Parallax: Is there a timetable for official release of the P2 for purchase yet?
Oldbitcollector (Jeff)
Posts: 8,091
in Propeller 2
The title of the message pretty much says it all.
In volume, but if you want to get started, that can happen very soon. We have chips coming back in a few weeks that have a few minor issues, and then we hope to have new prototypes by April.
It's big and flexible. We will have a rendering of it up in a few days.
No. It won't be dirt cheap, though. It's got a lot of expensive headers. And these initial prototype chips are costing us $33 each.
So is a pizza, is it a pizza with a P2 chip in the middle?
One slice of pepperoni and lots of olives.
Oh no! I can't stand olives! Can I get it with pepperoni and bacon instead ;-)
Just stand by. Things are coming together.