BS-2 Code for DS3234 Real-time clock

in BASIC Stamp
Here is a program that monitors a DS3234 (on a breakout, from IIRC, AdaFruit). It uses a 2x16 Parallax serial LCD for display.
I solved the "how do you set the clock?" question by writing a separate program that does only that.
The RunDS3234 program handles daylight saving. The way I did it involves a bit that is set one hour each year. That amused me. The program also uses the speaker on the LCD sound a "chime" on the hour.
I solved the "how do you set the clock?" question by writing a separate program that does only that.
The RunDS3234 program handles daylight saving. The way I did it involves a bit that is set one hour each year. That amused me. The program also uses the speaker on the LCD sound a "chime" on the hour.
Tom what prompted this one? Was it "I have both so I'll make the Stamp work for it." approach?
And what about wiring the little fellow to the Stamp? I presume that's enclosed in the comments for the first one?
Glad to have helped solve (a) problem.
Of course.
And if I make it work 'round November, I'll certainly remember to give credit to you Tom for the problem in question.
Oh and this one and the previous are being sponsored by the Himalayan Snow Leopard management community, they manage land for themselves and ignore the people for the Yetis.
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