Bar Coder Reader

in BASIC Stamp
Hello All,
Has anyone ever (hooked up / able to read...OEM), a Bar Code with the BS2 Stamp? My initial jumping off block/thought is the line reader code with the BOE BOT Robots.
YouTube has some good basic 'how to' read a Bar Code, video's that I have checked out. (Start...Middle...End) , checksum...etc.
Can the PBASIC code handle (large Bar Code Data...120 bytes) with the right LED/Photo cell connection?
Thanks for any insight
Has anyone ever (hooked up / able to read...OEM), a Bar Code with the BS2 Stamp? My initial jumping off block/thought is the line reader code with the BOE BOT Robots.
YouTube has some good basic 'how to' read a Bar Code, video's that I have checked out. (Start...Middle...End) , checksum...etc.
Can the PBASIC code handle (large Bar Code Data...120 bytes) with the right LED/Photo cell connection?
Thanks for any insight
I would use a BS2px if you're going to start with LEDs and phototransistors since it's the fastest of the Stamps. Photocells are too slow for this sort of thing.
I wouldn't try to do anything else with the Stamp while reading the bar codes (like controlling a Boe-Bot). You would be better off using a Propeller with its speed and multiple processors.
Send me a PM. For $10, I will toss one of these in a small flat rate box to you. I can pack the empty space with a ton of other useful parts.
Mike, I do use the BS2p scanning a (OEM Magnetic Scan Reader) that works...(Reader from Sparkfun...RS232, 9600). I do use the SPSTR Command. I did check out the LINK...
WBA, I just checked the link and had already re-work my design, but I only have 2 free pins on each Bank my OEM BS2p (AUXIO/MAINIO), because I have 2 Parallel LCD Screens. How many pins did you use in your design and would be willing to provide any sample communication PBASIC Code? I would like to purchase 2 of them please.
I will PM later.......have to work on the new slightly wrecked car now, wanted to get this out.. :swear: :swear: :swear: