Hackable Badge and wrong polarity (#20100)
Posts: 6
Hi there,
not awaken this morning.. put the the battery the wrong side.. run to remove it but the badge seems dead already (at least power ON button)
He still can charge, can startup (don't ask me why, but he did once, run firmware.. fine..) but he did not answer the power ON button 99% of the time.
What did I fried? can he be saved from the recycle bin?
Thanks! ):
not awaken this morning.. put the the battery the wrong side.. run to remove it but the badge seems dead already (at least power ON button)
He still can charge, can startup (don't ask me why, but he did once, run firmware.. fine..) but he did not answer the power ON button 99% of the time.
What did I fried? can he be saved from the recycle bin?
Thanks! ):
One is marked "bP", the other VBATT
Does that power up the badge and get things working ?
yep, he "boot" but turns OFF as I release the bridge..
But funny it booted once when I tryed powering ON and worked till I powered OFF again.
Dual inverting Schmitt trigger, SOT-363
Some ideas...
Replace the blown part
Add a manual switch across the bridge wire contacts
Fix the wire bridge permanently and remove the battery when not using the device.
By the way, I've found where to "touch" to make it work using the switch.. but this is weird and must be fixed anyhow.
Thanks a lot for that quick diagnostic
Welcome to the forums!
You were lucky to get the attention of one of the designers! And he is in the same time zone as you.
VonSzarvas I did not know that important bit of trivia about you. Oh and mine says "HELLO!". I wear it during Hack A Day NYC events to see who notices it. Answer very few sadly.
And you sir(?) will find truly amazing and helpful, also talented people in here.
New chips seems to have a white point painted on the top, as chip sens matter probably (I'm newbie).. is there any way for me to detect the way/sens to place the new chip? Thanks
If the new part has some other marking, just check the datasheet for how that relates to pin1 and you'll be good.
If it's a slightly different version (part-number) or manufacturer, do make sure the pin order and functionality in both datasheets match. There's a whole range of these buffers, and there'll be subtle differences, like inverted vs non-inverted, open drain vs push-pull. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but as you mentioned the marking differences I figured better to be sure anyone in the future doesn't get stuck on these little details.
Additional tech background inputs are welcome by everyone I'm sure