Thoughts on the Parallax WX ESP8266 Module
Posts: 1,499
I think this unit should have been designed with the ESP-WROOM 32D module instead of the ESP-WROOM 02.
The cost difference between the units is only about $1. and would have given that back in function.
Currently there is only the RN42 Bluetooth module that is out dated and lacks BLE. With the WROOM 32 that unit could have been replaced.
With the addition of Bluetooth we could connect to those speaker units and smart watches and used BLE for near communications.
While additional code would need to be developed to make that work I think there is a lot of potential here for no cost.
Even on the Badge WX instead of using IR we could have used BLE to send customer information or played music through a Bluetooth speaker.
The cost difference between the units is only about $1. and would have given that back in function.
Currently there is only the RN42 Bluetooth module that is out dated and lacks BLE. With the WROOM 32 that unit could have been replaced.
With the addition of Bluetooth we could connect to those speaker units and smart watches and used BLE for near communications.
While additional code would need to be developed to make that work I think there is a lot of potential here for no cost.
Even on the Badge WX instead of using IR we could have used BLE to send customer information or played music through a Bluetooth speaker.
And for sure, the price difference was much more when BadgeWX was conceived.
I'm actually amazed it could only be $1 difference now; although I've not looked for a long time.
What it seems like, is that you'd like Parallax to develop a Bluetooth module ??
That's not a bad idea, and I have to agree it could be a handy module. I'll pass the suggestion on to sales.
As for your comment: "While additional code would need to be developed to make that work I think there is a lot of potential here for no cost."
Does that mean, you'd offer to develop the code for no-cost if Parallax produced the hardware ? Or you know someone that would ?
If so, that might make some sort of community effort product more viable, based around the ESP-WROOM-32. The source for the Parallax WX module is OpenSource and on GitHub after-all.
There would be just some new code added to enable the Bluetooth functions so they could be used. Not to hard to due.
The ESP-32 has been out for over a year now.
Yeah, but I don't know if that could be "no cost" work. @"David Betz" did the firmware on the WX module, so he may have some idea of the potential cost/time/possibility of adding bluetooth code.
Exactly... This is probably the misunderstanding.
The Parallax WX module was released over 2 years ago, and development started almost a year before that! Well before ESP-32 was available.
Regardless... Bluetooth would be handy for a fair few projects.
In the misty deeps of my mind, I seem to recall there was a basic implementation on the forums somewhere, few years ago, that showed how to hook up one of the $1 USB Bluetooth adapters to the Propeller 1. Maybe that would work for what you've got in mind ? If I can remember the users name I'll post it later. It's on the tip of my tongue right now!
Edit: Got it.... search for posts on USB by @scanlime
Since the interface would not be changing it would be a drop in replacement and could be backwards compatible with the existing code.
Better tech always comes along. If everybody waited for "Best" nothing would ever be developed.
I am always fascinated by how technology on robots like the Mars Curiosity Rover shows its age by the time it in use. But again - builders, engineers have to use what is available at the time.
you can get them on e-bay for about $2.
it works great with the build your own controller. here is a sample code block that i use for many bots.
SERIN rx,84,100,mode,[bt]
CASE <= 58
bt = bt - 48
CASE <= 91
bt = bt - 55
CASE <= 123
bt = bt - 61
DEBUG " bt>",DEC bt, "<bt "
BRANCH bt, [na,forr,tr,revv,tl,rt,rtr,ltr,lt,sl,sr,fll,rf,bl,br,beep,lazer]
' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16