE 10 NEXT 'After a WHILE, the N-S and S-N lights will go TO amber and THEN red together LOW 13 HIGH 14 FOR rest = 1 TO 100 GOSUB check GOSUB ew PAUSE 10 NEXT LOW 14 HIGH 15 GOSUB check GOSUB ew waitns = 0 testns = testns + 1 newns = 0 RETURN check: 'subroutine to check if pushbutton is pressed IF (IN9 = 1) AND (pedButtonEW = 0)THEN pedButtonEW = 1 ELSE 'For Debug testing ENDIF IF (IN0 = 1) AND (pedButtonNS = 0) THEN pedButtonNS = 1 ELSE 'for Debug testing ENDIF RETURN crossingew: 'subroutine to allow pedestrian to cross the East-West lane IF waitew = 0 AND testew >= 2 THEN HIGH 3 LOW 2 LOW 15 LOW 10 LOW 5 pedButtonEW = 0 GOSUB northsouth PAUSE 14000 FOR flash = 1 TO 20 HIGH 3 LOW 2 PAUSE 248 LOW 3 LOW 2 PAUSE 248 NEXT LOW 3 HIGH 2 testew = 0 ELSEIF waitew = 0 AND testew < 2 THEN pedButtonEW = 0 ELSE ENDIF RETURN crossingns: 'subroutine to allow pedestrian to cross the North-South lane IF waitns = 0 AND testns >= 2 THEN HIGH 1 LOW 14 LOW 13 pedButtonNS = 0 GOSUB eastwestleft PAUSE 5500 FOR flash = 1 TO 20 HIGH 1 PAUSE 249 LOW 1 PAUSE 249 NEXT testns = 0 ELSEIF waitns = 0 AND testns < 2 THEN pedButtonNS = 0 ELSE ENDIF RETURN ew: ' call pedestrian crossing subroutine IF pedButtonEW = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingew ENDIF RETURN ns: 'call pedestrian crossing subroutine IF pedButtonNS = 1 THEN GOSUB crossingns ENDIF RETURN
It also helps if you group I/O pins with one set of pushbuttons and LEDs in the first set of I/O pins (0-7) and the other set of pushbuttons and LEDs in the second set of I/O pins (8-15). This way you can have another variable, say "iobank" that's set to 0 before the 1st "on ... gosub" and set to 8 before the 2nd "on ... gosub". Your I/O statements can add "iobank" to the I/O pin number like: "if INS.bit(button+iobank) = 1 then"
I will do my best to make the investment worth it.